Just Stay Calm
Toner goes back to his card game with the firefighters and stops in his tracks when he realizes one thing. "hey! did you just look at my cards?" the race for first is over.
Venturing: Things in Darkness
She slowly walked in, drawing her pistol out in case of a firefight as she looked around her initial surroundings. just as she had predicted, nothing was there. the first floor was empty and abandoned as if no one dared to enter through here anymore.
Timothy and the Tartan Tomboy
A firefighter... or a lifeguard... or maybe i'll just become a cop like my mom and dad!" "what do you want to be, friendly?" asked timothy; just before one of his training wheels hit a root and he bounced off it. "whoa!!" "careful, timothy!"
Revolution | Chapter XXVII: Final Moments
All we had to do was get out of this place in the best way possible, but that was dangerous and risky enough considering a massive firefight was going on right in front of the laboratory, and we could get caught in the middle of it.
And Into the Fire...
Kevin looked over towards the bush the cat was in, "hold your fire brandon, we're not looking for another firefight." for some reason, the choppers slowed down once they got closer to the group.
Entwined Soul
You're not a firefighter, are you?" he asked, chuckling in spite of the situation. "hell no." i replied, shaking my head. "but i'm a fighter, and i don't feel like standing around waiting for the flames to catch me." i said resolutely.
Beast Wars Shattered Glass (unfinished idea)
Unfortunately, his synchophant behavior also makes him an ill-equipped soldier on the battlefield, being quite literally unable or unwilling to commit to any action in a firefight without the express approval of his commander.
Revolution | Chapter VI: A Saving Grace
They must've encountered soldiers while they were scouting out the location which would explain the firefight between both sides. mace looked at me again then squinted his eyes. "hey, what's that he's got around his neck?"
Dynasty: Origins, Act 00: Prologue (V2)
The firefight ensued, leaving bullet wounds in both of their bodies. however, jacob was wounded much worse than roland was.
Bound by Destiny 16
Hearing the explosion, ocarina was quickly heading towards where the fire had begun to burn, flames shooting high in the sky, making ocarina run even faster, the thick woods making it nearly impossible for any firefighter to enter.
Zootopia - Trying to move on - Chapter 5: Storm
Still, there were some places that had to be open and functioning even it that condition, or maybe because of it: hospitals, firefighters and, of course, police.
T.A.U. Disconnected
The viper considered watching the firefight play out. but that would put herself at risk from both sides. she was torn on what to do. slip past? join the fight? for which side?