Visitor's Vita
There's a phrase that my therapist used on me: 'radical acceptance.' the idea of accepting that you don't have all that you need, or all that you want, or even that you're not able to be what you truly are. accept it all."
The Hardest Part: A Shanda the Panda fanfic by Loki_Darksong
They both had been to their therapist, dr. rama, before the dust had even settled. quinn's self identity had always been a sore spot since trixie had told her that she was really a badger, despite her father being a raccoon.
Chapter 9 - Changing Shadows
"at first i would tell people that but they wouldn't believe a single word i'd say, saying i was confused and needed a therapist. i knew what i was saying and i was right.
The Loraine Files - Washington State #2
I do want you to know that i will be available for you every step of the way and have contacted a well trusted physical therapist to take over your rehabilitation. now then, please excuse me while i attend to my other patients." dr.
Collar 12 -- Pax Vo Biscum
To use the term that therapists were most fond of using, he was_processing_-- a mental practice that weighed emotions from a slight distance, in order to understand better and deal with them properly.
The First Door
"some things to notice," the therapist offered. "the doors aren't so intimidating now. first, that's because you're looking at them from a standing perspective rather than from the floor. second, it's because you stood up all on your own.
In The Doghouse: Chapter Six
Lunchtime was rolling around, and unable to tear himself away from his expense reports, he chose to eat at his desk, something his therapist recommended he avoid. before he could get another bite in, the bell on the front door rang.
The Machinations of Inner Misery 3
"why did you tell a psycho-therapist about me?" he demanded. don did not need to shout, but he did so, for the audio volume of the room was sedated, most beings not speaking or making any loud sounds. he turned a few heads.
Clarity - Chapter 18: Through the Cracks
That'd be a good time to find the kind of therapist who can help unpack... well, aaaaaall of this. it'll be a long time coming for both of us, but still. i'd like to think we'd come out the other end better for it.
Baby Steps
From a therapist's viewpoint, the prolonged silence was a double-edged sword. it would be best, benedict knew, if the two of them were able to guide the conversation themselves.
What Remains - A Personal Treetop Inn Story
Like a therapist or something?" shayna shook her head. "no... doing that means bringing someone in to see this side of him, and these episodes are somewhat rare and very short-lived so it wouldn't be terribly helpful.
And vincent, his roommate and therapist-in-training, was well aware of it by now. the light blue thoroughbred horse nodded in understanding, somewhat fascinated by these desires, and hummed along while looking at his notebook. "right...