Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 71
A sea as smooth as butter and a breeze as soothing as a mothers lullaby, what a fine day to set sail." smith chuckled, rostron nodding in agreement. "about the bridge lad..." he paused, looking back at the group.
Inheritance-The way Things are (Prologue)
I melted at the sound of my mothers lullaby. though dax couldn't sing it, he could hum the tune and it always did wonders for my mood. i tried to resist its melancholy tones, but i just couldn't and soon found my muscles relaxing.
Pokemon Team Valiant: Series Finale
Most of the emeras were common ones; searchers, guards, a few intimidators, even a lullaby emera. the workers were tired; they had been forced to harvest these stones for days on end, barely allowed to stop.
Kaiju ga Gotoku 4.6 - Bait and Switch
The sound of police sirens drifting faintly from beyond was a gentle lullaby to him, amongst the gaggling mutter of pedestrians passing the end of the alley.
Honor's Sacrifice
Jake keeps his head in place as he sings that lullaby low in his throat, but loud enough for all in attendance to hear as he waits.
Windows to the Soul - chap. 21-22 - by Skyfox
With a happy smile she softly said, "he must have thought you were playing a lullaby." when she carefully got up and stood next to storm he reached out to give moka a soft rub on the head, then headed over to the food for something to eat.
Siren Song
Her mother's warning words returning to her like an old lullaby. check behind you for barracudas, check above you for nets. always be aware of where eels live.
Knight Under a Crescent Moon
She sang him what seemed like an aeshilonian lullaby and then gave him a kiss goodnight on his forehead after tucking him in.
Your Possible Pasts 6 - Ebb And Flow
Night swept its blanket across the sea, reflecting the myriad of stars above as the rushing sounds of waves became a sweet lullaby to those around him.
Old Souls: Ch 1, A Thief and a Knight
His voice was strange, it was almost like a lullaby. he always spoke in a way that could soothe your heart. it wasn't too deep or high pitched, but it had a rich quality to it. it was like it was intense and calm at the same time.
Revaramek the Resplendent: Chapters Eighty Five - Ninety One
The same song father used to sing to him as a lullaby. "hello." the pup spoke without glancing away from his work. vakaal reverently knelt down across from him. even kneeing, he still towered over the younger urd'thin.
Stolen From Some Great Writer [Winter Meta 2022]
I've been putting tags on my thumbnails for a few years now, aside from actual novels and the drunken lullaby series. often enough newcomers will take a quick look at that and see inflation sixteen times and just assume that's what i like at all times.