The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book II Chapter 7

This glamorous excursion we just share insures a prospect to assemble priceless insight into our heritage!

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Kamen Rider 00: 00rigins - Held Allegiances

She said she had insight on what could be wrong with him (as i still had yet to learn what was going on). of course, i was interested to know, so i followed her along into her little trap. i only turned my back on her for a _second_.

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The Radiant Lion

To quote from his card, "my your birthday bring you plenty of laughs and new insights. shine on, radiant lion!" edgard is one of my special patreon patrons.

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PMD The Warrior's of Light

I'll look for an apple tree near or at the area of lake aqua"daisy said talking to herself, a few minutes past having no hope of seeing an apple tree insight on the way to lake aqua as daisy arrives there taking about half an hour searching on the way."

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"From Whom All Blessings Flow," Part D

#5 of from whom all blessings flow (ww5 #2) the investigation at the albric tor cathedral takes on a historical angle, as ancient books are consulted that give up some interesting secrets (and insights as to the legendary king irenaeus). \*\*\*\*\* (d/\

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the house of dar-sek

More so, if i had gained insight from it, did that mean that the monster, or it's birth-er dar-sek had learned from me? did it know how and where to open a portal to my earth? maybe that is why it let me go.

Duke & Alex; A Love Stained In Blood part 1

"how insightful lad. i will be sure to take heed to your words in the future." william smiled kindly. duke's attention was suddenly captured when the sound of alex giggling with friends reached his ears.

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Come Crashing Down

Clearly zack was far more insightful than he had let on. the red panda sat up and bit his lower lip, "i don't want you to worry about my problems..." zack sighed and look away for a moment.

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Through the Looking Glass: Penance: Chapter 1-B

"nonsense..." replied the older person insightfully. "i have seen many runaways come here after a loved one of theirs dies. usually, those runaways return home of their own volition after three days." cream shook her head.

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Wolf and Fox: IR + CD?! (old)

It sat upon the windowsill edge, watching ir with insightful eyes. the form of the wolf seemed to glow in the morning sunbeams that trailed into the room. ir dragged himself to say "well?"

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A Fateful Encounter

His new perspective gave new insight as to what was happening. it was in fact, several bandits attacking something: a white wolf. he watched as the group of five bandits was being mercilessly taken out one at a time by this mysterious stranger.

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