Behind Blue Eyes - Chapt 1
He said it with such ferocity that kinto's fur stood on end, feeling a bit of unease on guretton's behalf even if guretton seemed unfazed. a few moments passed of nothing happening kinto grinned. "he only listens to me." kinto said smugly.
Stone and Wolf (Part 2)
They lost their ferocity and thought only of escape. isn't that curious?" lyke continued to nod, thoughtfully. "it is... tell me, have any of you tried to combat the leader? how did the battle go?" the guard winced and flattened his ears.
The Adventure Begins
The ocean roared as well, matching the storm with its ferocity, screaming their challenges against each other. ** ** "are you okay?!?" "no! help me!" "wait! no, this can't be happening!" "ahhh!!!!" "noooooo!!!!"
The Dawn of a New Age: Trials and Tribulations - Act2/Chapter6
"roger fought with a certain level of energy and ferocity, i'll give him that, but there's just no way that the timid little vulpix over there learned how to throw fireballs and summon up raging infernos all on his own.
Crocs of the Leather Stick Together 13 - Keen-Eyed Killer
A primal memory surged deep inside of him with ferocity. the raptor went into full-on fury, slashing and striking, biting and tearing, his claws more developed than a crocodile's to more easily rend flesh.
Helen Ch 6
He rolled back and let her kick fall short of him before he lunged, tackling the vixen with a ferocity of his own. "came back for another go at besting me? heh...
Howling at Nothing
We've lost that ferocity and connection with nature that out forefathers had and that's just not right." "so, you decided to piss against a tree and almost rip your breakfast to shreds?" "i mean, that's only part of it."
Grayson 1
In the country has been absorbed or destroyed by the six ugly step-sisters of time-warner et al, she has managed to keep discerning multifaria press alive and well for these past fifteen years, through the devastating combination of canniness and outright ferocity
Chosen: Chapter Four
She didn't think she was learning anything, as her magic only seemed to come when she was caught up in a sudden wave of emotion, whether that be sadness or overwhelming anger, burning through her veins with such ferocity that she once feared it would singe
Post-Transformation Therapy
But really, it's all about brains, creativity and ferocity. are you saying you lack those qualities? could someone without those qualities have found the deep, hidden secret of magic?" "well no..." max admitted. "there you go!"
The Weight: Chapter 14
His body was badly beaten and gouged by mason's claws, and, even though the attack lasted less than a minute, its ferocity was so great that his blood stained face was almost unrecognizable, and on the side of his neck, where the carotid artery bubbled close
[TF] Fluffy Machinations of Order
The operation was not mechanical at all - it appeared to be electric, or magnetic, as it lacked the rumbling ferocity of an industrial gate mechanism. standing in the doorways were three more alolan vulpixes.