Chapter 9 - Changing Shadows

Story by Lionhart on SoFurry

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#9 of Chains of Destiny

Chapter 9 - Changing Shadows

Brian approached the black sphere slowly and cautiously. There was no telling what the sphere could do and what it even is for the most part. Raising his hand, Brian tried to touch it the orb but a dark surge lashed out at his hand and he quickly drew away before they could connect.

"Okay, this isn't going to be as easy as I thought, but it never was easy to begin with," said Brain as he thought about his next course of action. "Why are there two souls here to begin with? Aren't people supposed to have one?"

Turning his head to look at both the human and beast man soul, Brian saw a resemblance between the two. Even though they are different species, it was the characteristics that made them the same. The human soul is caring and only willing to act for the greater good. The beast man soul is the same but slightly different because it doesn't willingly act. Instead it views all actions into consideration but acts upon them anyways.

"Is that why Leo has two souls? Because both the souls are similar in their characteristics?" murmured Brian as he returned his attention to the black sphere.

It was hard to tell what to do to the sphere. Touching it won't really work and he is afraid that if he uses his abilities, then it would pass right through the sphere and hurt what ever is inside. Such difficult decisions that people are required to make but he decided to be patient and allow time to decide for him.

Brian sat down and starred at the black sphere as small black surges of electricity flowed around the sphere sporadically. Each small surge jumped from the place they originated and ended up 10 inches away. Brian realized that the sphere was 6 feet in diameter as he examined the sphere closely. The sphere had folds that covered the sphere from head to toe and over lapped each other in many directions. Looking more closely, he could see thin lines and veins that lined the sphere as if it was an organic being.

"I don't think this is a black sphere anymore," murmured Brian as he got up.

He tried to touch to the sphere again and a dark surge lashed out for his hand again. This time, Brian allowed the attack to connect as he brought his hand closer to the sphere. More dark surges appeared and the sporadic electrical currents gathered to where his hand was moving. No matter what struck at his hand, Brian kept pushing forward. Each strike made the skin beneath the fur ache and swell slightly but Brian ignored the pain. Right before his fingers made contact the sphere, a dark surge lashed out at his hand for the last time and drew blood. Blood spots flew into the air but the pursuit stopped on contact.

"It's beating," said Brian in surprise. "This...thing is alive."

He laid his head on the sphere and thought that there would be an assault but there wasn't. Using his left ear, he heard the beating of the sphere, similar to that of a heart. The beating coursed through his body making him shake a little. He kept on listening until something caught his attention. Just beneath the beating, he could here breathe but it was barely audible. Underneath the breathing was the sound of someone crying.

"Leo?" whispered Brian as he tried to figure out who it was.

No response came and Brian lifted his head off the sphere. Strange enough, the sphere didn't feel hot nor cold. It had presence but no circulation. Looking closely at each vein, the veins carried small electrodes which are what is causing the beating. Slipping his right hand through the folds of the sphere, Brian's hand appeared on the other side as he felt the circulation of air.

"Maybe I can fit my whole body in to," murmured Brian as he attempted to stick his head in. Before his hair even touched the folds, something pulled on his hand and he slipped through without a problem.

The inside was completely different than the outside of the sphere. It was brightly lit and the walls were black. The veins that covered the entire outside surface went in at one point and gathered at many small orbs that levitated within the air. Turning his attention to the center, Brian saw Leo in the fetal position.

"Leo?" said Brian.

"Go away," growled Leo darkly.

"I'm not going to leave," stated Brian firmly as he made his way through the veins carefully towards Leo.

"I said go away!" shouted Leo and strong pulse erupted from his body sending Brian hard into the wall.

Brian quickly recovered from the surprise attack and looked towards Leo. "I'm not leaving until you tell me what the hell is wrong with you," said Brian as he began his way through the veins once again.

"You don't get it do you. I want to be left alone," whispered Leo.

Brian heard those words and he stopped in his tracks.

"For so long I've had this undesirable burden. I never wanted to live like this. You don't know what it's like to live after you have died once already," said Leo.

"Of course I don't. I don't know what that feels like but I want to help you," said Brian.

"If you want to help me, then kill me now," said Leo.

"I will not kill a friend!" shouted Brian in shock.

"If you don't want to then grab a vein and live through my life yourself," said Leo.

Brian grabbed one of the near by veins but it felt like he was trying to hold air. The electrodes within that vein stopped and created a new path into Brian.

"The electrodes hold my life together for what it is. They are the memories of the reborn soul and the soul that I have been infused with," whispered Leo.

A strong light blinded Brian for a fragment of second before he could see again. Someone was holding him and crying. He felt the tear drops that fell onto the fur. He was in the arms of someone he did not know and in a strange place he never saw once in his whole entire life.

"I should have never taken you here," cried the stranger.

"Uncle?" spoke Brian but he realized that it was actually Leo that spoke. He was looking through Leo's eyes.

"You're alive?" exclaimed Leo's uncle as he looked into Leo's eyes. Brian saw what Leo meant by undesirable burden. He saw the skeletal frame of the person and soul that rested where the heart was supposed to be.

A flash of light consumed him again and he appeared in new scenery. This time, it was a park. Kids were running around and adults talking to each other while they were supervising the kids. Birds chirped their songs on the branches overhead. Like what Brian saw just a few moments ago, he saw again with everything around him. He saw the skeletons with souls. The trees withered away to what looked like really long twigs. A frightening experience for him but he also felt Leo's emotions and thoughts.

"Have I been seeing things like this for my whole entire life?" thought Leo as he stared down at his feet. His whole body was intact with skin and muscle. The only things that Leo could see for what they are were objects that didn't have life and himself, either through a reflection or just by examining his body with his eyes.

Flash after flashes of light consumed Brian as he looked into each and every memory that he looked through. One of the memories though caught his attention much more than the rest. This memory was when Leo was in high school, sophomore year. He was just sitting in the library minding his own business when some one approached him.

"Hey there," spoke the voice.

Leo's eyes looked up and it was Brian. This shocked Leo because Brian was not a skeleton with the soul where his heart is supposed to be. Brian, in Leo's eyes, is flesh and blood.

"Is something wrong?" asked Brian as he saw Leo's expression.

"No, no, there's nothing wrong," said Leo quickly as Brian sat down from across from him.

The surge of memories ended there as Brian began to breathe. He opened his eyes and looked into Leo's.

"Frightening isn't it? Looking at people as skeletons and souls," said Leo. "That is what I had to go through day after day until I met you. You were the first person who wasn't a skeleton. Fiona and Alan were skeletons as well but I could quickly distinguish who they were by looking at the soul."

"How do you live through a pain like that?" asked Brian.

"It's something you deal with as you grow up," replied Leo. "At first I would tell people that but they wouldn't believe a single word I'd say, saying I was confused and needed a therapist. I knew what I was saying and I was right. After a while of telling people the same old story, I gave up and let things be."

"Why do you treat it as a burden then? Why don't you just confront it and over come this burden?"

"If I could have overcome the burden, then I would have already done so but it's been infused into my genes."

"But you can still get rid of it...right?"

"No, it's impossible to get rid of. Once you are the living dead like I am, you will see why it can't be removed."

"Then why hide from the world like you are now? You are being weak by hiding. You always tell me to be strong but for what? I'm starting to think what you tell me are just bull shit."

"The reason I hide is because that is who I am. I can't change that just as easily as changing clothes. No, this is completely different. You saw the two souls outside. That is who I am. The Black Wings are also who I am."

"It's not the desire to change that attracts it to you. It's the desire of fear and helplessness," murmured Brian.

"Besides, its better if I stay in here anyways. If I leave this protection, I will have a craving for blood because you're still bleeding."

Brian forgot that his hand was bleeding. The blood slowly leaked out of the wound and drifted like clouds. The shape always changing as the veins sent out frequent shocks along its lines. Brian covered the wound the bleeding seemed to stop.

"That doesn't help you know," remarked Leo as the blood began to refine his senses.

"Don't you have a desire to help change the future? You know, make a better one so that people can live in peace?"

"No. My uncle made me this armlet/gauntlet thing just to encourage the idea of change back into my mind. That was after I lost the desire to live and the desire to be happy."

"You can't just lose desires. They get replaced by something else," said Brian as he drew closer to Leo.

"Yes, they did get replaced by other things but those too, get replaced by something else. I just no longer have any desire to do anything but hide."

Brian was now up close to Leo and noticed many changes that would have never been noticed outside of the soul. Leo's body was more muscular and bigger. His head had more scars that just the scar that ran down from his left eye. The back had translucent wings that fluttered at each electrical pulse. What stood out the most were his eyes. The eyes were both different, one sapphire and the other emerald.

"This was how I am supposed to look like if I didn't die back then. The translucent wings comes from my mother's side of the family but I don't know how it got into her genes," said Leo feeling Brian's presence.

"Wow, this is such a big difference from what you look like on the outside," said Brian in shock.

"Yes, it's quite different and I suggest you get your bloody hand far from me," suggested Leo.

Brian didn't want to leave Leo but he also didn't want to keep his injured hand close to him either. To compromise, Brian backed away but only stopped at the midpoint from Leo to the wall and stuck his hand towards the wall along the line.


"A little," replied Leo. "It would be better if you just leave all together."

"For the last time, I am not going to leave you like this. You need to have the desire to live again. You need to have the desire to make a change."

"There is no way I am going to go back out there and see things as skeletons and souls."

"You can't escape that. You are seeing them as skeletons and souls so it wouldn't make a difference any more."

"Ah, but it does make a difference," spoke a voice. Something descended on Leo before Brian could react. It wrapped its arms around Leo and Leo didn't flinch or wince at the touch. The figure was dark but it appeared to be human. It had no bodily definition or a face as a matter of fact.

"What or who are you?" asked Brian in shock.

"There's no need to know who or what I am. I am who I am. I am what I am," replied the dark figure.

Brian didn't understand what it just said but he didn't like that fact that Leo isn't doing anything about the figure. "What are you doing to Leo?"

Ignoring Brian's question, the dark figure said, "I make a difference in his life. I shelter him from the sight of the skeletons. When ever he's in here, it makes him feel better because I block that from his sight and replace it with things such as bodily substitutes. It allows him to relax and open his mind for me to examine."

"He is not a puppet!" shouted Brian in anger.

"But of course he isn't. I treat him like I treat my other patients. It's not like he's different to me. I just find him very special," said the dark figure as Leo closed his eyes. "It seems like he wants me to examine his thoughts."

The dark figure disappeared for only a split second before reappearing. The reappearance was more defined. Brian could begin to make out the shape of the body which did look human. He couldn't make out the face but that didn't concern him at the moment.

"That's quite strange. I can't read his thoughts," murmured the dark figure as it tried to examine Leo's thoughts again.

It disappeared for another split second and reappeared with more definition. This time, Brian was sure that the dark figure was a male human. The face became distinguishable and Brian could see the confusion on his face. Leo soon opened his eyes but something about them changed. Something about Leo's eyes made Brian shiver and believe that something inside him has been born.

"Why can't I read your thoughts?" murmured the human as he began to think about what has happened since Brian had entered. "Well, he gets through the barrier, moves along the veins, sees the many memories with the veins...then..."

The human's face turned from confused to a anger in only an instant. Brian didn't quite grasp at what was going on but he soon picked up when the human stared at Brian's face darkly with the intent of death.

"You are the cause of all this change," glowered the human as he moved his body and made a travel towards Brian.

Brian knew of the intent of death but he couldn't move. The human's eyes interlocked with his and fear gripped Brian's mind. Before the human could get one foot away from Leo, Leo grabbed his left shoulder. The human turned around and Leo was standing but the way he looked made a more stronger sense that not only has something within Leo's eyes had changed, Leo's whole physique had changed as well.

"I won't allow you to harm him," said Leo's. The room suddenly became could. Brian was shivering but Leo didn't seem to notice the temperature change. The stream of blood that continued to leak from his hand froze.

"What are you doing, Leo?" asked the human.

"I won't allow you to harm him," replied Leo once again, holding a much firmer grip.

"I beg your pardon?" said the human casually but annoyed.

Leo showed his teeth to the human who became a little displeased with what he saw. Leo's fangs became longer and it appeared to Brian that Leo wasn't kidding around to the human. Leo wanted the human dead if he tried anything stupid or even made an attempt to harm Brian in anyway.

"Your fangs do not scare me. I know your past I can use it against you. You were foolish to expose them to me freely," said the human darkly. The human turned his attention towards Brian and sent out an invisible assault.

"I warned you," said Leo as his grip became ten times stronger, breaking in the skin and shattering the bone. Blood spewed during the crush and Leo brought his left hand through the human's body dragging out the beating heart. "I believe you would taste delicious if I tried but you are just using me to your whim."

Leo crushed the heart and more blood exploded into the air. Releasing his right hand from the shattered shoulder, he gripped the right arm and tore it completely off of the body. The left arm followed suit. He tore the human's body in half from the neck down and ripped the halves into shreds. All that remained was the head.

"This was fun but you didn't really put up fight," whispered Leo as he crushed the head and blood spewed out from the neck. In the end, small fragments of the human were floating around Leo and Brian. Blood was drifting the air. Leo moved towards the walls and took only one finger and made a large tear in the wall.

"It's a sad world we live in. That's something that drives me into hiding because I'm sick and tired of having to live through the reality of the world. Some days, I just wish I never existed," said Leo as he watched the wall bleed out dark ooze.

The dark ooze began to repair the tear as it connected with the fold below. The process was fast. This didn't stop Leo from making another large tear in the wall. Brian just watched Leo as he kept making tear after tear in the healing wall. Neither of them said anything for sometime.

"You're...different compared to earlier," murmured Brian as he slowly made his way towards Leo.

"Of course I'm different. Although, I miss the old me already," said Leo as he began to make claw marks in the wall.

"You heard me?!" asked Brian in shock.

"My hearing has become sharper but I don't know by how much," replied Leo not looking at Brain.

"I wonder what else has changed," whispered Brian.

"Hm...let's strength, sense of smell, hearing, maybe my taste, and probably more," responded Leo growing tired of continuously attacking the wall in the same exact spot and letting it heal.

Leo raised his right arm and stuck it into the wall. Brian stopped where he was to see what Leo was doing. Leo made the tear but kept his hand in the wall as he followed the edge, making a clean cut when he made it back to the beginning. The sphere seemed to have become far apart but it quickly reattached.

"This is pissing me off," murmured Leo.

Sticking both of his hands into the wall, arms parallel, Leo pushed them away from each other and sent a large ripple through the wall. The ripple made an innumerable amount of tears in the wall. Black ooze fell from the ceiling and landed on Brian with loud "plops" as Leo sent more ripples through the wall. After the fourth or fifth ripple, the sphere shattered exposing both Leo and Brian to the two souls that were waiting outside of the first sphere.

"Now you can also hear whispers...but I guess you could since I was near by," said Brian as he made his way towards the two souls.

The beast man soul reached into the sphere and Brian grabbed his hand. The human soul reached in but grabbed Brian's head as they both heaved him out of the sphere. The ooze that was still attached to Brian disappeared as he exited the first sphere.

"I never thought that someone from the outside had that much potential within him," commented the human soul as he dusted of Brian's head.

"Indeed, he is very special and powerful. That would explain why he has the northern star as his symbol, no?" praised the beast man soul.

"Even though we don't have a desire, you have freed him from the Black Wings that has enshrouded him from the truth. The Black Wings wanted our abilities, as great as they are. That explains why Leo could only see skeletons and souls aside from you," said the human soul backing away.

"The Black Wings are dangerous to not only everyone but ourselves as well. We were a fool to allow them to reside so close to us, mainly the mind," said the beast man soul looking towards Leo.

"He has changed, but it is probably for the best, don't you think so?" asked the human soul.

"Yes, this change has altered the future greatly as well as place harm in a more crucial role that it is now," replied the beast man soul.

"What are you saying?" asked Brian.

"We are saying that what you did is actually impossible because we have tried to get rid of those wings for quite some time now but failed miserably. How you freed him we do not wish to know but what you did to him is what makes you special. Actually, very special but be forewarned, blood not only has a scent but it now creates a drive," replied the human soul.

"You're saying my blood triggered something within Leo and caused him to become blood thirsty?" questioned Brian.

"That is exactly what I'm saying," replied the human soul.

"Now that he has been revived as a new person, there is also new hope but not everyone can see it that way though. The most anyone can do is hope for the best and wish for the future they all want," said the beast man soul.

Without any thought, Brian began to float away from the sphere, leaving the two souls behind. Brian rose slowly and looked at Leo once more before leaving Leo's subconscious entirely. When he returned to his body, Brian shook and needed air, fast. He was still in the lake but close to the bottom. All he saw was just Leo's motionless body as he struggled to surface.

"Crap, I'm going to die down here," thought Brian.

He continued his struggle as Leo woke up as his old self. The black wings were gone and his eyes were no longer hard and cold. He did have a craving for blood though. Leo looked at Brain and saw that he was getting close to death as it already is. He quickly grabbed one of Brian's flailing arms and shot straight to the surface, dragging Brian with him. They both broke the surface of the lake and Brian gasped for air as if he was deprived of air for his whole entire life.

"I thought you were going to die," said Leo as Brian turned around to face him.

"Well, I'm glad you're doing okay," responded Brian. "You're different now."

Leo was completely different. His eyes turned sapphire and emerald, his body was bigger and a lot stronger, the front of his mane, the portion that covered his neck, was completely gone, and exposed the neck. The back of the mane became longer and could be considered human hair at this point. Claws sharper and the fangs were definitely long and sharp.

"I'm different no thanks to you," pointed out Leo as he began to swim towards the edge of the lake. Brian followed suit and soon, both of them were sitting on the rocky shore, drying themselves off.

It was night time and the three moons were shining down upon the lake. A soft breeze came out of the forest making Brian shiver now and then. Leo turned his head and saw Brian shiver before placing his right arm around Brian's shoulder and drawing him in for warmth. This shocked Brian but he didn't try to resist as the water flowed down their bodies and onto the ground.

"This is a strange out come," whispered Brian.

"You're cold and I don't have a jacket as you can see," said Leo as he looked off into the night sky.

"No, I mean, you doing that is a bit surprising," said Brian.

"I'm sure it is. Like water like ice they revolve around each other," chuckled Leo.

Leo extended his left arm, palm up, and stared at it for only a moment before return his gaze to the night sky. Something shiny was descending from the sky slowly and Brian watched in amazement. The shiny object turned out to be a crystal butterfly as it landed on Leo's palm. Leo brought his arm in and looked at the butterfly with great interest.

"At a hearts moment, I can just let it die. At a hearts moment, I can just let it live. At a hearts moment, the future has changed," whispered Leo as the butterfly changed from crystal to gold.

Brian was amazed at the sudden change. The butterfly began to flap its wings and fly off, leaving spores dust behind as it flew off into the night sky, towards the gold moon. Leo then extended his arm once again and willed for a small fire. A spark occurred before the flames came to life and hovered above the palm.

"That and magic has returned anyways," said Leo as he doused the flame and returned his gaze to the night sky.

A long thick stream was coursing through the sky as Leo watched it. Brian turned his attention to the stream as well. The thick stream was the source of the magic as it flows all around the world. What the people of both countries hold dear has returned for the ending of such a long in irritable war. The stream glimmered as the moons shined on it and it appeared to be letting dust fall from the sky.

"Is magic what these people hold dear in their hearts?" asked Brian.

"Yes, this precious substance is what began the 150 year war in the first place. Now that it has returned, it will be time for the war to end, but in the worst way imaginable. Everyone wishes for the end to blood shed but it takes a large amount for it to end at all," said Leo. The mention of blood turned his face grim.

"I don't think there's anything I can do to change you again, is there?" asked Brian.

"No, my change is permanent but that doesn't make a difference to me because I will live forever in the folds of time itself. Until the die where I do die anyways," said Leo. "Make sure you don't draw anymore blood near me for a while, okay?"

"I can't make any promises on that but I can try," answered Brian.

In Canterus's village, he saw the whole struggle that Leo had within him. When the event was over, Canterus backed away from the fountain and noticed that the beast man and human have disappeared. He walked back to the village to find that it was once again in shambles but he didn't feel as nostalgic as before. The feeling that passed through him was a relaxing feeling, a feeling that he hasn't felt for over God knows how long.

"I guess that even Leo has problems that can't be solved without help from others. To think that he was the strongest out of us all seems very hypocritical. He's only strong when it comes down to doing the right thing," murmured Canterus as he walked through the village towards the entrance he came from.

"Time moves at a gradual pace, a pace that is loved by many people. He who saves our world, will save us all," spoke a deep voice.

Canterus made it out of the village to see who spoke. Bahamut was waiting at the village edge, leaned against a tree. It's surprising how his weight didn't just snap the tree in half because of how thin it looked compared to Bahamut's great size.

"Bahamut," said Canterus approaching Bahamut.

"I think it's time for you to return to Leo as well as I and the others. So far only I have been able to make it to him other than Ifrit and yourself," said Bahamut.

Bahamut stood up and grabbed Canterus by the arm before taking off into the air.

"Wait! What about his friends?" asked Canterus.

"They are going for Leo's friends and will meet up with us at the lake," said Bahamut swinging Canterus onto his back before going to Mirror Lake.

"If you say so," said Canterus as he prepared himself the fast flight to Mirror Lake.

Fiona, Collins, and Alan were amazed at what happened to Leo in the past as they left the small room with the fountain. They entered the large room with a lot of stuff once again but it was empty aside from its walls and columns.

"Where did everything go?" asked Fiona.

"Where's Brian?" asked Alan.

"Don't worry about Brian, he's safe," replied a voice coming from the nearest column to the right.

Someone stepped out from behind that column and revealed who the mysterious speaker was. It was a blue human with a shawl draped over her shoulders. She didn't where any shoes but an assortment of head gears, rings, and earrings.

"As for the stuff, it was nothing but an illusion," said another voice from the other side of the room.

A dark figure stepped out from the shadows dressed in all armor. He carried a sword similar to Canterus's Great Sword but it was much slimmer. The armor wasn't that much special but it defined the many features that the knight had.

"We need to take you back to Leo for the final battle that will stop this war," said a voice to the left of the group.

A slim dragon dropped from the ceiling. Her body was silver and it glistened under the light. Face soft but the claws sharp and ready to protect anyone.

"We are ancients that have sworn to help Leo change the future of this world. I am Silva," said the dragon. "That is Alexander, dressed in the armor, and that is Shiva, the one with the shawl."

"Let us make haste before we have Canterus and Leo wait forever for our arrival," said Alexander as he dashed towards the group and stopped a few inches away.

"Indeed, Fiona, take my hand we will move quickly," said Shiva as she jumped to Fiona's side and offered a hand.

"Alan is going to come with me," responded Silva as she hovered near Alan.

"That means you're with me Collins," said Alexander with a hint of disappointment.

Fiona accepted Shiva's hand, Alan held Silva's hand, and Collins hopped onto Alexanders back but Alexander moved him onto his shoulder.

"Hold on tight," said Alexander as he dashed to the entrance and jumped high off the ground. Shiva followed suit but began to fly inside of the temple. Silva was the last to leave and began to fly towards Mirror Lake before the others began to fly in that direction.

"Do you hear something?" asked Brian as he heard the feint sound of flapping wings.

"I think I hear flapping wings," said Leo as he concentrated on the sound.

Before either of them could say anything more, a black mass descended from the sky and landed behind them.

"That was a rough ride," said someone attached to the black mass.

Leo turned his head around saw Bahamut standing behind him setting down Canterus. Canterus seemed sore from the flight as he was bending forward at the waist rubbing his back.

"I told you not to put your sword there," said Bahamut.

Brian turned around and saw Bahamut before noticing Canterus. "W...w...w...who," began Brian.

"That's Bahamut," said Leo cutting Brian off.

Canterus turned his head up and saw Brian and Leo. "Brian! It's good to see you again," said Canterus enthusiastically.

"It seems that you two met already but where are they others? They should have been here by now," said Bahamut as something heavy landed nearby with a loud thud followed by a scream.

"You should have told me you drop like a rock!" shouted the screamer.

Shiva and Silva descended from the sky next to Bahamut. Fiona and Alan let go the moment they touched ground.

"Leo!" shouted Fiona with tears in her eyes as she hugged Leo. Alan was still trying to regain his balance as Collins stepped out of the forest.

"Why didn't anyone tell me Alexander drops like a fucken rock!" shouted Collins.

Alexander came out of the forest soon afterwards and walked towards Leo. Shiva and Silva stood next to him.

"Leo Lionheart, Guardian of Time and Space, we would like to make a pact with you," said Silva.

"You are not going to make a pact without me," said Bahamut standing next to Silva.

Leo closed his eyes as Fiona let go of him. He stood up without even opening his eyes and lit a fire between the ancients and himself. Canterus walked forward and stuck his sword underneath the fire before standing next to Bahamut.

"Let us begin," whispered Leo as the Fire Fang appeared within the flames.

Bahamut began the pact. "We, the ancients, shall bestow the power and aid that courses through our veins."

"We, the ancients, shall forever be at the fingers of our master," continued Silva.

"We, the ancients, shall always come to the call for our aid," continued Alexander.

"We, the ancients, will bind our lives to thee, Leo Lionheart," continued Shiva.

"We, the ancients, will make a bond that will stand the test of time," continued Canterus.

The Fire Fang began to glow as the ancients drew out their items for making a pact.

"We bestow to you, Leo Lionheart, the Frozen Crystal from Shiva, the Dragon's Eye from Silva, the Black Blade from Bahamut, the Statue of Valor from Canterus, and the Northern Hope from myself," said Alexander.

"Should you accept these items, along with the Fire Fang that is already in your possession, you will be linked to us until the day where you break it," said Bahamut.

"I accept," said Leo as the pact items joined with the Fire Fang.

"Then so be it. From here on, your name shall be written on the ancient scripture creating the link that will stay for all eternity," said Alexander.

All of the pact items bunched to together became one pact item. It glistened in the light but was dark at the same time. It seemed smooth but also rough. Its design is that of a butterfly but it had many strange details and textures making it hard to describe.

"The pact has been made, the Obsidian Butterfly is the proof of our pact including Ifrit's pact with me," said Leo as the butterfly dissipated into thin air.

Fiona, Alan, Brian, and Collins joined the pact circle and the real matter begins.

"Now, we plan for the final battle which will take place three days from now," said Leo.