Remember me
Did you covet money, power, or petty shiny things where you kind to others or did you use them as a means did you cling to family, make friends at every turn show up to every function, to cheer for those you loved or argue
Poem #3
#4 of my poems yeah, got angry at some people arguing over political crap.this one might burn me a bit.
Shadow Warriors: The Great Enemy Ch.3
Captain shard, and general lokahn have been arguing how. "the clan have failed their payment, and its a shame that they are not as powerful they claimed to be", general lokahn said with his grin on his face. "shard knows another way to destroy warriors!
A Broken Soul
Kit continued to argue that death was not the answer. andrew countered that he must pay for the lives he detroyed. kit asked " what lives have you destroyed? if you commit suicide the only ones you will hurt are the ones you love."
After the Storm - Part 21 [Unsettling discussion]
However, the growl in jason's stomach kept jason from arguing or even thinking about that right now as he gladly followed the garchomp.
Chapter 13 Something Called Love
The duke was completely at his ease, and it hit him that this was the first time they had really sat down and spoken without arguing -- the first time in . . . _years_.
The Slayer and the Sphinx: Chapter Two
As the two mythics argued, neither of them noticed the tree branches outside the window rustle. they shook again, and a figure in a dark coat dropped out.
In the Negative: Chapter 5
"but you were always destined to lead the pack," he argued, disgusted with himself, "it was your destiny, kate, and i've cheated you out of it." kate snuggled in close to his side and licked the tears from his eyes.
After the Storm - Part 7 [Leaf Anderson]
"i think i heard your parents arguing with charlie's dad." "they were?" jason's ears twitched at the curiosity that ran through his body. "did you hear what it was about?" leaf shook his head.
Amber Silverblood: Chapter Sixteen
Wrogan argued, standing up to display his full impressive height. "i cannot condone what you wish to do." vaazkima rolled his eyes, and rubbed his forehead in aggravation.
Slow News Day
The two giants were still arguing, but their bodies seemed to be trembling, but not out of anger. right before his eyes, the two were steadily increasing in size!
Within another's life (short story)
At this point i did not care to argue, or even bother disbelieving her claim. from the little i knew about succubi, they were female demons who fed off the emotions of those around them to live.