Chp 20- The Sun's Memories

Everything he said to me about that time brought up some painful memories that i thought were long gone. i hung my head in hopes to hide my pain from him but then i felt a gentle warmth on my cheek and looked up seeing him smile at me.

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A warm memory on a cold night

No, his mind was elsewhere, his mind was in another time and place; a happier one, with memories much warmer then then the world outside.

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Memories: Nightmare (OLD STORY)

It burned her memory, and cynder knew that she would never forget it. but who was that large ape? he seemed so familiar to her, but she didn't remember from where. she decided to ask terrador or the other's later.

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8th Crescent Past Memories

memories began to flood back to me as i began to remember all the times he smiled at me like that, not so long ago. i clasped his hand in both of my own once more, and held it close to my heart. i was so scared now.

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Memories (OLD STORY): The Temple

I'm really going to have a headache from volteer's speech about how you lost your memory...." terrador groaned, preparing for the inevitable "who's volteer?" cynder asked, curious on whom it was. "trust me, you don't wanna know..."

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Shade's Memory File 1

A clash of metal rang out as a large ripple waved against a nearby river before an explosion lit up the surrounding area leveling the entire battle field as two warroirs skidded across the river...



"it should smell familiar me you have memories from the time line that i created when i had my psychic powers...thanks to you mewtwo removed little bitch rat!"


1. My Memories (Prologue)

#1 of the journey to destiny my memories my story begins in the cockpit of my excaliber; a 32m, 20-metric ton, jump capable, long range heavy fighter armed with quad tachyon cannons, dual particle cannons, and 12 missiles plus the temblor bomb, a

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Celestial Memories, part 1

Celestial memories by aliza starwing (edited by ashurak, because my orignal was bad grammatically) in the beginning, most people don't remember their childhood.

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Chapter 2: A Slave to Memory

He could tuck those memories back into the dark recesses of his mind and ignore them again. "i didn't know what to do.

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Chapter XI: Dead Memories

Maybe things are better left in the past, where dead memories should remain.

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The First Dream and Memories Of Love

I just looked at him and then i passed out falling forward as e caught me in his arms and carried me putting my back against the tree and sat me up. ..........memory............

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