Ander - Chapter 1, Subchapter 16

This unholy agent of filth and corruption has been sent as a test of our faith and our undying devotion! there is only one way to deal with this, my children! only one way! we must sacrifice her to the protectormountain!

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Skinwalkers: Chapter Thirteen

She was devoted to her former owner, utterly and completely, and that would never go away as long as zave was there to encourage that mindset with his mere presence.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VII Chapter 16

No matter the reason however, that unchanged devotion was wonderful beyond words. "do you trust me?"

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Bound In Beast Flesh -- Unfair Fight

Your devotion finally finds its footing in your heart, as you become aware of how far your thoughts have drifted. you catch yourself as the first thoughts of arousal for the she-beast begin to form. "this is wrong. what are you doing to me?!"

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Ander - Part 5: Subchapter 37

It is a symbol of your loyalty, devotion, and killer instinct. take it, wield it, and feel proud." "th- thank you chieftain." dorin took the knife with shaking fingers. it was sticky and cold.

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Finding Ones Place, pt 2

As well as i am very flexible when it comes to work hours and am extremely devoted when it comes to my work ethic." i stated having practiced this speach over and over in my mirror several times earlier that morning. "i see.

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Chapter 16 - Corruption

"from all that time of denying yourself worldly pleasure, your devotion to somebody who does not even notice you to give them what you secretly desire..."

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Dragonheart Part 84

In all the time in which i've been watching you, he's struck me most by his absolute devotion to the shadow heart the most, even more than you have sought after him. so who is he?

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He came out to himself and to everyone in his life, he quit drinking, and he decided to learn jungian psychology so he could devote himself to helping others on their own paths to individuation, to freedom from social conditioning.

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Life by the Page 8

When nathan stood to get another cup of coffee, an investment of further conversation, leon reflected on how he felt, though not necessarily wanting to devote too much time to them.

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In the Presence of a God

You, eli, are the most devoted of my children. in the entire world, there is no nojin that believes more firmly in me than do you. even more importantly, you are a great warrior, a credit to your clan, just as vanir and his skill are to his.


Heritage of Ash: Chapter 5, Fading Light

Here, we see what those who truly care for those around them must face, and how the quality of a leader can be defined by acts of devotion and selflessness. if only that were ever enough.

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