The Life of Another - The Chapter 36 that never happened

#4 of the life of another - sandbox hi, it might be awhile until chapter 36 gets done. so,until then, here's a scene that got cut. even though it's not part of the real storyline at this point, it may contain spoilers. proceed at your own risk.


Midline Shift 29 - Dark Dreams of Another Story

A window to his right showed simply the stars and suns of another world, another space and galaxy.

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Just another furry love story (chapter 2)

I hope you enjoy it :) just another furry love story (chapter 2) by nictatew skyler the first day of middle school wasnt as great as i, skyler, once thought it would be, though, because my parents force me to go, i have to go to school anyway tomorrow.

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Walmart Digi-Blast :try again another time

" are you two ok" she asked as she came up to them " where fine , but are digimon are weak from the fight " said jake looking down at his digimon , " i know crescemon can't keep this fighting forever so we need a distraction so we can ditch this guy for another

Just another love story (maybe) pt.1

Oh no, not another one these silly gossips. "no, what?" "okay, so you might want to sit down while listening to this..." "um, okay..." i take the receiver and head over to the couch. "alright, go on."

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Another Pack Ch.1: Evenescent thoughts (FD)

He looked around and noticed he was in another clearing, but another thing that caught his eye was a roll of some medical bandaging for broken or sprained limbs. he was confused, but didn't argue the thoughts in his head other than that it would help.

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Just another day chapter.3 draft submission

Vex let out a chocked cry military that had to be wrong! It just had to be there was nothing more he despised in the world nothing at all. Lin glanced over at him clearly worried his tail flicking as he examined his friends reaction "Vex dude?" He asks...


another artist in need of help to get trough college

[]( she also has good prices.


Everything Or Nothing cap 2 - Die another Day

He was burning , the flames were burning brighter and hother then ever before, he had tried to scream,god should know how mutch he had tried to beg , pleaded for them to stop whatever they were doing. At the end he had become a to big nuisance,so...

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Another Love Story: Chapter 5 - Apology accepted

He uttered and caught another breath. "and hopefully, he'll want to be my boyfriend one day." "nice to meet you, i'm axel jason lovell.

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Another Love Story: Chapter 1 - Silver lining...

#1 of another love story hey! well, this story will introduce my character, axel. i'm doing a series, whether or not the reviews are good. it's been a while, so some of the plot is muddled in and then it gets off track of the plot, my apologies.

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Another way/Changing paths Chapter 17: My will…

#17 of another way/changing paths... the final training conflict the brothers go all out on each other, feeling and emotions build...but will it go to far? # another way/changing paths # chapter 17: my will...

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