An Anthro's Tale-Chapter 14-Arrival

Story by Tyro619 on SoFurry

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#14 of An Anthro's Tale

14 year old Seth Allen is trying to keep his head down long enough to survive high school,he has an insane crush on a girl way out of his leauge and he loves cars and loves to work on them. He has his own company,Draconian Customs,their slogan is:"If you can dream it,we can build it." Seth and his friends have the lofty dream of seeing one of their cars on the 128 Miles of Road America. And it looks like that dream may come true when four men from Delton Motorsports commission them for a Pontiac GTO Hardtop for the 128 mile endurance race. Seth,however,is hiding a secret.

The next morning I was awoken when Tristan stuck his head in the door.

"Seth,Shelby",he said loudly,"wake up,time to go."

"Give us a minute bro",I replied.

Tristan smiled at me and shut the door behind him. I looked at Shelby,who was still asleep in my grasp. I smiled before giving her a lick between her horns. She cracked open her neon green eyes and smiled when they met my neon green and blue ones.

"Morning my love",she said licking me across the snout.

"Morning to you too",I replied with a smile,"it's time to go,let's clean up and get dressed."

I reluctantly let her go and she stood and stretched before showering and then dressing in blue cargo shorts and a white T-shirt. I showered off as well and slipped on my red sleeveless shirt with the blue dragon shorts that she'd give me for my birthday as well as the silver neck less with the the engraved dragon pendant as well as my dog tags. We quickly packed up our packs and walked out side where Tess and Tristan were waiting for us. It didn't take me long to notice the tooth marks on booth their necks.

"So you couldn't hold on either huh?",I asked Tristan,who had a big smile covering his muzzle.

"Shut up Seth",he said smiling still,"It was the best two hours of my life."

"Dude",I said smiling,"I didn't need to hear that."

"Well that's how it is",Tristan replied,"I wish it could have lasted longer."

"Oh my god Tristan",I said gagging,"please muzzle it!"

Tristan only grinned from ear to ear and laughed. He was about to say something else when Dad called us from the Ford.

"Kids lets go!"

We grabbed our bags and walked down to the truck. We tossed our bags in the back and climbed in as Dad closed the lift gate and climbed in himself. He stuck the key in the ignition and turned it,the Ford's engine rattled slightly before awakening and shaking the entire truck lightly. I let off a large yawn,I felt my jaw want to disconnect and open wider,but I managed to keep it in place.

"Tired Seth?" Will asked sarcastically.

"Yeah",I replied yawning again,"I didn't get to sleep till late last night."

Dad drove the Ford from the hotel parking lot and into the adjacent gas station.

"Anyone hungry?",Mom asked.

"I'm starved",Tess said.

"I am too",I replied undoing my seat belt.

"Same here",Will said.

"Well if your hungry",Mom said,"then come with me."

We climbed out of the car as Dad began to fill the tank and DJ and Jack pulled in. Jack,as always,was showing off for he people who were here by goosing the engine as he pulled to a stop in front of the station's store. I could see eye brow's raise when the Falcon's door opened and Jack climbed out. They clearly didn't expect a seventeen year old boy to be driving a car that looked so much like something out of a sci-fi movie. As we walked inside the store,the others stepped out while I stuck with Jack.

"Why you always gotta show off dude?" I asked smiling as I grabbed a Honey Bun from the shelf.

Jack smiled at me,"I can't help it Seth,the Falcon has four more cylinders than a Bugatti Veyron and beat the Hennessy Venom GT by a hundred miles an hour,plus it just looks cool."

I smiled and put my paw on his shoulder,"That is does brother,but still,no one likes a show off."

Jack just gave me an arrogant smirk as we walked to the checkout with the others.Mom,Dad,Frank and DJ had small coffees while the others mostly had coke and Pepsi. The most popular snack cake by far were mini doughnuts. We quickly checked out and walked back to our cars,Dad wanted an early start so we'd be on the freeway by the time the morning rush rolled around,and I didn't blame him. We piled into the Ford and Dad quickly drove from the gas station parking lot with Jack and DJ behind us. Dad drove for about ten minutes,before we finally got onto the interstate. Deciding I was bored,I pulled my vita from my backpack and flipped it on. Forza 3 soon came on,the R2 World Championship. Sighing,I selected my Koenisegg CCGT and started the race. I personally hated this track,I just felt it was long and boring,and at eight laps,I'd probably be wishing for death by the time I was done.

The game started and the intros went through their usual paces before allowing me control over my car. I quickly hammered the gas and the car skidded around before finally taking off,leaving the other cars in the dust. I slowed down slowly and methodically as I approached the first turn,it was wide and forgiving,so I had some room to go fast,as i liked to do very much. I slowed to about 78 miles an hour before I took the turn and began to speed up. Due to the fact that my tires were standing straight up,the car would not turn,or even skid,unless I told it to,it allowed me to accelerate all through the next turn and a good chunk of the straight away leading to the next one. I finished my first lap in a little over two minutes,at that rate it'd take me sixteen to eighteen minutes to finish the race.

"Kill me now please",I said as I started the second lap.

"Why for?" Tess asked.

"This track is so dull and lifeless",I said taking another turn,"I hate it with my entire being."

"So why you racing it?",she asked leaning in to see my game.

"Cause the program says I have to if I wanna go on."

Tess scraped her talons together,"would you prefer a slit throat or a punctured heart?"

"Tess",Mom said scolding her,"don't talk to your brother like that."

"were just messing around Mom",I said,"nothing to worry about."

Mom just sighed and looked back towards the road.

I turned to my sister,who had a playful smirk on her face.

"Throat please",I said,"less pain."

"Very well",Tess said lightly running her claw across the scales on my neck,it left a small,white scratch that would probably go away with in the hour. I pretended to gag on my own blood and rolled my eyes so you could see the white. "

"Nooo",Shelby said smiling and twining her tail with mine. Tristan put his paw on her shoulder,"He's gone."

"I know",Shelby said faking a cry.

Tess rubbed her claws together and growled playfully.

"Which of you is next?"

"Never",Tristan said returning his mate's growl,"you'll have to kill me to get to her!"

"Very well!" Tess said pretending to stab Tristan in the gut.

Tristan faked a gag and pretended to choke to death.

"Not you too!" Shelby said trying to keep back a laugh.

"Join me",Tess said growling playfully,"together we shall conquer this world!"

Shelby let off a playful snarl and bared her fangs,"never! you killed my sister!"

"No Shelby",Tess said smirking evilly,"I am your sister!"

"Noooo",Shelby said finally breaking into laughter.

Soon her laughter spread to us all especially Taylor,who was nearly crying from it. After a few minutes,we had all calmed down enough to form coherent thoughts,and within the hour we could speak again. I went back to my game,Tess to her book,Secret's In Warfare and Tristan his phone,while Shelby her sightseeing. It took me about twenty minutes to finish my entire race,and as i suspected,by the time I was done I was wishing for someone to yank my life strings right out.

"I hate that track",my voice came out as a low hiss,"so much."

I started the R3 endurance race,128 Miles of Road America,my favorite one,in the car that came the closest to our F1 GTR,the Lamborghini Reventon. I had painted it jet black,like the real Falcon and added vinyl decals that read GTR and Falcon to the sides and back. The inside of the car looked much the same,but the steering wheel was wrong,and that was about the only difference. It didn't have twenty cylinders,I think it had 12,but It might be ten,or as low as six,like I said I wasn't sure. The game went through it's usual paces before handing control over to me and allowing me to speed down the track.

The Reventon's sound was high pitched,but angry sounding. It was a sound that could give the real Falcon a run for it's money,but come up short in the end. I raced hard and long for the 32 laps of the four miles track,my total time was little over an hour and twelve minutes,and by the time I was done we had stopped for gas and now were stopping for lunch. Dad pulled the Ford into the rest stop parking space and killed the engine as DJ and Jack pulled in behind us,parking in the adjacent spots. We piled out of the Ford and stretched while Mom and Dad pulled the blue cooler full of meats,veggies and cheese out of the back.

Tess and I helped them carry the cooler over to a near by table. I made the same spicy sandwich I had yesterday and was well into it when DJ showed back up. She was wearing a sleeveless neon green Under Armor shirt and tan cargo shorts.

"Since when do you dress like that?" I asked taking another bite of my sandwich.

"Since I got hot in my truck",she replied sitting down and opening a coke,"I found yesterday that siting in my truck with jeans on makes me really hot and my legs ache a lot."

"Weird",Tess said,"only time I get cramps is when I don't move around."

DJ glanced around,"hopefully there are no little dogs to spill my coke on me today."

Her comment caused us all to laugh. Lunch took about thirty minutes and then Mom and Dad began to pack up while the rest of us hit the vending machines. With what little money were in my shorts pocket,I managed to get my paws around a few bags of beef jerky,two bags of cheese puffs and a bottle of water. I quickly returned to the Ford and climbed into the Ford. Dad pulled from the rest stop with the other's following and soon we were on the road again.

I watched as Arkansas turned into Kansas and Kansas to Missouri. It was now around six in he evening and everyone was getting tired.

"Dad",I asked yawning,"are we gonna stop soon?"

"Yes son",Dad replied,"were almost to Wisconsin,we'll stop once we hit Grand Lake,it's about four hours out."

I groaned,"four hours?"

"It is what it is",Dad replied turning into a burger king.

We went through the dive through and ordered before getting back onto the interstate. As they evening turned to night the Ford's headlights came on and the cabin grew dark. Tess cracked a few glow sticks which dimly lit the Ford's cabin. I had always liked the dark,maybe it was just becasue I had black scales. I would some times find the darkest spot I could,close my eyes and give everything over to my ears. I was always surprised at the things I could hear,the cars on the road,the wind in the sky and the calls and chirps of whatever wild life would be around. A few times I had fallen asleep and once Mom had taken a picture of me curled up at the base of a large tree,I looked happy and content. One by one,we began to fall asleep. Tess and Tristan were the first to go,followed by Shelby and my siblings,and finally me. I didn't get to sleep very long though,having woken up several minutes later.

"Were here",Dad said undoing his seat belt,"welcome to Road America."