Missing (Arco story)
**Its was a long dark night alone walk in the large forest it was noisy as i walk forward as i didn't know what lied ahead as walk right in a trap realizing late as i was know down in the ground i howl calling for help...
My Story....part3
My story...part 3(noname) by bitewolf aka whitewolf this story is based on a non-fur world in the united kingdom near chelmsford whilst i was still in my teens.
Carbon C's story
Somewhere in an abandoned building with broken windows and boarded up doors, in the basement of the structure sat an old Alakazam in a stone slab used as a makeshift seat as he leans against the wall to act as the back of a chair. On his left, a...
The Story Of A Hero. 4.
#5 of the story of a hero. here is part 4 on my second day in a row. 37.8c fever, but i gotta finish this :) as always, enjoy. read well because i might misspell something. "its true in this world, those who break rules and regulations are called scum.
The Story Of A Hero. 3.
#4 of the story of a hero. sorry for lying. i promised to update 3-7 times weekly, but i caught a fever and i am not over it yet. still a bad 38.4c :( well, there is part 3.
The Story Of A Hero. 2.
#3 of the story of a hero. this goes into "the story of a hero" folder, i suggest reading from the beginning starting from the intro, not part 1. "its true in this world, those who break rules and regulations are called scum.
The Surge: An Argon Story
[for you fellow furres out there, this is not a furre story but a alien story set in a very distant future so no hate] prologue: humming softly in the main library area of the mammoth i thumbed through my encyclopedia study's required for every
The Draconian Story Epilogue
This is the end of "the draconian story" but richard's journey doesn't end here...
The Story Of A Hero. 1.
#2 of the story of a hero. (i suggest reading the intro i wrote to this, i would call it inspirational. and that's what this story is about. to inspire you, the story isnt over, so dont start saying "how is this supposed to be inspiring?")
Nusha Nightstar Story
#1 of nusha story this is only the prologue so tell me what you think of it hoping someone like it prologue 12 year old nusha nightsar was born to medusa who wanted a son for her husband ash nightstar but once medusa went
Dragon Transformation story
About 6 months ago, i was totally lacking inspiration, but i wanted to write -something-, so i offered to write a transformation story for someone and he's the only one that replied.
Just a short storie
With the sun breaking threw the clouds and hitting the eyelids, he wakes up. "Of course, the sun would burn through the clouds and hit me just perfect." He muttered. After rolling around for a few more moments he gives up. "Fine, I'm getting up! Let us...