He was a dull olive green and yellow dragon. "ok you two, before lunch you need to change so you don't have soggy sandwiches." "yes papa." the two grabbed a change of clothes and stripped down and changed on the spot.
The Story of Captain Padfoot, Part 3
"aiden oliver coalson, first mate of dog star three, or should that be ex first..."
Part 3: The Arena Blademaster
He was like other olive-skinned men bloodies had seen before, except for being tall and wore an eyepatch over his left eye. he bore a few scars and his mouth seemed like it had been chiselled into a permanent frown.
Death Knell
Peered across the landscape with a pair of binoculars, hoping that the sun wouldn't glint off of them nor the olive drab helmet he wore. they were the hunters. not the hunted. and now... "got 'im," the leopard whispered.
Dons Nation 4 - Week 5
We actually got to see rookie oliver smithson start this game as a tight end and on his first play he caught the ball and ran for nine yards. woods: he sounds like a real good potential runner for the future games.
UNFINISHED - Failed AGNPH Fics Contest (October 2013) entry
I jostled my way through the dark alleyways, cobblestone street below my olive green feet. hot steam pushed up from the various gutters at quite a speed. turn after turn, alley by alley, i swerved my way through.
Scars Ch. 2
"i sent oliver rydell." "you sent ollie?" tonya asked surprised. "any...problems?" conway asked. "no sir," tonya asked. "i'll be leaving then." "you are excused," conway said. tonya walks out of the room and closes the door.
Trouble by the Pool (Diapers)
Matt ran over to the tables, and sat down with michael before stealing a few cheesy tortilla chips and olives. "i didn't know you were a member. i would have called you to meet up."
Doberman and Throbbin, Part 2, Daniel's Story
"hi my name is sergeant oliver dale, first of all guys, are you both ok?" luke and i look at each other and then back to the shepherd, i make our reply.
Through Breath and Sight - Chapter 4
The figure seated beside me is a lizard, of shape similar, near as i can discern, to that of the peasant girl; shrunken, angular form, long spindly muzzle, coarsely scaled, dark olive skin that glistens slightly even in the dim light, and narrow, bright yellow
Clarity - Chapter 3: Remember Me
Hm, chips, the dip, the olives... well, yeah, guess they were salty. got pretty thirsty- ohhhhh. ohhh. oh. that would... that would explain some things. oh no. at the table now. seat's got armrests, so clover can go do things.
Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 52: Everything Wrong Is the Fault Of Someone Else
"you mean like dawn, corbin, theresa and oliver?" the cat asked her wolf. "at least until all this blows over." "travel where?" "marble canyons.