Half-wolf Pokemon adventure ch 1
The three of us screamed at the illusion fox making him flinch. "i-i mean that he might not make it. like i said he lost lots of blood and it's to late to make a blood transplant. we can only hope that he s-survives."
Transformed Struggles- 3
It must be an illusion of some sort." i stammer. "ooh! i love games like this. how do you know that what you say is real is not in fact the illusion?" the other fox speaks into my mind. "this is not a game!
R/7 Wolf that wanted to be a sheep part 1
Sentinel lets the illusion drop "how much taller?"
The Journey
What is reality and what is illusion? ... have you ever dreamed you were dreaming? ... or you were someone else in another world? ... dreams can become reality? ... what would you do if your dreams come true?
Where can Kyruku be found?
These facilities are always kept well hidden, and on all but the largest military facilities, surface access is usually well hidden, be it through the use of illusions, natural obstacles, or simply by hiding the 'top hatch' elevator access in a disguised house
huaminty is one. Poem
They see through the illusion of hate, of perfection. their faces are stained in my head, the ones shunned by society. the ones beaten down to tears and agony. i hope it not too late, i must save the rest. this is not a broken fate.
Realm of Shadows (working title)
Finally relief was in sight, off in the distance was a shadowy outline of what must be a staircase, (finally something to get me out of this nightmare) without second thought i rand towards the wall hoping that it wasn't and illusion, but the closer
Love In Negative
When i wake from the illusion, i feel like i could cry. no matter if i do or don't, part of me always dies.
You are an apparition; an illusion _but that is where you are wrong!
Green Fairy (Dangerous Spirits #1) Spoiler-Free Review
To save both niki and himself, sol will have to learn the difference between reality and illusion, and discover what love and life mean to him." -synopsis from sofawolf publishing.
The Journey of the Dark Crystal: Prologue
The obsidian colored knew crying wouldn' take the dragon's soul back, but sudden memories from her with raithorakh appeared before her like illusions from her fear power, but she didn't mind them.
Puppy Love
A very very dear friend of mine wrote this, he had to use illusions for several books, as it was an english assignment. i think it turned out quite nicely, and in some ways, very sadly... ill leave it to you people to decide.