A New World, A New Journey Chapter 6

Not this time." answered calem and took my pokeball from his belt and throw it. "argon! let's go!"


A New World, A New Journey Chapter 2

Hit him in side of his face and throw him away from us. i looked up and saw kitsune standing with a really angry look over the toxicroak. her eyes were glowing and she used her "iron tail!" to throw him further away. another "psybeam!"


A Hero's Tale

The army cures everything by just throwing pills at it.? i stop and talk to a medic i know, her name is jessica. i like her name. "hey jim!" she always sounds so excited and i love that.? "heya jess how ya been?" i reply.

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Ricky vs Zander [Birthday beatdown]

He ended his attempted assault with a driving uppercut to zander's abs, throwing any and all remaining energy he had left into it.

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Ander - Chapter 4, Subchapter 20

"but what about all the -" "throw it into the woods. or burn it again, i don't care. i just... i need to think some more." kadai walked. he didn't choose any particular direction, he just walked.

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Gutpunch 10: The Ur-stalker of the Deathplane; A Hunting

His inferna shouldn't be enough to light a fire and yet here it was, throwing a strange, invisible forest beast, with skin of stone and muscles of iron, into a shrieking fit.

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Ander - Part 5: Subchapter 36

You're throwing your life away! all for that degenerate whelp!" he heard aisa strike her daughter. it was not the slap of an open palm, but the hard, dull sound of a fist. and then there was the smell of blood.

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Power Fur Rangers- Episode 21

She then motioned as if she were throwing the energy like a fireball forward. the ring she wore transformed into a gray colored goo that quickly completely enveloped his body.

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Ander - Chapter 5, Subchapter 35

You're throwing your life away! all for that degenerate whelp!" he heard aisa strike her daughter. it was not the slap of an open palm, but the hard, dull sound of a fist. and then there was the smell of blood.

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Ricky vs Nate [Inaugural Gut Punching Match]

He tried to counter by throwing a few fists to the fox's sides as best he could around the flurry of jabs, hoping to throw him off.

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Jamie vs Jeb [falls count anywhere match]

If he succeeds, he'll attempt to throw the wolf in a belly-to-belly suplex. the wolf is taken by suprise and gets lifted up.

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Keep Fighting - Chapter 1: Legacy

If you throw in the fact that he has a shorter reach than jack, i would score this fight 116-112 in favor of bayoumi. let's see what the judges say."

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