Poem #3

Story by Shadowfortuna on SoFurry


#4 of My Poems

yeah, got angry at some people arguing over political crap.this one might burn me a bit.

Standing, hearing all the dribble coming from everywhere,

Out of the mouths of lambs, baby seals eager to be clubbed,

Sometimes, i wish i could cut away everything,

Bring to light, the darkness of this world.

As trolls mock and create drama, just to please themselves,

Overcoming their own inadequate lives, Making up for some short coming,

Maybe to help them feel better in a world that they hate?

The politicians that cheat, lie and steal, saying one thing,

as they do the other, hiding their sins in the closets,

With too many skeletons for company.

Sometimes i wish this world was wiped clean,

Everything wrong just blown off the face of this planet,

Even myself and my vain feelings along with the rest.

I am no sheep, never have and never will.

Maybe god will send me someplace special,

where i will never bother anyone,

My rage and anger contained to inflicting harm just to myself.

Even as i speak these words, put pen to paper,

it hurts to do so, to say the things i feel.

Life is precious, yet so many cheapen it's value.

Mocking whatever power created us,

Is it strange that i weep at the horrors,

Each one inflicted on each other,

Such innocence is lost,

Purity gone, as another soul leaves this plane.

I leave everyone to contemplate my words,

Even as sometimes,

it feels as if glass is shoved into my skull,

my brain about to burst.