Out Of Time - Book 2: The Element - Chapter 1: The Culprit

Story by DamianGray on SoFurry

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#7 of Out Of Time

Maldavious let out a yawn as he opened the door to a fully stocked refrigeration unit. He raised a paw to begin skimming through what there was for supplies. With a slightly cheerful hum, he began pulling out things needed to make a sandwich. He started with some pickles, lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, and some red onion slices. After he began pulling out the meats he would use, pepperoni, ham, sliced beef, cutlets of turkey and chicken, and finally some salmon and tuna. He carried all of this on his arms over to the table where he began throwing it all together into one panda sized sub sandwich.

Once he had gotten all the ingredients put back away, he walked over to marvel at the beauty of the creation he had made. It took the use of both his paws to lift and hold it. He licks his lips, ready to savor the flavor of his delicious meal, and announcement stopped him. "Attention. All Time Patrol Agents are to report to the briefing room."

The panda cursed his luck and began staffing the sandwich down as quick as he could while walking down the corridors to the briefing room. "Never give a panda a moment to eat." He grumbles out between bites. Luckily, he was the first to arrive so that gave him the time he needed to finish his food.

An elderly human who was conducting the briefing chuckles as he saw the panda eating. "How you are not over weight is a mystery to me, my son. You eat more then most I know." This remark made Maldavious blush a small bit as he finished the last few bites. "Must be my genetics, Father." He smiles as he sits to the back of the room to wait on the others, who arrived one by one. First, SoL. Then Cassandra and Damian, who looked as though they had some sort of training interrupted, and finally Kaodina.

As per usual, Kaodina left before even hearing all the details, as well as the panda being the last to receive his mission. A mission which made very little sense to him. He was to identify who it was that was committing this crime and to assess the level of threat. "Something doesn't add up here." He spoke aloud as he walked the corridors of the building, heading corn the directors office. "Leaving me here in this era while SoL goes to the age of the Gods." This was against all protocols, sending technology as advanced as SoL was to an era of time when such things where unimaginable.

It wasn't till he turned to enter the directors office that he felt an odd shift in his memory. He turned to make his way to the entrance to the building, walking in a quickened pace. Something recent had changed and it was up to him to figure out just what. "A change in my memories means it happened here." He spoke in a low mumble. He stepped out of the building and looked up at the sign over the door.

The sign over the door flashed in attractive red letters on a blue and white flag based emblem reading Time Correction Agency. "Damn it." He rushed back into the building, running at full speed, heading back for the director's office. When he walked in, he blinked. There, standing behind the desk, was the man he called father. It didn't take long to peace the differences to the building, just as it didn't take long for this office room to unravel in his memories. The director he knew for the building was a young Hythirion named Kadenex. Hythirion's where a race of beings that closely resembled earth bound gorilla races, only they held a horn either on their forehead or off to the back of their skulls.

That's when the truth came to light, the culprit he was sent to find was his own father