Rambling reasoning - 81. -

- beneath the sun above, i follow close to my love through up & downs, smiles & frowns the journey full of anticipations of dreams yet to be every moment, every mess, priceless to me fortune only in mind, the change is mental more than anything&

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The Christmas Gift

Good morning my love..." he purred softly. "i can't believe you snuck over here, crazy bastard..." tundra spoke softly, giving james a soft squeeze. "yeah, it's good to see you too."

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A glance into himself

- my love, i remain indifferent because you are the only one for me and i only feel right when i'm besides you and whenever you are far from me i feel sad and lonely and can only think about you and long for the moment that i can hold you in my paws

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Wolfie Steel, Assassin/Bodyguard for hire, Part 34

The more i think it though, the more i come to the realisation that i have lost the dog that i called my loving mate.

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Echoes of Invasion

my love, know that i have never lied to you of my own will. that said, there are simply some things we cannot discuss. even the highest field grade here will only permit so much.

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Question and answer

So you see, my love? isn't it easy to see? soul mates or companions, fate or destiny. most of all i love you, because you love me too. i love being in love. just us. me and you.


Things Eventually Break (Ferret and Badger part 3) (Otherwise Untitled)

~ "oh... my lovely badger, there's no fixing this..", she paused to glance up at the cracks forming in the primary structure above her. "i'm so sorry."

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Seasons of Love

But my love for you is endless

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my father the greatest father ever

Hell and you are the reason ive regain my confindance i love you as my father and i wish you were my real father i have grown very fond of you and im honored to be your son you have a huge place in my heart and it needs to be huge so you can fit hehe and my

A Wonderful Lover

Even if times get so damn rough may my love prove to be enough. many days i pray for the maker's grace to forever have you safe in my embrace.


Just Be By My Side (sonnet)

.** as the tides of darkness flow through my heart i search for salvation to rescue thee my emotions errupt, causing the start of my desperate attempt, my love sick plea though distance is the problem in our love, your heart keeps me

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The Wolf and Demon

Demon as you may be, you were my life, my love, the one who ever cared..." the wolf turned back, his greatness gone, lost in his pain. "i can't go on, i can't go back, i can only wallow in my grief. why can't you let me be..."

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