Chapter 19

After waiting for around 30 minutes, he began to entertain the idea of leaving, due to not wanting to face mr. teilion and the headmaster and simply finding another way to solve his problem, when a gentle voice interrupted his thoughts.

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The least the beast could do was entertain him. besides how could the demise of the bandit king be boring by any stretch. more so the story behind the creature that pulled it off and lived.

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An Interview with gamestreamer/Psudo

My primary goal is to entertain people, and my secondary goal is to produce a quality product that i enjoy making, and can be proud of.

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[official hedge wizards are mages that the state finds as older teens or adults- they can't be brainwashed easily, and instead are used as entertainers and spies throughout the country.]


Gods Don't Automatically Do Miracles

On an interesting note, a new testament writer (paul, i think), mentioned how people who gave strangers a place to stay had "entertained angels unawares."


Dragons Lair pt 24

I write it to entertain you guys (you dirty perverts :p) and you guys like it, so that keeps me happy. so, earth or the new planet (yet to be named.).


7th official character

Titles:kim allene harvey, the hidden one, the playful forest guardian, race:fae/fairy dragon, guardian spirit(like ori), and 9 tailed fox hybrid age:228 gender:like most fea/fairy kim is female but can change gender freely(this is more so for my personal entertainment


Kamuzu's biograpby

The trainer was a magician who participated together with his pokémon in theatres to entertain and surprise the public.

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From the desk of the General. Mission 1.

Whippy from one of the homeworld locations via portal, who's driver probably thought he'd had a cardiac arrest at the wheel and this was some sort of journey to the afterlife, poor sod, and the jingly tune of the entertainer rolling through the dusty rift

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The Bone Grinder

Without thinking zeng allowed her to kiss him for a moment as she waved goodbye to go for a stroll around the city, then he noticed what looked like music players heading towards the main hall no doubt as entertainment for tonights festivities after driving

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Dae's Fursona Introduction

One of his largest sources of entertainment while alone is playing video games, particularly on the pc. he doesn't have any specific favorites, but he does prefer games with lots of action.

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Alt Earth 4077 Historical Post 2

The treatments worked well letting us take back the planet but we could never anticipate the hunger to use it to make life more entertaining, more gruesome or more sedate from the recreation of slave labor.

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