Across the rift 1-2
fitting over his entire body it took him a few seconds to strip down and wiggle into it. however the armor more than made up for any discomfort. a form fitting ballistic weave, with impact plates on the torso, thighs, and shins.
Unit 13
It shrank, fitting to the form it was assigned to. it would now stop any and all blood flowing from the targeted area, which was everything it covered.
Lonely at the Top
It fits him. that name was a bit too on-the-nose, but it really fits him. he hoped he could remember it once they came back.
My Unplanned Summer Vacation Ch 7
"you're a smart kid, that one really fits you well." "saki-chan, there you are, toshi-san told me to give you... this?" kouya came by, he looks at me with his eyes wide opened, i wonder what's the surprise of his? "he looks great, doesn't he?"
Making the Team [PTRN][RWD]
Changing into his loose-fitting gym clothes, he took out the bottle of protein shake and gave it a whiff, his nose crinkling slightly at the acrid aroma emanating from the liquid.
Chapter 9: Twist Mountain
It certainly was a fitting name and he wondered if perhaps it came from a time when clay was far younger and this excadrill was becoming stronger as a drillbur. "buster, a very fitting name.
Sanic The White Hedgehog
Bear said as he left me at the store's fitting room. i searched the store to find something nice but it had to be within my budget. i didn't want to presume that bear was going to buy it.
Be Careful What You Wish For - Chapter One -
Dressed simply in a loose fitting sit and a pair of green slacks, he went bare pawed, feeling the old leaves and decaying mulch give beneath his padded foot paws.
Werefox's Dillema- Chapter 5
The hole for the head is designed for fitting a human shaped head. my head is no longer human shaped and thus it takes quite a bit of effort to be able to get it off.
Springtide: Naming of the Pet
About five seconds ago he had been in his twenties and then suddenly, a toddler tangled up in his formerly fitting clothing. he also wasn't in the department store he had been shopping in anymore.
Adastra a Furry Visual Novel Review and Historical perspective
Also the fact that neferu applies sex and seduction to get his way very much fits within the mythos of how cleopatra acted towards julius caesar and mark anthony to secure her kingdoms survival even under roman rule.
Scales and Honor- Swirling Storm: Chapter 12
_ramakox smiled internally, mentally reminding himself to thank the man for such strong and well fitting words of praise. "i meant how did you know my _actual_name."