Chapter XI: Dead Memories

Story by Anakani on SoFurry

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#11 of No World For Tomorrow

This chapter/interlude takes place right after the end of chapter ten. Roughly around ten o' clock that night. Read, rate, comment, but most of all enjoy.

It wasn't long after the meeting/rally downstairs when Jillian was able to meet and greet her fellow wolves. There were many sinister looks but they had their orders and had to play nice. Jillian felt kinda sorry for them since they weren't given the freedom of choice in any matter. They all bore the same uniform colors, kept themselves prim and proper but most of all they acted as if Stone was a god wolf or something. Jillian tried not to let it creep her out too much as she entered a communications room. Wolves were here and there as they managed various companies and other logistics while she managed a spot at the nearest computer terminal. Jillian gave the computer a look over and began to work as the wolves exited the room for some meeting announced over the intercom. "What do we have here?" she said as she pressed a few keys to hopefully make sense of the mixed files and random open windows. A few presses later she came upon another screen, on it a file named "Classified Materials". Seeing no harm in poking around she clicks on it and is taken to a list of things involving the War of Pride. One of them being "Forgotten" and another being called "Project R.A.I.". "Interesting.". Jillian uttered under her breath. Two mouse clicks later the file opened revealing the data involved in the project. It was here that Jillian learned a little more about the wolfess, in whose company she was so suddenly thrown into when Rai got Stone and her out of the councils jails. Project R.A.I. as it was called involved the use of an egg taken from Tiffani Black Wolf's ovum shortly before she was buried. The egg was then fertilized through an experimental technique and Rai was grown in a pod. Everything was going to plan until an accident occurred that threatened the safety of the pod. Rai being premature quickly began to die within the pod. Reverse engineering of captured alien technology proved crucial in Rai's survival. "Forget what I said earlier. Stone, you are seriously one sick fuck." Jillian uttered as she read on. Once preparations were complete the "Resurrected Actual Intelligence" was then transferred into the host body, thus an heir to the Black Wolf name was reborn anew. Basic motor functions and various combat data were uploaded creating the ideal super-soldier. Though this wasn't the projects original purpose it was still an advancement in war technology at the time. "Thank god this technology was never mass produced." Jillian closed the window and clicked on the "Forgotten" file. The screen flickered as it loaded the data. Once finished Jillian began reading to her hearts discontent. The forgotten, an alien race from somewhere beyond the stars. First encountered during the War of Pride when radar picked up an unidentified air craft in the approaching storm. Two fighters were scrambled to intercept the possible foxen craft. A short firefight ensued causing the loss of one fighter and the shooting down of unknown craft. Debris and unknown craft were collected and then transported to an undisclosed location. "Could they have brought it here?" Jillian asked herself, having a gut feeling but needing to be very sure. She continued reading. Not long after recovery more of the unidentified craft started appearing in the skies over the Den. Not risking the war effort with hysterical civilians bantering nonsense Stone had the craft moved to Hangar 13. Not long after that first contact was made by Stone when an alien being emerged from the area around Tiffani's gravesite asking/telepathically demanding the crafts return. The alien beings presence violated the sanctity of Tiffani's resting place and an ultimatum was then delivered, return the craft or face extinction. Thus the first shot was fired and a battle ensued not far from Tiffani's grave. The battle of wolf and Forgotten lasted most of the day before Stone emerged victorious. With his forces exhausted Stone sought out other options to aid the war effort, namely the use of captured alien technology. With the war drawing closer to the Den research had been strained and a serum was created using alien blood, Project Maverick as it was called. Other technologies were created but most them never seen actual use. W13s, the silent tank, were one of the technologies used. It is believed that one of the Forgotten may have escaped and alerted the rest of their kind, which would explain their return and invasion of Neon City. "That would explain the invasion. But why Neon City?" Jillian remained skeptical as she perused the file further.

Forgotten Type 1 "Drones" This foot soldier uses an assortment of weapons available to it. Recon has shown the 'drones' favor paw to paw combat when given the chance. Agile, heartless and efficient they are capable of decimating the civilian populace if given the chance.

Forgotten Type 2 "Goliaths" This beast is incapable of feeling even the most of severe wounds that it receives. Heavily armored and just as ruthless as the drone, are capable of decimating armored vehicles with brute force. Great care should be taken in the event of confrontation.

Forgotten Type 3 "Death Discs" This airborne vehicle is capable of adapting to battle terrain by using our technology in place of its own. Fortunately these foes are shot down before they can finish their combat adaptation.

Forgotten Type 4 "Auricons" Not much is known about this type. Only that it is the command and control unit for all ground forces. Rumored to have stealth tech but none have ever been killed and recovered for study.

"What else do they know that they aren't sharing?" Jillian asked herself. "Find out anything interesting?" spoke a voice from behind Jillian. Jillian swung her chair around to face Rai who had just entered the room bearing a soft smile on her maw. "You know I did. A lot actually." replied Jillian. "And I have a few questions, if you don't mind." "Okay" replied the wolfess. "First off. Why wasn't this information ever shared with the foxen?" Jillian demanded as she nodded towards the computer. Jillian figured that since she had just read it that she was entitled to an explanation, no matter who gave it to her. "I see." came the amused huff from Rai. "That's an easy one, it's on a need to know basis and were aren't exactly friends with the foxen or the Den wolves. So...." Jillian slammed her paw on the table. "This information could've saved the lives of countless others. What gives you the right to dictate who receives this information." she said, enforcing her point of view. Calmly Rai sat on the table beside Jillian, not a care in the world even with Jillian trying to coerce her into a justifiable point of view. "You just don't get it, do you?" replied Rai, teetering on the edge of the table. "Everyone here is told when the need arises, not before. As per fathers order. Jillian was clearly not amused with Rai's attempts at childish conversation. "Don't play dumb with me Rai. I know what you are." barked Jillian with a hint of rage in her voice. "Do you now?" replied Rai, as she kept up her childish act. Within moments that soft smile disappeared revealing a very serious look on Rai's face. "Do you know what its like to appear wolfen on the outside yet have none of things that make you one? No you don't." Crossing her arms Rai continued. "Once I was like you, normal. But that was taken from me at a very early age. Now I live on in this thing you call a machine. I've no soul. The things you call emotions define one as being alive yet I do not fully understand them. I can only emulate them but not mean them." "But you do have a name. That has to count for something right?" Rai nodded. "I do have a name. Rai Black Wolf, given to me by my father. Though I have his name I cannot fully keep his bloodline alive. The thing you call love is something I could never hope to achieve." That was painful truth to hear and Jillian couldn't help but feel sorry for Rai. She wasn't a wolf per se but was pretty damn close. A thought crossed Jillian's mind to comfort Rai but would she understand the gesture? Maybe she would know what it meant but couldn't really feel it. Rai looked up the same time as Jillian did when Stone entered the room. There was so much Jillian wanted to say to Stone but now wasn't the time. Right now things were going from normal to all fucked up and in a hurry. "You should get some rest Jillian. You look like shit." Stone blurted out shortly before laughing. "I'll have Rai show you to a bed. I need you at the top of your game tomorrow. We're going to have our work cut out for us." Jillian nodded solemnly before following Rai out into the hall, her head in a twisted haze of truths that would shock even the strongest of wolves. As she lay facing the ceiling Jillian pondered if the reason Stone never let the world know was maybe because it was for the better. But for who? Stone? The foxen? For something that goes even beyond the meaning of good versus evil, the world needed to know. Maybe things are better left in the past, where dead memories should remain.

Chapter X: Children of the Damned

The rain tapped incessantly upon the windshield as Rai drove the jeep to an unknown area, somewhere in the surrounding mountains of the Den. Jillian remained silent in the backseat and tried to keep herself entertained. "Are we there yet?" she asked...

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