My Unplanned Summer Vacation Ch 7
#7 of My Unplanned Summer Vacation
Chapter 7 of Morenatsu Fanfiction. Enjoy~
August 6th: Kelly's Home Video
At the local market in the center of the village, I was shopping around to see if I can have a nice souvenir or something special for my sister and me. I entered a small store that sells some clothing. Sylvia always wanted a traditional Japanese kimono, while I'm also looking for myself a yukata. The ones we saw were quite expensive. In this local store were selling a fair price that I can afford. But my question is; which one will Sylvia like? Let's see, Sylvia's favorite colors are, pink and light-green, so maybe a pink or green kimono will do. I went through every aisle for her size and color, it was getting difficult.
"Kelly? Is that you?" A young female voice called me. I turned my head and see Saki and another female husky. The two approached me.
"Hi, Saki-chan, have you heard about yesterday? It was really funny." I said to her. Next to her was... I don't think she's Saki's mother nor Toshi's mother, since I just already met her yesterday.
"Yes, I heard it. How did you explained this to your cousin?" She asked.
"I tried, but I already told my sister to tell him." I said. I look at the other husky-woman.
"Hey, are you Kouya's mother?" I asked.
"You must be, Kelly. I'm Kazumi, is nice to meet you. My husband mentioned about you." She said.
"So, what are you doing here? Men section is that way." Saki pointed that way.
"I'm trying to find a nice kimono for my sister, then I look for myself a yukata." I said the two.
"Can we help?" The two offered. "We already done our errands."
"Sure," I replied, "I'm looking a pink or green that suits her."
"Roger that." Saki said as she and Kazumi went every aisle to find any pink kimono, while I continued also. Five minutes later we went back in the center and it was up to me to decide which one will be perfect for my sister.
"Let's see... um... nope... nope... nope... nope, nope, nope, nope." I've checked every kimono that is pink or green, but the last one... FOUND IT! It has both colors with it, she'll love it!
"This one!" I exclaimed.
"That's a beautiful one, Kelly-kun." Kazumi-san said.
"Now is your turn, Kelly." Saki said, the two giggled, oh boy...
I entered a small dressing closet and Saki and Kazumi brought several yukatas and I tried every single one of them that fits my size.
"Great, none of them suits him well, what do we do wrong?" Saki complained.
"Wait, hold on, I think I like this one." I got out of the dressing closet and show them a blue and white yukata with waves details drawn... I like it.
"Wow, Kelly you look outstanding!" Saki said.
"You're a smart kid, that one really fits you well."
"Saki-chan, there you are, Toshi-san told me to give you... this?" Kouya came by, he looks at me with his eyes wide opened, I wonder what's the surprise of his?
"He looks great, doesn't he?" Saki said to Kouya.
"Uh... huh... who? Kelly? Y-yeah h-he l-looks g-g-great, even his eyes matches the colors..."
"Uh... thanks?" That was kinda awkward. But anyways, I'm buying it!
"You can wear it for the Bon Festival that's coming in a few weeks, Kelly." Saki said.
"Really? That'll be fun." I said.
"Of course it is, even Toshi and I will be wearing our formal clothes. I'm so excited, me and Toshi will have a wonderful romantic time together." Oh yeah, that's right, she's dating Toshi.
I look at Kouya and he's still not moving. "Hello! This is the S.S. Sullivan, speaking to the S.S. Kouya Maru! Is there anyone aboard?" I tried to answer me. "S.S. Kouya Maru, this is the S.S. Sullivan, is there anyone aboard?" I continued and I snap my fingers in front of his face and finally he responded.
"Kouya, what are you here, again?" Kazumi asked.
"Huh? Oh! Toshi told me to give this to Saki-chan, here." Kouya with his face blushed, gave Saki a present from Toshi.
"Oh, how nice of him!" She cried.
"Well, I'm going to change and purchase the two, and my sister is gonna be happy! Thank you Saki-chan, thank you Kazumi-san."
"You're welcome." The two replied.
After purchasing the kimono and my yukata. I continued to the next store. It was a repairman's shop, but they also sell some stuff like souvenirs. I entered and Kounosuke was there. Does he work here?
"Hi, Kelly-san! What brings you here?" He greets.
"Hi, Kouno, I came to buy a postcard, I haven't send one to my parents since July." I said, then I look to the left, coming from the door was a smaller tanuki-boy.
"Kou-chan, I'm going out with my friends." The little tanuki said.
"Is that your little brother?" I asked.
"Yeah, this is Yukiharu." He said. "Haru-kun, this is Kelly, the bus survivor I've told you."
"Hi, Kelly-san, is a pleasure to meet you." He said.
"So, you came for a postcard? You're really out of touch from your family." Kounosuke said.
"Well, my parents can't call me from long distance calls, is really expensive, unless they use a satellite phone. Me and my sister, the only thing we could do is making contact via webcam, and that's it." I said.
"What was the last time you called them?"
"Two weeks before I crashed here."
"Here we go, this all I can offer." He brought a board with several postcards with every single one of them, with landscapes of Minasato Village's personal landmarks.
"I'll take this one." The one that I picked has a river with a bridge, the one I saw the previous day, with 'Minasato' in letters on one corner of the picture. I give him a coin.
"Is that all you need?" Kousuke asked.
"Yeah, pretty much."
"See you later. Oh wait! Kelly! Let me remind you that our movie night will be at Toshi's house at seven." He informs.
"Oh, alright, thanks then." I said and leaved the store and walking back to the inn. I grab a pen and write on the postcard.
I wrote:
"Dear, Mom and Dad. We're having a blast in Japan. We've seen so many places that we explored. I'm feeling well recovered after my ordeal with my ex-boyfriend. We also enjoyed eating a lot of exotic food and even sushi! I also hope you guys are enjoying your 'secret vacation'. P.S. I know you guys went to Dubai! Can you guys at least be honest with me and Sylvia about it, we have no problems with that. So what? Do you guys have a meeting or a press conference there? Just tell me. Sincerely, Kelly."
I only wrote a simple innocent letter, if I said what happened to me, my mom will "freak out" and swim across the Pacific Ocean. And that's something that we can't deal with. Is best not to tell my parents, especially my dad, if he finds out, he will never forgive Henry of what he did to me.
At Toshi's house, I arrived earlier. I was sitting on the couch. Toshi has that 'badly made movie' he rented out. He began to make pop-corn and the drinks. This is going to be a 'horrible movie to watch'. Then, the doorbell rang.
"I'll get it." I walked to the door and opened it, everyone has arrived.
"Hi, Kelly-san!" Shun-kun, greets in excitement.
"There you are, I thought you were sick." Torahiko said.
"I saw him leaving earlier. I tried to tell you." Hiroyuki said.
As everyone enters the living room, they sit down on every available seat.
"So, what movie are we going to watch?" Shun-kun asked.
"A really bad movie, Shun-kun. You'll find it laughable than being an action flick." Hiro replied.
"So, the sword you got is from that movie? Not an actual artifact?" Kouya said. He's now normal, earlier he was frozen and acted like he saw a ghost or something.
"Yep, the truth has spoken." I said.
"So, what are you going to do with that sword, Sullivan?" Juuichi asked.
"I'll return it to my cousin after my stay is over." I replied.
"Juuichi-senpai, you use that for crime fighting." Soutarou said.
"I'm a judo trainer, I don't use weapons, Touno, and I'm not a samurai." He said.
"Oh, yeah that's right." The lion-kid said.
"Hey, Toshi, can you make a Bloody Mary?" Tatsuki asked.
"Sorry, I'm not allowing that, I promised my dad that no one, even you, gets near the liquor closet." Toshi puts a sharp tongue at Tatsu-nii.
"Oh, come on!"
"And that's final, Tatsu-nii! I'm only serving soft drinks, and that's it!" Toshi raised his voice very seriously. Oh good, I don't wanna see him drunk again like last time.
"Alright, now that we all here..." As Toshi speaks, the doorbell rang.
"I'll get it" I was close to the door and opened.
"Sorry for being late." Saki-chan arrived right on time.
"Where have you been?" Toshi smoothly said to her.
"I was helping out my grandfather. I was just trying to make sure he's comfortable." She said.
"Well, this proves that girls always arrive late, when they're planning on going out." Kounosuke said.
"Well, it least I don't (CENCORED BECAUSE I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO SAY OR DESCRIBE THIS!) all day." She said some words that makes me to clean my ears to make sure what exactly she said. I was jaw-dropped. That's something Sylvia would have said.
"Easy, Saki-chan, no one's making fun at you." Kyouji said.
"Did you hear what she said, Toshi? She called me a (CENCORED TOO MESSED UP!)." Kouno said.
"She'll apologize later, Kouno, is only an insult." Toshi said.
"Oh, never mind." Kouno said.
"Alright, let's start the flick." Toshi started the film.
"Finally." Shin said.
"Horray!" Shun cried.
The movie started. Since the film was released in 1973, the movie was in color. Somehow the beginning was impressive. The characters are quite okay. Then I saw the swords that Ashton had collected, all seven of them. The music soundtrack are pretty catchy. But all of the sudden, while the action stuff and the battle scenes appears...
"Hahahahahahahaha! Look at the special effects! They're crappy!" Hiroyuki was the first to comment.
"I can see the 'boom' over there!" Kyouji said as he laughed.
"They didn't come up with a good plot, did they?" I said.
"That's the worst catchphrase I've ever heard!" Tatsu-nii laughed.
"Oh great, there's the damsel-in-distress cliché." Saki said.
"Who hired these actors? Good thing Bruce Lee wasn't in this film!" Kouya Said.
"Lame and fun at the same time!" Shun-kun said.
"Oh no, there goes the heroes-doing-a-sacrifice-cliché?" Toshi said.
Finally the movie was over it lasted an hour and ten minutes. It was still early for curfew.
"Is there another movie that we can watch?" Torahiko asked.
"Nobody asked for a second film. I only rented this one." Toshi said.
With nothing else to entertain ourselves for the next two hours, we might as well... wait! I got an idea! I picked up my small man-purse and grab my video camera, yes it miraculously survived the crash.
"Kelly what are you holding there?" Kouya asked.
"My video camera. During the first half of my vacation, me and my sister recorded almost everything where we've been." I said.
"Cool, a homemade video vacation. Give me the camera so I can connect it the television so we can all watch it." Toshi said.
"This is so embarrassing, I have done so many silly things while traveling." I said while blushing, but I smiled.
"Come on, Kelly, how 'embarrassing' is it going to be?" Kouya said.
"How exciting! You didn't told me you recorded everything!" Kounosuke said.
"Okay, here we go! Is rolling!" Toshi said as he pressed the button.
The homemade video started. It all began at my home in Seattle. I see myself packing up and my sister having problems with her suitcase. It was not well organized, we ended up jumping on top of the suitcase so I can zipped it. We arrived at the airport and we said goodbye to my parents. We boarded our flight that will take us to Tokyo. We sat there and enjoying the weird airline food. We toasted our new adventure and freedom. We landed in Tokyo and rendezvous with Ashley, Ashton, Samantha and Henry. The next day, I see myself dealing with jet-lag, I was sleeping real heavy, and I was messed up. Then we visited the Tokyo Skytree tower, and other attractions and landmarks. We went out on night clubs, and formal parties, and other events that happened there. Then, we visited Okinawa Island, we laid down and played at the beach, and we did some kayaking and snorkeling. So many good memories there, I see myself smiling than ever before. Funny moments happened and the guys are enjoying and laughing. The video ends and nothing was further before, July 31th.
"Well, that was really fun, Kelly, you really are the traveler-type, aren't you?" Kounosuke said.
"Yeah..." I said.
"So, what are we going to do tomorrow? Are we all free?" Hiroyuki said.
"All that vacation video made me want to go to the beach!" Torahiko said.
"I heard 'beach', I'm in!" Saki-chan.
"The beach! The beach! The Beach! Yeah!" Shun-kun cried.
"Any objections? Kelly, you in?" Hiroyuki asked me.
"Sure! I can do that again." I said as the others agreed.
"Alright, we just pick our things and arrive at the bus stop at six in the morning." Hiro said.
"At what time does the bus arrives?" I asked.
"7:30 AM". He said.
"So we have to wake up at 6:00. So we can have breakfast, and meet all at the bus stop at 7:00 AM, 30 minutes before the bus arrives, right?" I did the damn math alright.
"Well, good night everyone, sleep well." Kyouji said and the others left.
I leaved Toshi's house, as I walk away, a voice just called me. "Hey, Kelly you forgot your camera!" I turned around and face Kouya with my camera, that was careless of me.
"Ah! Thanks, Kouya."
"No problem... hey, Kelly um... you looked really happy there in the video, you seemed you have changed.'' Thinking what he said. I really looked happy on the video and that was before my accident.
"Did... I really changed?" I said.
"Not much, you're still you." He said.
He's right, I'm still me, is just that maybe something did changed inside of me. I felt silence, I've never thought that someone could see me in a state of depression. I don't want this in my head, I want it out. Kouya noticed my down face.
"Look... sorry for bring it up. I didn't mean..."
"Is okay, Kouya. I'm just... tired okay." I said it calmly and sighed. "Goodnight, Kouya." I said.
"Goodnight, Kelly." He let out sight. Before I could head back to the inn. "Hey, Kelly." Kouya called.
"You're not alone, remember that." He said. I think for a moment.
"Thanks for reminding me that." I said with a small smile and head back to the inn.
I don't blame him, he didn't meant to say it. I just only had a hard time back there, I was stressed out, my head hurts. I was in pain and now I'm better and nobody died on that bus... but the horrific experience was intense. Can we just be glad that no one died. I went back to the inn and finally rest on the comfy bed, I set up the phone to wake me up at 6:00 AM. And lights off.