Chapter XXII: I Don't Mind You Hanging Out

There was also a pacifier with a t-rex on it. lily, however, had bought him something different than the rest: canine-safe chocolate.

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A Bard's Tale - Chapter Two.

"two centuries ago the king of aldri got tired of the lynx not accepting his rule, and sent an army to 'pacify' them, they would not let him chop down the trees to build war machines for the conquering of the northern towns and attacked any soldiers

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A Journey Begun - Chapter 12 - Catch Him With His Pants Down

We'd bundle ivan into the car, pacify him with force if we needed to, then we'd cart him off back to moscow and into the waiting hands of interpol. problem solved, victor would be free, and we'd be on our way back home.

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But was the urge brought on by the snack, or was the movement just as satisfying, pacifying? it was like sex to feel myself get up and move, as if there were two men underneath my golden palanquin, sweeping me along the hallway to the kitchen.

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Nightfall - 9. Securing Forever

Try to pacify the other captives so they don't alert the guards." he nodded and closed his glowing eyes. it was impressive.

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Sons of winter chapter 7: WhiteSpine Ravine

I wasn't a snowfang to begin with, and only did it to pacify my insane father._ truth had the tendency to liberate even the weariest of souls.

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Chapter Six

She replied, speaking through her pacifier, though i could sense her concentration was on her game.

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Aberration, Part 7 - Nym

After a long stretch, he lets out a pacified groan and continues his response. "undead doctor, bad reputation, you might envision something a little bit bloodier. i can tell you from experience, there are filthier jobs than this." "i don't doubt it.

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Tragedies Written Under a Midnight Sun - Chapter 3: Insult to Injury (A Sonic Fanfiction)

Oddly, the series of gestures is what pacified her anxiety. exhaling deeply, frostfire snuck a smile from the corner of her mouth. "so, besides music and heroism, what is it you and your siblings do?" "wasn't it obvious?

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Uskara Tales I

Not enough to harm him, but enough that it's presence pacified him. cowing him back into submission. "you don't have a say in the matter. or in anything else in fact."

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Leafblade - Chapter 7

His majesty's reply seemed to pacify valaren. "i understand. my second purpose was to introduce someone very close to me." he gestured to tarin. "this is tarin leafblade."

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Care Bears Family Adventures, The Cold Wars c1

We've held back the authorities for now but if you don't pacify them soon-" "we're on it!" love heart hung up and jumped to his feet, "all magi present, we have a emergency! move out now!"

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