Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 68
_you are a healer, bethany,_ her mother's voice came floating out of the depths of her mind, like it almost always did when she got stuck. _you promised to help people, no matter what._ but how!?
Severa Meets An All Encompassing Touch
Each time she reached a door she pushed softly at it until one gave, she stuck her head into the room.
Formerly Jealous Badger
Hey, i'm the jealous one here, nobody likes some badger, you think i like being stuck in a place where the only other wild animal hates me, you think i like being stuck in the small yard that has no traps?"
Before A Fall
He defiantly stuck his forked tongue out at her, shifting it into a tiny carnivorous plant which also stuck its own tongue out at her in turn.
Tale of Tails Chapter 1
Rising to his feet bastion made his way over to the bobbing boy, there stuck waist deep in a hollow log was the poor bunny boy trying desperately to escape.
The Farmer
Clementine's tail stuck out of that cavernous hole, and, no sooner had tom rounded the corner and seen this... thing, whatever it was, the tail was sucked out of sight like a noodle. tom felt suddenly queasy.
Windchaser - Stormy Night
You going to be okay stuck here with me?" cosmo said. "i could think of worse people to be stuck with in a storm" tanya replied with a grin on her face. both of them laughed a little at that and it set the mood for most of the evening.
No Popcorn for the Movie
I've seen this movie before and i didn't want to watch the conclusion, but i was stuck in my seat. our relationship had been strained; i was afraid that it was my fault.
An Anthro's Tale-Chapter 14-Arrival
As we walked inside the store,the others stepped out while i stuck with jack. "why you always gotta show off dude?" i asked smiling as i grabbed a honey bun from the shelf.
Swimming With The Fishes
Four of his fingers, all of them except his thumb, stuck together. he tried to move them apart, but he just couldn't. he leered in and noticed his fingers weren't just stuck together, but it looked as if the suit combined them.
Dance in the Circle Chapter 2
I guess i'm stuck here... " she said, looking up into his eyes. "yes... you are stuck in the fey world now... but you aren't stuck here alone," he said, kissing her forehead softly again.
MoonDust, Chapter 13
"tell me again how long we're stuck in this sardine can?" alexei asked. the sergeant chuckled. "not long. this is the piccolomini n guard station. we're going somewhere even smaller." a huge yawn split his muzzle and he blinked.