Sanic The White Hedgehog

Story by Furry Sith Lord on SoFurry

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#6 of Other Furs

Sanic's Story

Being a hedgehog sucks! Because I'm smaller than other species I have to constantly worry about being stepped on. At least my quills protect me, somewhat, but they do little to stop me from being squashed. The fact that my body is white colored instead of the cream color most hedgehogs are makes things difficult for me.

A trick I learned is that all species never wear any type of footwear, unless forced to. Since my quills are pointy if I curl up into a little ball while walking I'm less likely to get stepped on. As soon as their paw pads feel my quills they stop before they hurt themselves. Occasionally, I've been stepped on but not in full force when I roll up.

Species tend to confuse my species with porcupines and think that I can shoot out my quills or that they will get stuck in your skin and need to be painfully removed.

Rare white fur species are hated because evolution occasionally causes a genetic mutation that can change the coloring of a species. These recessive genes are considered unnatural and many fear passing them on to other species could ultimately lead to a species becoming extinct. Well that's the story I was told growing up. My parents didn't want me to know about a cub's book that everyone believes in, for some reason, that says to hate rare white furs like me.

Hedgehogs are not known for their physical prowess because the typical athletic fur is roughly 4 times larger than my size. I honestly can't think of a single hedgehog athlete. Sonic The Skateboarder is the closest thing if you consider skateboarding an actual sport. I'm too traditional because I see sports morfe like golf or football and not skateboarding.

"Ha, ha, ha, loser!!!" was shouted at me and I heard everyone else laughing as I was shopping in the mall. Someone on the floor above me dumped a whole cup of a strawberry fruit smoothie on me. My face blushed the same color as the goo now covering me. I looked up to see a white wolf that liked to pick on me because of my size.

His name is Bloodhound, or that's what he calls himself because he claims his nose is better than any other canine's. He's a rare white fur like me so I never understood why he doesn't like me. I don't have any friends because no one wants to associate with a rare white fur. I just figured he was like me in that regard and at least we could be friends together but instead he likes to pick on me. Most species call him BH for short.

So I was in the mall shopping for some new clothes that I hoped would make me seem cooler. The trouble with being a rare white fur species is that wearing white clothing makes it look like we are not wearing clothes. Species already hate me for being a rare white fur. The last thing I need is the disdain for them thinking I'm walking around in only my quills.

I was now a sticky mess from the smoothie covering me and ruined my clothes. I wondered if they could be saved by washing them or were they ruined for good. Since it was the mall I figured I could buy something new that was clean but the fear that BH might drop another smoothie on me made me upset. I softly started crying as I just stood there unsure what to do.

Something huge came and stood over me. I tried talking to it between the sobbing.

"If... you want... step on me... I'll... lay on.... My back. Just make it quick." I said and I felt a large paw wipe the tears from my eyes. I was looking at a polar bear as he smiled at me. I became terrified because I heard that polar bears are the most vicious species in the world.

"Why would I do that, my little friend? Don't you know how special you are? You are like a beautiful piece of artwork, a treasure to be enjoyed. No, doing that to you would rob the species of the world one of the greatest treasures." he said

"You're making fun of me!" I said sniffling.

"I'm not! Come, let's get you cleaned up." he said. He stretched out his paw and scooped me up delicately. I felt like a hoglet in his large paw but he seemed to shield me so that none of the others walking by would laugh when they saw me and my stained clothes.

He carried me to a men's bathroom and placed me next to the sink.

"If you would be so kind as to remove those so I can wash them. I want to try and get as much off before the stain sets." He replied. I wasn't sure if he was legit or not. For all I knew he could be trying to rob me of my money, and my clothes, to further add to my humiliation.

I stripped down to my underwear figuring I had nothing more to lose. Today had been horrible enough that anything else would ultimately be minor compared to what I had already faced..

He ran my clothes under cold water and used a paper towel to dab at the stains as he tried to wipe them away. He got most of the smoothie off before he handed them back to me. They were damp after he squeezed them to get as much water out.

"Sorry if they're wet but they look a lot better than what they were. What is your favorite store here? To shop for clothes that is." he asked.

"I'm kinda tough to shop for due to my size. I kinda have to shop at a cub's store because the ones that carry my size are expensive." I said softly, looking at my feet.

"Pretend money was no object. Where would you shop? I'm just curious." He asked again.

"Young Navy has some good clothes. So does J Pack! Pelt is nice but I usually shop at Pelt Kids."

"What about the Hot Tin Roof?" he asked.

"Oh my paws, NO! I still live with my momma and if she saw clothes from there, she'd think I was bringing a sex toy into the house. She's very conservative, when it comes to me." I explained but he chuckled softly.

"Moms can be like that. You have a good relationship with her even though you're a rare white fur?"

"Both my parents. I say my momma's house because my papa just goes along with whatever she says. But yeah, they can be overprotective but we get along great." I said.

"Oh, my manners. My name is Bear by the way." Bear said as he held out his giant paw for me to jump back on. I looked at it and I guess it was normal size for bears like him but to me it looked gigantic.

"Sanic." I replied as I hopped on his paw and he held me as if he was holding something precious. It was weird no one had ever treated me this way before. It felt really good to not be picked on for once.

He brought me over to the J Pack store and I looked around at the wolf theme they had because of the pack logo in the name. You could buy clothes for any species but the store's theme was of wolves.

"Sanic, once you've picked out an outfit I want you to stay at the dressing room. I got an errand to run and after I'm done I'd like to take you out for a bite to eat." Bear said as he left me at the store's fitting room. I searched the store to find something nice but it had to be within my budget. I didn't want to presume that Bear was going to buy it.

Even if he did offer, and I was sure he could bully mer into saying 'yes' I didn't want something too expensive to presume on his kindness. More than likely I was going to refuse once he returned... if he returned. I also had to realize he could have just been trying to be nice and this was his way of getting rid of me.

"Isn't there something here you like?" I heard a red deer ask a gray wolf with him. The red deer was in a fancy dark gray Buck Brother's suit. The wolf had a gray t-shirt that had a picture of a wolf, like himself, sitting on the ground. It had a the white shirt pulled up covering his snout. The wolf wore blue jeans that had a few holes in them.

"But I like this shirt!" the wolf whined. Neither one had seen me because they were busy with each other so I just stayed out of the way trying to not get stepped on by a careless shopper.

"You wear that all the time. Soon it will be unwearable because there will be nothing else." the deer explained and the wolf pouted as he crossed his arms across his chest.

"Don't be like that," the deer said as he tenderly placed his hooves on the waist of the wolf and pulled in close. I couldn't believe what I was seeing because who knew that a species ,like a deer could love a wolf?

I immediately left because I felt embarrassed for staring. Two males caressing in the store was nothing but a deer with a wolf was something else entirely. They must be used to the looks and I felt I didn't want to add to it. Not to mention the looks I'd get for being a rare white fur if they saw me.

"You know what I really want. A slave cub of our own." the wolf said.

"Why do we even need one?" the deer asked and that was the last of their conversation I could hear.

"There you are," I heard Bear say when I returned to the fitting room. I nearly screamed as I saw BH standing next to him. His face was red but I couldn't tell if he was embarrassed or if he had been struck. "We thought we lost you."

"Sorry just trying to decide what is in my budget to get." I replied and Bear put his arm around BH shoulder. I felt a stab of uneasiness because having the bully who constantly picks on me suddenly become friends with someone who treated me like a friend for the first time in my life, made me uneasy.

"Um... I feel really bad about ruining your clothes. I'm sorry for the way I've been acting." BH said but I saw that he was looking at the ceiling instead of my eyes. He was either really embarrassed or he was not being sincere. "Why don't you let me pay for those so that we can try and be friends," he said. This time he looked me in the eye and his features were soft, not the usual mean he usually was to me.

"That's better, no reason we can't all be friends." Bear said as he took the clothes I was holding into his paw. I didn't put up any resistance because I was so shocked. Bear handed them to BH.

"I can't afford all this," BH said softly as he checked the price tags. Bear put his arm around the wolf's shoulders and led him to the registers.

"I'll cover you and you can pay me back the rest." Bear said. I stood there unsure what to say or do because something like this had never happened to me before. I stepped outside the store to wait while BH and Bear were in line to be cashed out. I saw a small food court was set up across the way. I then saw two species I recognized from before as they entered the court to buy food.

"Oooh I want a Tail Waggin' Meal!" That wolf told the fancy deer.

"You're too old for that!" The deer complained.

"No! Because I act like a puppy," the wolf chuckled as the deer sighed deeply and shook his head. I wondered if the antlers he grew were annoying because they looked heavy as they stuck out from his head. "Besides, once we get a slave cub you're gonna have to get used to buying these." The wolf said but the deer went up to one of the counters.

"Excuse me, where can I find a salad bar in this food court?" the deer asked as he asked the worker then turned to glare at the wolf.

"Across the way at Salad Way." The worker said meanwhile the wolf went to a McAlphas and was ordering his Cub's Meal. The deer walked past and said something I couldn't hear to the wolf. I just saw the wolf had a shocked reaction but that quickly changed as the cub's meal was delivered to him. He quickly opened it and stuck his snout inside to search.

"This is a dream, it has to be." I muttered to myself.

"Why's that?" Bear asked.

"Come on, I mean deers dating wolves and now BH wants to be my friend! This can't be real." I replied and Bear chuckled.

"Deers and wolves?! What are you talking about?" BH asked and I flinched as if he was about to make fun of me again.

"Let's go across the way and get some food." Bear said and although he said it politely it felt more like an order than a friendly request.

While we ate, he told us about an idea he had to build a community where rare white furs could gather and live their lives without persecution. Basically it was going to be a safe space for rare white furs like us! He was asking that BH and myself be a couple of the first to join and that in turn we would help bring in others.

The more he explained the more I wanted to be a part. I could at last be among others, like myself, and maybe even have some friends. I could see it was going to take some time because it was in rough form but I loved the idea.

Bear excused himself because he needed something cold to drink and after he left BH leaned close to me. I shook with fear as I figured he was going to hurt me now that Bear was not around.

"I really do mean it! I'm sorry for the way I've been acting and hope you and I can have a do over." he said and I felt my fear vanish and then I nodded and we fist bumped. It was hard work and it took some time but soon we managed to get the WC up and running.

I became Bear's right paw because he valued my intelligence over brawn. That was left to BH as he was the unofficial police force of our community. I met lots of friendly species but no one that I could really get close to. Even BH and I were not best friends but there was a lot of bad blood between us so it was hard to be besties.

2 years later everything changed for me! I met my best friend in one of the most unusual ways. There were several newscasts about a white fox that was robbing stores and criminals. We weren't sure if he was a hero or a thief. I was sent to make contact and to bring him to the WC. Maybe if he became a part of us he could change his ways.

It turned out there were two of them, brothers that were conjoined and had been separated. They were waiting and they did not hear me as I shouted out to them. I guessed I was too far away and rather than getting accidentally stepped on I curled myself up and made my way towards them.

"HEY! What's a sea urchin doing crawling on the ground??!!!" Leggo shouted as he saw my approach. From that moment forth we became besties.....