The Grin Paws - Chapter 1: The Grin Becomes Ye

"damn guys." the wolf flipped through the cash. "now i'm kinda wishing i went with you guys, though it looks like someone hit the liquor a little hard, heh."

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Hey guys i hope you guys like my new story...i thought i should try out something new before ending the lylp series i am gonna be sad to end it but we all need a change of scenery...thank you guys and love you bunches for supporting my story's.

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S1 Ep16- Synergy Training

"w-wait g-guys keep it t-together!" in the distance the fusion falls apart but marbel had formed and used his powers to levitate the wolves back to the ground.

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Kingdom Hearts: new place, new friends part 2

Pence: well seeing that you guys are here why don't you join us ? jake: on ? olette: where going to the old mansion tsume: the old mansion?

Double Birthday Surprises ch. 1

"awesome job, you guys!" i said proudly. "yeah; now that's what i call teamwork!" edwardia agreed. "thanks; i don't know about you guys, but all that fighting's worked up an appetite." mike groaned.


the news of today is always a nightmare

Red: anyway moving on, after you guys spent days in twilight town you guys got some good training from cloud and leon tsume: yes we did red: and afterwards you guys met sora and the others, but apparently it seems that you didn't know who sora was

The Night Of Halloween

"you guys thought of joining the costume contest," a boy asked. "is there a price," sascha asked. "yeah, the winner wins 100.000 us dollars," the boy said.

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Excerpt from part 2 of Chapter 6 of Asterion Academy

You guys are so busy worrying about me without even asking if i'm ok!!! why no think about the flygon who was injured this entire time and your wasting energy screaming at the guys who did their best to protect it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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TGGD is going to continue... please read!

Hey guys and girls, this series will always continue, but! i have started a new one. please look at the new series which will be taking over now.


Mushrooms, Turtles and Pipes, Oh My! 15 - Another Mansion

"but what about the cloaked guys?!" "what cloaked guys?!" asked boona.

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