
"i forfeit," i said, raising my hands up, like i had just committed a crime. we traded our pokemon, but he never gave me the thunderstone, as promised. but i got it.

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Thanksgiving in Devout America

Stavisky literally found himself free from federal prison yet committed suicide after living on manhattan's streets for ten months because no landlords would lease an apartment to him, nor would businesses risk to hire him as an employee.

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Otters and Elves - Poem for Skipper~Heart

_there always comes a time_ _when everyone hates you_ _for commiting a crime_ _that indeed was not true._ _whether it be of loot_ _or a break from the norm,_ _society's a brute_ _and has a reckless form._ _this was the lesson learned_

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Alone without a mate

Bleeding, you've ignored my pleading, i am done, broken and shunned, defenses have been overrun, so i think tonight, i really just might, take that last step, and fall,fall,fall, say my goodbyes, don't even get a sigh, i will never cry, again, commit

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Shadows Returning: Preface (Reboot!)

The discord of one's mind can cloud the truth and cause one to commit terrible acts, but even in the darkest moments, a song still plays in the deepest parts of our mind.

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Post Apocalyptic Earth Background

None of these stories are based on real events in any way, and the author's find it reprehensible to even think of committing the acts in reality. the stories are works of fantasy only and should be considered as such.

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A Barely Legible Scrap of Writing Found by Beowulf

This will be one of the few murders that i commit that isn't somebody nobody will miss. many will tremble in fear as i feast on the flesh of their fallen loved ones.


Out Of Time - Book 2: The Element - Chapter 1: The Culprit

He was to identify who it was that was committing this crime and to assess the level of threat. "something doesn't add up here." he spoke aloud as he walked the corridors of the building, heading corn the directors office.


Issue 01: The Guardiandragons

Some of the most powerful wizards were committed to their cause (for more information on kyleth's circles, please see: the hunter wars / guilds and groups) arkas is also not afraid to show himself.

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Chapter XX: This Bond Between Us

* * * **kaeden's commitment** _by draugr_ chapter xx: this bond between us * * * [!

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Chapter XVII: I Won't Shed A Tear

Https:// * * * **kaeden's commitment** _by draugr_ chapter xvii: i won't shed a tear * * * [!

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I, Dacien - Chapter 15 - interlude iii

This leaves me with ... count them yourself, two remaining commandos that i can commit to action. two." "where did sandor ..." "sandor took his personal commandos, and those of lad and casimir," andrei said. "because mine were committed to cresphontes.

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