Giant's Leap (Agency's Endgame)

The size-restraint bracelet seemed only to delay things, not to keep him small. ty could live with that so long as he wasn't having to apologize to shopkeepers.

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The Tiger and the Taxi

His upper arm broke free of its clothing restraints and the mouse got a unrestricted view of the powerful muscles that made up his biceps and triceps. bulging with mass, his arm looked strong to punch through a brick wall.

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The Lead Crown: Ch 9.5a, Accountability

Flittering the edge of consciousness, sanmer found himself spending equal times dozing off and squirming in his restraints.

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Chapter II: Take Everything Away

._ he tried wiggling against his restraints, and immediately regretted it, pain wracking his entire body. he whimpered despite himself - not noticing a light flashing on a small radio-sized unit placed on the table before him.

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The Transformation of Fargus

From there he hijacked the system's administrator account, giving him the ability to do whatever he wanted with no restraint.

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Not Another One of Those Days

I watch as the news changes to a report of a dirty, beaten wolf in restraints being escorted out of the prima beta co. building, the tallest building in the city... they have to tranquilize him while pulling him out of the building.

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Chance's Encounters. Chapter Kindergarten

A restraint that was nearly mandatory for the hyperactive child. "what's your name?" jasper looked up at her with his large wide eyes and said nothing. "well...whose your little friend?"

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Shadow Dragon Bio

A shadow dragon on the other hand shows restraint, preferring to keep their host alive for prolonged feeding and in the end, does not kill their host.

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Lost Wanderings: 1

As soon as the last restraint fell away in pieces the jaguar leapt up and wrapped his arms around valen's shoulders, whispering "thank you." "i'm just glad that i could help." the panther replied softly. "my name's valen." "i'm kirin."

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Chapter 18 -- Wymera

Attempts to pull at her restraints were met with mixed signals from her extremities. some telling her brain that they weren't moving at all and others that the straps had released and she was moving freely.

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August 6: An Unusual Big Bro

Though i worried about leaving tatsu-nii alone with torahiko given what could happen with alcohol in the scene, tora had the rope and other forms of restraint ready just in case.


The Unintended Curse ch8

I could tell that the men that were pulling the carriage were slaves due to their slave collars and wrist restraints that had chains running from their wrist restraints to their collars.

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