Law of the Pack Part VI: The Beginning of Something More?

Kate exclaimed, leaping through the air once more, and, once more, jim moved out of the way. though, at the last second, kate twisted around, and knocked jim to the ground.

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When Standing

out of the way or being able to defend themselves much.

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A Furry World - Part 1 Home Sweet Home

A few days later the old man moved out and i was glad to have him gone his hatred and anger was like a bad smell in the air and i was glad it was gone. to pay back kristy for her kindness i started doing odd jobs around the place.

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Through the years part 1

His twin and his other siblings had moved out already, his twin and oldest brother in college yet, his sister graduated from college and married already with a child.

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Zero - The Story of the silent Hero – Chapter 21 - Bright Eyes

Mila was wondering at this sight but not for long because a kricketune moved out of the wall and music began to play. the kricketune moved his arm to his mouth and began to play or just doing so as the music was playing a flute.

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Rocky Mountain Times (Chapter 1)

Jen had sold most of her belongings to move out here, but shopping would have to wait.

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Janner's tale 4-Cheating

Platoon commander grest, make sure all the men at base are ready to move out once given the all clear". the bane-blades opened fire as soon as they reached their position.

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Kuma: Chapter one- Discovery

The bat moved out of the room quickly, tucking his ears under the hood. "so... what were you dreaming about, huh huh? huh?" the overexcited husky was in my bubble again, his nose poking up into my face. i just growled and pushed him away.

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The Grand Finale (extended version)

Shadow then saw a ball of blue fire and lightning flying towards him as he tried to move out of the way but soon the blast consumed him as he yelled in agony then his skin began to shatter like glass until finally an explosion of mass proportions blinded them

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Skinwalkers, Chapter Three

He was usually so meticulous in keeping the darkness at bay that his phobia hadn't gotten the better of him since he'd moved out of his mother's house two years ago.

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First Christmas

He said he got it from his great-grandfather when he moved out. a bona fide good luck charm. mom always said that was silly because as far as she could tell it was just normal glass with flaky paint." nick laughed at that.

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Closet Space

You had, of course, immediately agreed to her terms, though in hindsight you weren't entirely sure how she got you to agree to moving out of your apartment and moving into a much smaller room in her home.

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