Honor's Sacrifice
#1 of Winterheart Chronicles
Honor's Sacrifice
- Written by Shirei Cordeil and Jake Foux -
The sun sat high in the sky over Windy Plains, the heat in stark contrast to the chilly breeze that rushed through the tall grass. A lone vulpine strode evenly across the fields, his jade green eyes glinting beneath his cloaked hood as he made his way towards the town of Winterheart.
The name was a misnomer of course, the town built on a trading trail between major cities, but that meant nothing to the strange creature as he drew closer. He'd heard about a fighter, one who was supposedly greater than he himself, and a female no less. "Impossible!" he muttered, as he reached the gate.
A small, but formidable looking humanoid stood ready at the gate as he approached, glancing up at the newcomer as he approached. "Oi! What brings yeh here?"
The striped vulpine stopped as he reached the gate, standing mere inches from the one who spoke so gruffly to him. He brought his head up, pulling the hood back as his shoulder length brown headfur tumbled downward. His gaze locks with that of the one he assumed was a guard and stared it down.
"I....am here to challenge someone....a great swords master by reputation..." he replies, speaking in a low, growling voice.
He glances about, getting a feel for his surroundings as he turns his attention back to the speaker. "I seek....Amelia...Amelia Jadeheart...she will fall before my blade, that I may remain the land's greatest swordsman." he declares, patting the four foot long blade attached to his back. "Now if you'll excuse me ignorant one..."
The dwarf grunts, shaking his head. "Good luck to yeh. Many have saught to create the fall of our great mistress Jadeheart, but many have lost to her ability and wit."
"We shall see oh gruff one," the vulpine replies, grinning toothily as the sunlight glistens off of his artificial fang, one made of solid steel. "Now if you'll be so kind as to tell me where I can find your mistress, I'll be on my merry way," he states sarcastically, impatient as he was. He didn't mind dwarves, with them having the same attitude much of the time....but they were still a bit...odd for his liking.
The small humanoid grunts, turning and gesturing towards one of the largest buildings deeper inside the small town. "You can most likely find her in there."
"Thank ye kindly..." the dark fox replies, turning away from the guard with a swirl of his green cloak. He walks through town, ignoring the stares and whispers of the passerby. They knew what the male had come for, though maybe not who he was. He approached the building, looking up towards the roof before walking inside.
A younger female stood at the door, a maid of storts. Feline in her features, with soft fur a light shade of grey and long black hair held back in a braid, she looks at the newcomer with large, yellow eyes. "May I help you, sire?"
The vulpine stands just inside the door, smiling pleasantly at the pretty young maid. "Well hello there. Yes, I'm looking for....Miss Jadeheart..." he states with a courteous bow, green eyes twinkling in the building's lighting. His cloak shimmers slightly, moving with every slight body motion as he continues, "Could you please lead me to her?"
"Ah, please wait here, I shall let the mistress know someone wishes to meet with her." she bows lightly and turns, heading off further into the building.
The vulpine nods at the feline, than leans against the door frame carefully, not wanting to hurt himself with the blade on his back. He hums a merry little tune, tapping his foot paw lightly on the ground as he awaits the so called "Master" to come forward. He closes his eyes partially, the tune still low in his throat.
A little while later the feline returns, a figure moving gracefully behind her. Amelia Jadeheart was most likely one of the most beautiful creatures to walk this town, if not the whole continent. The six-tailed kitsune's white fur was immaculately cleaned, the green star marking under her left eye a striking contrast against the rest of her. Her eyes were a stunning silver color, her hair the same shade and held back in a loose ponytail at her back. Her attire consisted of light armor of silver with green trim over top a simple yet elegant green tunic and black slacks finished with black boots most defiantly made of the finest of leathers. She moves towards the male, nodding her head politely.
"May I ask why you have sought my attendance?"
The dark vulpine reopens his eyes, the humming getting caught in his throat as he gulps a little. He hadn't expected the femme to be this beautiful. He shook his head, recomposing himself as he spoke.
"Madam, my name is Jakob Faux, also known as "The Dark Arm" of Gratzia Wood. I've come seeking a challenge from you, because it won't do at all to have two 'masters' of the sword now will it?"
She smirks. "I don't see why it would be a problem for their to be two masters, seeing as I am female and you are male, so we technically are two different things. As well as you may call yourself a master, but I simply believe myself to be the keeper of the sword arts."
Her voice was smooth and gentle, but had that slight elegant feel that made you feel was from many years of regal upbringing. She glances him up and down, as if surveying his skill from simply looking at him.
"I suppose it wouldn't hurt to have a little sparring match, though."
Jake simply does the same, seeing no harm with a good look over. He takes special notice of the green under her eye, wondering if it meant anything special or was just a random birthmark of sorts. His gaze upon her was calm, but not rude.
"Sparring indeed....a duel of sorts sounds quite appropriate m'lady." the vulpine replies, giving that mischievous toothy grin of his.
"A duel, mmm? In my culture, it is customary that if you issue a duel with another, there must be some outcome of it. An award of sorts. Are you suggesting a wager?" she raises her left eyebrow, looking curious, her silver eyes cool.
Jake raises his right eyebrow, mimicking the white femme as she speaks. He guffaws loudly, the laughter deep and echoing, odd for his size, "A wager you want eh madam? Then a wager you shall have! But what do you wish to wager I wonder?", his eyes traveling over the armored form before him.
"Let us see..." she thinks for a moment before nodding firmly, as if she had just made the right decision, "This will do. Whoever wins shall do whatever they want with the loser, I think that is a fair enough wager, don't you?"
Jake grins slyly, nodding at Amelia when she finally replies. "I think those stakes are fairly reasonable." he agrees with a nod. His green eyes twinkle with mischievous thoughts, as he bows gracefully, "Whenever you are ready m'lady, lead the way."
She nods, turning with a soft twirl and started to lead him further into the building. A few quick turns and through a large door they arrived in what seemed to be a training room of some sort. Large and spacious, with hard-wood floors that looked to be sturdy and easy to move across without any fear of slipping. Although if you fell on your behind in this room, it was certain to sting just a little.
"Shall we use real blades, or practice ones?" she turns back towards him, her voice mocking as her eyes lit up with unvoiced laughter.
The dark vulpine follows miss Amelia, sneaking more than a few glances at her rump as they arrive at the spacious room. He looks around, nodding a bit as she speaks to him. He looks back at her with a soft smile, gesturing towards her.
"That decision would fall upon you m'ilady. I made the challenge, you choose the weapon. Although it would be a terrible shame to marr that pretty body of yours."
"I would worry more about yourself then the person you're fighting," she responds, reaching to her side to draw her blade. It's bright silvery blade gleamed in the light coming from the high windows, "Draw your weapon."
"As you wish, miss...." Jake replies, removing his cloak. He draws the long sword from it's home, the well used blade glinting just as brightly, though it was worn a bit. He points it at her with a flashy twirl, then grins. "En guard, Miss Amelia." he states, eyes seeming to glow from the light reflecting off of them.
She stands at ready, although her stance was odd, she didn't raise her weapon or bend her knees or even look like she was prepared to defend or attack. She stood in a relaxed position with the blade held to her side, "I'll let you have the honor of the first move."
Jake chuckles, shaking his head as he circles around the femme slowly, alert and cautious. A female she may be, but females could be a dangerous sort if taken lightly, "I think not, do you take me for a fool?" he replies, taunting her.
The female shrugs in response, "Is this the face of someone who thinks her enemy a fool? And I'm sorry, but your attempt to taunt me will fall on deaf ears. You'll find me very good at ignoring taunts made in haste."
"Very well...have at you!" the vulpine declares, suddenly bringing his sword in an upward arc, slashing at the femme's chest quickly. He growls playfully in his throat, ready to move at a moment's notice.
She took a couple steps backwards, the blade slashing in front of her, but missing it's target completely. "You're 200 years to young to get me with a simple move like that!" She twirls where she is, holding up her blade as she swings in a spiraled arc, her blade dancing in front of her.
The vulpine dodges to the side, trying to avoid the slash as he brings his sword down quickly. The two blades meet with a loud clang, as he draws it sideways across her hand in an attempt to make the first cut.
She flips her hand up and pulls back, her blade grazing against his and sending it to the side, causing it to miss it's target as she then twirls around again, swinging out with her sword while she thought he'd have a weak spot having been parried.
Jake brings his free hand across himself, grimacing as he takes the blow to his left forearm. His uncovered fur tart a little, a trickle of red showing against the black and gray. "Heh, well done...first blood to you..." he says, chuckling.
"But the real test...is FINAL BLOOD!" he shouts suddenly, voice echoing off the walls as he brings the sword up again, attempting a slash at her blade arm. His weapon whistles as he brings his leg around in a sweep, hoping one of the moves would distract his opponent enough for the other to connect.
She wasn't so easy to distract with such a simple technique, and just as the leg would hit her she jumped into the air while slashing out with her sword to knock his away, effectively parrying it, "Such bold words you boast, sir."
The vulpine growls, bringing his leather armored fist up to try and slam it into her. He brought the blade to bear, attempting once again to slash at her legs with it just before she lands. "Bold words are chosen carefully m'lady!"
She knows she can't dodge both blows, and takes the fist over the blade, letting it send her flying back. While in the air she flips over, using her free hand to land and push up, flipping over in the air again and landing slightly unsteadily on her feet, leaving herself open for a split second to steady herself.
The vulpine grins and takes his chance the second it appears, his blade flashing in the light as he brings it down HARD on her sword arm, trying to disarm her. He steel fangs glint as brightly as his sword, the glare perhaps distracting....or not, who knew.
The blade hit it's target and she winced lightly as her arm was sliced into, causing her to drop her blade. She recovers quickly enough, grabbing the blade with her unwounded arm, jumping back a foot or so and holding it out in front of her. "Luckily for me, I can use both hands." It was a rare skill indeed, a fighter who could use their left or right hand equally.
"Very good, I must compliment you on your swift dodging." Jake says, twirling the blade a bit. He glances at the wound on her arm, cut nearly matching his own as he moves forward again. He swings again, aiming for her already wounded arm as he lunges forward.
She wasn't fool enough to allow herself to be wounded in the same area twice so she jumps back, twirling as she does to strike out with her blade, parrying it. "Well, this dodge and parry is fun and all, but I think I'll be finishing this now." she bends her legs lightly, as if about to jump, a serious glint in her eyes as she jumps forward with an incredibly speed, slashing out with her weapon rapidly, almost at a speed that the blade seemed invisible.
The vulpine is caught off guard by the rapid attack, attempting to lean back a little. The dodge resulted in failure, as he screams in pain, a massive slash wound opening his chest up as the blow knocks him backwards. Jake stumbles a bit, then collapses to the floor and lowers his blade. He clutches at his chest wound, blood running between his fingers as he lowers his ears in a submissive show of defeat. "I am..beaten..." he replies in a defeated tone, laying his sword at Amelia's feet.
He smiles softly up at her, green eyes half lidded as he continues, "Ah, my first loss. It does not please me to lose...but I am honored that my defeat was at the hands of so skilled a fighter. As I am a man of my word, I submit to you."
The female sheathed her sword, nodding gently. "As I said, you are 200 years to young to contend with me." she moves towards him, bending down to pick up his sword, running a finger down the blade. "A very fine blade, it is. I think I shall take this as my prize." she glances at him, her silver eyes firm. "I shall call my family healer to come tend to your wounds, please allow Lily to show you to a room you can rest in till then."
The vulpine gulps, a slight tear in his eye as she lifts his blade. The sword had been his father's, the final gift he received before his elder was killed by bandits. But he stayed silent, knowing such claims were her right as victor as he stands shakily, waiting for Lily. "Yes m'lady...." he says, quietly his eyes dulled a little.
She turns to leave, telling Lily as she left to lead him to a room. The feline maid from earlier scampers in, bowing lightly, "Please, follow me sire"
The vulpine smiles crookedly, limping after the feline as she leads him from the room. "Of course miss."
She leads him down the hall and into a simple, plain room. "Please, do rest. Is there anything I can get for you?"
The vulpine chuckles, settling down on the bed, "Just some cold water if you please..." he replies, giving a seductive little wink at the kitty.
She nods, smiling as a light blush crossed her grey cheeks. "Right away, sire." she turns and scurries from the room, leaving him to his lonesome.
At the same time Amelia walked down the hall to request her healer's presence for the loser, she glances down at the blade, admiring it's craftsmanship. As she glances at the blade, she could easily tell it was made of military grade steel, with a crest in the shape of a opened mouthed wolf em blazed on the bottom of the blade. The light filtering in from the windows caught on the handle, showing an inscription hidden by the male's drying blood. Curious, she wiped away the blood to read the inscription upon the blade, frowning lightly as she did.
"My son, keep this blade close. Use it with honor, and always by your side shall I be. May it protect you and those close for many moons to come."
Meanwhile Jake chuckles at the feline as she blushes and leaves, laying back on the bed with a sigh. He regretted the loss of his blade, but at least his victor seemed a kind enough woman. Not long after the feline returns with a glass of cold water for him, smiling kindly.
"Here you are, sire. Is there anything else I can do for you?"
The vulpine sits up, accepting the water and gulping it down. He hands the glass back, and grins as he moves up to kiss the feline lightly on the cheek, "No miss, thank you very much," he replies, laying back down.
The feline blushes bright, giggling lightly at the kiss. "I'm happy to have served you, sire. Now, if you'll excuse me..." she bows deeply before turning and scurrying away.
As this is happening the white-furred femme finally reaches the room the family healer resided in, opening the door with a brisk motion as she looked at the woman sitting in front of a small table sipping what seemed to be some sort of green-colored tea, "Mei Ling, can you please come with me? I have a wounded man that needs attending to."
The raven-haired human female looks up, her dark eyes kind and warm. "Ah, of course, master." she stands and bows to the kitsune, her hands folded together before her chest. She wore traditional white garb of the healers from the eastern countries, and had her hair held back in a strict bun with long sticks crisscrossed through it.
Back in his room, the vulpine shakes his head, holding his blood stained cloak to his chest as he stares at the ceiling. Thoughts of what the kitsune had in store for him ran through his mind, some seeming less pleasant than others. He closed his eyes completely, arms behind his head as he sang softly, trying to be quiet.
"Nen nen cororiyo, ocororiyo
boya wa yoiko da, nen ne shina
boya no omori wa, doko e itta
ano yama koete, sato e itta......."
The kitsune returns a while later, a slight frown on her face as she moves to the side to let the oriental human past to go up to the vulpine. "Please remove your shirt, mister." the human says, glancing at him. As the human is taking up the vulpine's attention Amelia moves to the side of the bed, setting his sword against the stand next to it before turning and leaving without a word. Even if she had won it as part of a duel, she could never willingly take something so very clearly important from someone.
Jake sits up as Amelia returns, smiling politely at her and nodding, noting the frown on her face with a touch of confusion. He grins at the human, and complies, pulling the tattered green shirt over his head and laying it next to him as the female attends to his wounds.
The human in turn was quick and affective, cleaning his wounds and wrapping them with a steady and even pace. "Well, that about does it. You feel better now." she says the last sentence as more of a statement then a question as she stands, bowing with her hands pressed against each other to him before turning to take her leave.
The vulpine admires the woman's effectiveness, chuckling at her statement. "Yes ma'am, I do, thanks you kindly." he says, giving her a head bow of his own. As she turns to leave, he finally takes notice of his sword leaning there, eyes widening as he pulls it back to him and clutches at it like it was about to disappear. "Why...would she return this....?" he whispers, a few tears of joy rolling down his dark face.
The kitsune didn't return or visit him that night, the only other person coming was a few hours later when the grey-furred feline maid, Lily, returned. "I hope you are feeling better, sire. Are you hungry?"
"Well hello again miss Lily." he says with that wink again, loving to tease the pretty girl. "I suppose I could do with something to eat....what's available?" he asks, giving his long hair a little run through with his fingers.
"Well, I heard the chef was making his famous beef stew tonight, I hope that will be acceptable?" the maid fidgeted a little, embarrassed at the man's blatant flirting with her.
Jake grins and nods at the grey-furred female, speaking in a low, husky voice. "That will be....quite acceptable, thank you..." he answers, sitting on the edge of the bed.
She smiles and nods, glancing him over before asking, "Shall you join us at the dining room, or shall I bring the food to you here?"
Jake touches his wound gingerly, giving a slight wince. "I suppose I should join my most gracious hostess for dinner." he replies with a soft smile. "But the thing is...she kind of shredded my shirt, so I feel kind of...inappropriate for public dining at the moment."
The feline chuckles, looking over the shreds of his once not-so-shredded outfit, "I suppose that is trure, sire. I shall prepare a fresh outfit for you momentarily, please wait here."
"Thank you kindly Lily." he replies, nodding and standing as he brushes his pants off a bit.
The maid leaves and returns not long after, handing him a fine suit of red with black trim around the sleeves and collar and bows lightly before speaking, "The dining hall is the third room down the hall on the right. Dinner shall be served soon, so I will return momentarily to escort you there." with that she took her leave.
The dark vulpine nearly gasps at the outfit he is brought to him, running his fingers over it. He hadn't worn such fine clothes before, and was amazed he was permitted to wear this. He made sure he was clean before pulling on the outfit with as much care as he could. He pulls his hair up in a tight ponytail, making sure to look as neat as possible.
A while after Lily returned and smiled as she looked the dark vulpine up and down, admiring how well he cleaned up and fit the suit nicely, "You look very handsome, sire. Are you ready to eat?"
Jake smiles warmly at the cute maid, nodding slowly. "Yes miss, I do believe I am." he replies, the question of why miss Amelia returned his weapon still churning in his mind.
The maid turns and starts to lead him to the dining hall, casually chatting and explaining the various rooms as they passed them, "This is the main sitting room. Although it's not used very often since the lady would rather entertain her guests elsewhere." She chuckles as they pass one set of a doors, "And this here is the library. The lady likes to read a little in her spare time, so she has many fine books in here."
He nods politely, listen intently to every word Lily said. He was always eager to learn things, no matter how minor some may find them. His tail twitched behind him nervously, wondering if he'd even fit in. as he chatted on the way to the dining hall
They finally reached the dining hall and entered. The room was not crowded, but there were quite a feet people seated around the long table. Including the Asian human healer he had met earlier and a few other people whose demeanor and form of dress made them seem pretty official and important. Amelia herself sat at the end of the table in what many probably considered the "head" and looked up as they entered, smiling. "Well, it's nice to see that the scruffy man who challenged me cleans up well."
Jakob bows gracefully to his hostess with a smile of his own and soft chuckle. "Thank you miss Amelia, I do my best." he replies, gulping quietly as he takes notice of the important looking group in the hall. He gives a polite nod and smile to them all, waiting patiently to be seated. He is offered a seat about three chairs down from where Amelia sat, next to what seemed to be a purple-furred rabbit wearing long green robes. He makes sure to sit carefully, not wanting to wrinkle the fine suit he had been given. Once he was seated Lily went off to help the other maids with their duties. "So, gruff one...where do you hail from, may I ask?" Amelia asks, mocking tone in her voice and laughter in her eyes.
"Truth be told miss, I'm from everywhere really." he replies, shrugging a bit, "You see, after my father left the capital's army, my family became nomadic and traveled everywhere, never really settling down, but if you desire knowing where I was born, it was a small port village known as Stonehaven on the South Eastern shore."
"Ah, a traveler. Must be an exciting life. I have forgotten what it feels like to travel the world." she chuckles and glances around the table.
The purple rabbit chuckles, "Why, certainly if you wanted to travel again you could do so whenever you want, my lady."
"Yes, perhaps, but what would you guys do without me?" she responds, smirking, in turn making the official go silent and red in embarrassment.
"Yes miss, it's quite the life indeed....though I do sometimes find my thoughts dwelling on simply staying in one place." he says quite simply. He smirks as well when the lady speaks, giggling low in his throat so as not to offend anyone. "She does seem the capable sort, I must concur."
She smirks, accepting his compliment, "I most certainly am. But fortunately for you lot, I'm quite happy here."
Jakob simply shrugs, enjoying the company of so beautiful, yet strong a maiden as Amelia. "I can imagine, look at all the company you have this night. Is there something you do wish to possess that you do not?"
She smiles, "That's a secret I shall take my grave, I'm afraid. But, let's not trifle with these matters, it seems the food has finally arrived." and indeed it had as various maids came out of the side doors carrying trays laden with all kinds of delicious delicacies.
"As you wish m'ilady." he replies, settling back into a proper position more suitable for eating. His nose twitched at the delectable smells wafting through the air, and found himself drooling just a little. He wiped his mouth stealthily, hoping it was unnoticed. True enough he was a gentleman, but it had been quite some time since he had eaten a proper meal, and such a good one at that.
The food was set out and soon everyone was feasting, some acting as if it were there last meal, while others took tiny, dainty bites and seemed like they would never finish even one chicken leg, let alone a whole meal. The vulpine, despite his growling stomach and ravenous hunger, remained civil and ate like a gentleman, taking average sized bite, chewing carefully before swallowing. Though his expression was calm, his mouth danced in the sense of so many delicious flavors, loving everything placed before him. Amelia eat heartily, but with an odd elegant air to it that made it seem like no matter how messily she eat, she would seem completely clean.
Jake watched Amelia eat, noting every movement of her neck and mouth muscles as she chewed, moved, and spoke. He took a drink, sipping noiselessly as he admired her grace, even while she dined.
The feast finally concluded and people started to trickle out of the dining hall till all that was left was Amelia and Jake. Jake settled back in his chair, sighing in contentment. He turned to the kitsune only after everyone left. "Miss? Might I ask you something? Tis' a question that has been troubling me for hours."
She glances over at him before standing, stretching her arms out behind her as she let out a content, hearty sigh.
"If it's about the sword, don't worry about it." She remarks as she turns and starts to leave the room, as if in some way attempting to avoid the conversation.
The vulpine stands as well, looking quite serious. "Miss please...I beg you to explain." he pleads, "My father always taught me to be honorable, even in loss....I lost, and my blade is rightfully yours. Why...would you return it to me?"
The woman sighs, her back to him as he responds in a slow, steady tone, "Because I was taught honor too, young one. I was taught that taking something of importance from someone else, even as a prize for battle, is not the right course of things. I could not sleep peacefully knowing I had taken something like that from someone else."
The vulpine listens, nodding slowly as he listens, approaching her carefully. "I understand m'lady...it seems I have much to learn..." He stands nearby, voice gentle and at a soothing tone as he continues. Making a bold move, he reaches out, his bare hand lying gently on her shoulder. "Then I thank you, with all my heart and soul. That blade is the most precious thing I own, and it warms me to know you adhere to such an honorable decision."
She doesn't allow herself to be turned around, her face hidden to him. "I must get going now. You may stay for the night, but I suggest you try and not make your stay to long. Good night, sir." she pulls away from him, walking out the door.
Jake simply lets go, not attempting to impede her leaving at all as he watches the woman leave. He also leaves the room, walking down the hall to the room he was given and sitting down on the bed as his mind raced with more thoughts than he normally processed. "She seemed....troubled..." he thinks quietly, settling back carefully.
Many hours passed and a soft sound could be heard outside his door; the sound of someone walking. It was extremely late and nobody should be awake at this hour, but yet someone was.
The vulpine awakens almost instantly at the sound, having trained his hearing and body to be alert always, even in sleep. He quietly eases out of the bed, carrying his sheathed sword to the door and peeking through the keyhole to see what the source of the sound was.
A figure was moving down the hall and to the area where the stairs were at the main entrance area of the building. Quickly pulling on his pants, omitting the tattered remains of his shirt, Jake straps the sword to his back and waits for the figure to pass by. He stealthily opens his room door, creeping along the shadows of the hall as he followed the unknown figure. It in turn continued to move, heading down the hall and out the door to the main balcony of the building. All that could be seenn from the distance was long white flowing fabric, A robe or dress of some sort, perhaps.
He followed the strangely garbed figure, keeping his distance and sticking to the shadows as he creeps along. He crouches in the darkness of the doorway to the balcony, pressed against the other side of the wall as he listens. The figured leaned against the balcony, her long silver hair flowing out behind her, the wind gently lifting and dropping it in a steady rhythm. Her ears perked up slightly as the 6 white tails which from a distance blended into the white gown she wore, twitched slightly. "Do you make a habit of following people about their own home, mmm?"
Jake peers around the corner, nearly gasping at the femme's graceful form as the wind lifts and swirls her hair and the garment softly. When she speaks, he blushes, stepping from the darkness, yet keeping his distance from her.
"I do apologize madam. I couldn't see who you were at first, and wanted to be sure you weren't some sort of prowler." he explains apologetically.
She smiles, shaking her head in response, "While I do appreciate your concern of protecting my home, I do assure you I have it well under hand." she turned, leaning her back against the balcony railing as she looked at him. She had been beautiful before, but in the moonlight and the form-fitting gown she wore at the moment, she was the most breathtaking, almost outshining the moon above them. "Well, you know who your 'prowler' is now; you can go back to bed."
The vulpine gazes at the kitsune's beauty, her form like that of a masterwork of art as she seems to glow in the bright moonlight. "M'lady...might I prevail upon you to answer me a question?" he asks, drinking in every inch of her clothed, pure white form.
She glances at him, a curious smirk crossing her face. "Why, what could you need to ask me at such a late hour? Speak it."
He gulps a little, her delicate looking body seeming to nearly disguise the air of command about her as she practically demanded his question. "In the dining hall earlier this evening...as I touched you, I felt your emotion. You seem to be troubled...might I ask why?" As he spoke he laid his weapon to the side, so as not to be rude.
She sighs, looking away as her lips pouted slightly. "I'm sorry, but I can't tell you. Please ask no more of it." she almost looked weak for a split second, sadness in her eyes that seemed to have always been there, but just disguised by her normal commanding presence.
Jake steps forward, hands in view as he continues. "Please...you have spared me, returned my blade, clothed, and fed me. The very least I can do is listen. You'd feel better getting your troubles out..." he says with a soft, warm smile as his green eyes practically glow in the light. "I'm a good listener...."
She shakes her head, biting her lip. "I'm sorry, I have to go." she says, starting to move past him to the door back inside.
The vulpine decides to make a move, for good or bad, and grabs the woman gently, preventing her from leaving. "Now miss...you spoke of honour before. Would a gentleman leave a beautiful lady feeling the way you do?" he asks, his low, husky voice soothing to the ears. "Please m'lady....Tell me. I shall take it to my grave if you so ask..."
She lowered her head, letting her long silver hair hide her face as she shakes her head. "Please, release me."
"No." he states simply, his gentle hands caressing her shoulders almost affectionately as he simply waits.
"I said...release me." she says, her voice started to grow stern, almost angry.
"And I said no, I cannot in good faith allow you to feel this way." he states, his long brown hair intertwining with your own silvery colored locks. "Harm me if you must, but the greater pain will come from knowing I wasn't able to help you..."
She sighs, shaking her head. "You...don't understand."
Jake smiles again, a gentle hand raising her head so he could gaze at her. His eyes were full of concern, and perhaps...something else? "I want to be able to...please let me hear your troubles, your burdens. I will carry them as well if you'll let me."
She wrenches her head from his hand, not wanting him to look her in the face. "I'm getting married." she says softly, closing her eyes. "My parents deemed it necessary to marry me off to one of their associates sons."
The vulpine is taken aback at her problem. He couldn't help but think such a thing was just too cruel an act to have happen to her. He attempts to lift her head again, speaking soothingly. "Why do you feel it necessary to go through with this...farce of a marriage?" he asks, feeling the weight of her sadness upon his very soul as he holds her.
"I...have never disobeyed my parents...nor shall I ever." she says softly, closing her eyes, blocking the tears attempting to form in them. "If they feel it's important for me to do this, then I shall do it, no matter how much it pains me to marry someone I do not love."
"But such a thing is just not right." he responds, stating the obvious, "Everyone is wrong at times, perhaps your parents are wrong in this travesty..." he says quietly. "Surely you also feel this? There is sure to be one who loves you out there somewhere? Don't do this; please...such a thing would pain me more than the sharpest blade..."
She sighs, "I thank you for your kindness, but there is nothing you can do..." she pulls away from him, turning towards the door, "Goodnight..." there was a soft, almost longing in her voice, but it was hard to notice.
Jake keeps a single hand on her arm, firm but not painfull as she tries to leave. Without another word, he pulls her back to him, their bodies pressed against each other tightly. He brings his muzzle down quickly, his gentle lips locking with Amelia's own softer ones in a passionate embrace.
Her silver eyes widen in shock, her heart beating faster in her chest as the man kissed her. Her first instinct was to push him away, but for some reason she didn't, allowing herself to be drawn in. The dark vulpine closes his eyes softly, his soft, caring hands holding the femme tighter to him. Their long hair twirls about them, dancing on the wind as he tilts his dark face into the kiss.
She finally regains her senses and pulls her lips from him, "What are you doing!" shock and confusion was written across her face plain as day.
He smiles at her reaction, still keeping a firm, yet gentle hold on Amelia's gorgeous form. "Embracing the woman I love..." he responds to the woman gently, his own deep green eyes filled with truth and sincerity, backing his words as they leave his mouth.
She shakes her head, pushing him away hard, "You...You're nothing more then a thief!" she says, tears welling up in her eyes as she turns and dashes through the door without giving him a chance to grab her again.
Jake gasps as she runs away from him, reaching out to try and nab her again. "Wait! P-please don't..." he trails off, voice dripping with obvious sadness. He lets her go, eyes wet as tears roll silently down his cheeks.
His gaze travels to his blade, shining dimly in the moonlight almost tauntingly at him. He reaches down, unsheathing it with a low 'sching' as stands facing out from the house. "Father...I've shamed your name...and dishonored you....I know what needs to be done...." He kneels down, the point of the blade at his stomach. With one more deep breath, he shoves the blade inwards, hilting it in his body and drawing it sideways a bit. His scream of pain echoes through the entire building, his life fluids running down and staining the stone below as he collapses.....
The pain caused him to black out...and soon after he did a figure appeared at the balcony, letting out a soft gasp. "Sire!" she yells, rushing over and looking over him. "Oh dear, oh dear...what do I do?" she bites her lip and closes her eyes. "Think, think...what would Lady Amelia do..." she sighs, bending down next to him, "I"m sorry." she whispers, reaching for the hilt of the blade and prying it from his hands as she quickly pulled it out of him, pulling out a thick piece of fabric from the small belt on her dress, trying to clog up the blood coming from the wound as she lifted him barely, putting his arm over her shoulder.
It was a miracle, but she somehow got him to his bed, calling out to one of the other maids to get the healer from her sleep. The other maid does so and soon returns with a disgruntled Asian lady, who shakes her head as she sees the man, wondering how many times she was going to have to work over him while he remained her. The night dragged on and his wound was cleaned and bound. The healer was glad he had just barely missed any vital organs, so he was going to recover just fine, other then being in pain for a few days.
They leave him to rest after everything is done, and the night wears on to morning...
The dark vulpine groans as he stirs in his sleep, eyes fluttering open as light streams in and blinds him briefly, "A-am I...dead?" he wonders aloud, groaning in pain.
"No, just in a lot of pain." the feline maid responds, cleaning up his bandages and replacing them.
His vision clears a bit, eyes focusing on Lily as he winces a little at the contact with his wound. "So...I've failed yet again..."
She sighs, shaking her head. "I don't know what you were thinking, but did you even consider what would happen to Lady Amelia's reputation if her guest had been found dead on her balcony?"
Jake smacks his forehead, realizing that she was right. "I caused her distress last night...and nearly caused more. I should have left first..." he says, trying to sit up a little.
She sighs, pushing him back down. "I don't' know what happened, but you need to rest right now."
"B-but I..." he protests, letting the feline force him back down, "I need to apologize to her...if I can't leave the bed, can you see if she'll come here please?"
"I doubt she'll come, sir. She has a lot of preparing to do today."
"I understand I suppose, could you bring me my bag a second please?"
She glances at him, a serious look spread on her face, "You aren't going to try and kill yourself with something in it, are you?"
"No, but if you'll feel better, would you look inside and find a white leather hard case please?"
She nods and goes and does so, bringing it back to him, "Here you are, sir."
he racked the case open, ensuring the safety of it's contents before handing it back to Lily. "Would you please give her this? She'll understand it's meaning, and do be careful, it's fragile."
She blinks, curious what it was, but feeling that is wasn't her place to interfere any further then delivering it. "Umm...yes sire." she gets up and leaves, heading off to where the lady's room was.
The maid arrives at the lady's room, knocking a few times before she is allowed in. "Madam, Sir Jakob wanted me to give this to you." she moves over to the white-furred woman, handing her the case.
"Thank you Lily, you can go now." with that response for her mistress the maid leaves and the kitsune goes to look in the case. Inside on a bed of purple velvet lay a rose made of white jade, a symbol of true love. Her breath catches in her throat, her eyes widening a little before she closes them, looking away and closing the case, setting it away on a stand before returning to finishing her hair arrangement.
"Jake lays in his bed, staring up at the ceiling with his hands behind his head, many new thoughts running through his head, "Was that wise...? Should I haven given my token to soeone such as her, knowing she probably doesn't feel the dame...?"
As she was finishing her arrangements a man appears at the door. His long, scaled tail flicked back and forth behind him as his thin, defined gold eyes stared up at the door before entering it without a single knock of presence of letting himself known. When a maid appears he scoffs, looking down at her.
"You will tell my fiancé I am here, underssstood?" The maid whimpers a little at the intimidating lizard-like man's words, but nods before rushing off to tell her mistress that her fiancé was here.
The vulpine gets up and grabs his sword, starting to limp painfully to the training room. He kneels down, sword sheathed as he meditates for a second, and then suddenly unsheathes his weapon, going through a series of rapid fighting moves. He twists himself the wrong way, shrieking in pain as his wound reopens, a small spot of red slowly growing on the white bandages.
Lily, who had been walking back to his room noticed him leave, had followed him and was watching him from the door. She sighed, shaking her head as she moved in and went to him. "Come on, let's get you back to bed, sire."
"L-leave...me..." he says, gritting his teeth and pulling away from the femme. He starts again, wincing in agony with each jerking movement. Finding fighting as an art form, it was good for Jake, who used fighting to understand anything that life may throw at him.
She glowered at him. "No."
"Stay if you," he let out a soft gasp, grunting in pain before continuing his sentence, "must....but I will continue until Miss Amelia talks to me...this is the only way other than words for me to understand..."
"No." she responds again firmly, an almost terrifying look in her eyes as she goes over to him and grabs his ear, starting to drag him away. "You are under my care, and I am telling you to get back to bed. If you try to fight me I will find means to make your life here even harder then it already is."
The vulpine yanks his head away from her, fixing a glare on her that he hadn't used in years. A look that could only be described as somehow evil, perhaps even terrifying, "And I said I'm staying. Miss Jadeheart comes or I keep going." he threatens.
The maid didn't seemed phase at all by his look, giving him one that was equally as terrifying...if not a million times worse. "The lady wont' come if you are just being an idiot, I'm afraid. The best way to get her to see you at all is to get your rest and become well again."
Jake drops his sword, falling to his knees and wrapping hsi arms around his torso. "By then I fear...I will be too late..."
She shakes her head. "Just come on to bed already."
"Fine...." he says quietly, admitting verbal defeat. He stands carefully, sheathing his blade and following Lily.
The feline takes him back to his room, helping him to lay down before redoing his bandages with loving care.
He lays patiently, waiting for the maid to finish her work. "I'm sorry to be such a bother...it's. Just that...oh, I don't know..."
She shakes her head, "If you're sorry, then don't do it again."
He seemed to ignore her statement, "Could you get me something to drink please?" he asks quietly, behaving himself...for now.
"Of course, sir. What would you like?" she looks at him, frowning lightly at having been ignored.
"Tea if you please. Any kind, I don't really care "
"Alright, I'll be right back." she turns and leaves the room.
The vulpine waits a minute or too, sneaking over to his door and listening for anything. There was some sound of talking a good long ways down the hall, but what was being said couldn't' be told. He carefully pushes the door open, staying alert for Lily as he crept down the hall towards the sound of voices.
As he approached the words being said were easier to hear, "Ssso, my dear. You're home is very lovely. I think I'll enjoy myssself here." the voice was snobbish and very regal sounding, with a slight hiss-like ending to it.
"I am...glad to hear that, Jeclon...." came Amelia's voice, a lot more reserved and abrasive than it normally is.
"Although, I will have to ask you to make some changes once I'm completely moved in." the snobbish lizard-like man responds, hissing gently.
"Like what, my lord?" her respond was disdainful, but still polite enough that the man seemed to not notice it.
"You can't have ssso many guestsss here. I sssee that many people live here that don't belong here...that'sss not good for someone of your ssstature, what if one of them were to be an assssassssin or some sort after you, just waiting till you trust them enough to not notice it coming." Amelia said nothing, obviously a little taken aback by what he said.
Jake shakes in fury after hearing the other man's words, fists clenched angrily. By his own code of honor, he couldn't allow this beast of a man to berate Amelia in such a way. Even if she never accepted him, he would not allow such things to be said to her. He pushes hard with both hands, the room's doors slamming open as he stalks in, his bandaged black body and bared teeth the very picture of fury itself.
"How dare you...you overstuffed, pompous windbag!" he screams, staying his distance from the lizard-like man, "You come into a woman's home and immediately start giving orders like she's some sort of lap dog?! You, Sir, Have no Honor!" he rants, eyes seeming to glow a bit, but whether they really were or if it was from the light was untellable. All his confusion, anger, and sadness was put into fueling his anger towards this despicable creep of a man.
The serpentine man turns towards him, hissing heavily. "You dare ssspeak to me like that, knave?" he moves closer, glowering. "I am of a far higher pedigree then you can even ever imagine, and I will not take lip from sssome lowly ssscum sssuch as yourself. You will remove yourssself from my fiance and mine'sss presssence and leave this house immediately, lest I have the guardsss do it for you."
"You have no control here my moronic 'friend'. Fiancé you may be, but I am HER guest not yours and until you are married, nothing in this house belongs to you." he states, voice quaking as he restrains himself. Much as he'd like to, starting a fight in Amelia's home wouldn't be wise, nor would it be polite. "I will go NOWHERE unless she herself says to and most definitely without order from you!"
"Then I am asking you to return to your room," Amelia responds to his words, standing as she looks at the two with annoyance written across her face. "I appreciate you wanting to defend my honor, but I assure you I can handle it myself." she turns to her fiancé. "Since he barged in, I hadn't gotten a chance to speak, but I will tell you this right now...."
She moves towards the lizard-like man that was to be her future husband, reaching out and firmly placing her hands at his crotch, gripping the soft flesh there firmly. "Should you EVER try and tell me how to run my OWN home, I will quickly rip your manhood off and send you packing home to your miserable little family who seemingly did not teach you how to treat a woman right."
Jake turns to Amelia, smiling pleasantly to her and nodding. "Then return to my room I shall m'lady." he replies bowing gracefully and turning to leave. As he turns, he slips and stumbles, a loud 'schriip'! noise heard as his wound opens again, from the excitement and shifting of positions. He grips his side, chuckling through clenched teeth as he walks calmly to the door.
She frowns a little before turning back to her fiancé and taking a step back, smiling calmly. "Now, when were you saying you were moving in your belongings again? I will be sure to have a room prepared for you by then..."
Meanwhile the vulpine limps away, shutting the door behind him. Stopping, he stands silently as he listens. Their voices had died down so it was imposible to hear them through the thick door. The vulpine grunts, and strides back to his room, hoping he beats the maid there.
Unfortunately that was not the case, as Lily was waiting in the room for him, looking mighty annoyed.
Jake whimpers lightly as he sees the angry maid, lowering his ears and tucking his tail between his legs, "Ummm...using the bathroom?" he offers weakly.
The maid shakes her head, seeing the new bandages having already have gotten quite bloody "Just lay down."
He obeys carefully, laying back on the bed. She sets the tea on the stand beside the bed before setting to work on redoing the bandages again. The vulpine simply lays there, sniffling softly. He had only wanted to have a private word with his hostess, and made himself look foolish yet again. "What can I do Lily?! It's not right!" he says, fist clenched and shaking.
She sighs, looking away, "Why don't' you just give up on her?"
"I can't...it's against EVERYTHING I stand for to allow such a travesty to take place..." he says quietly, shaking his head. He looks at her, eyes filled with sadness and maybe a bit of hopelessness. "I have to do something...but what? Please Lily...even you have to know this isn't right."
She doesn't look at his face after hearing him speak, standing up. "I...can't tend to you anymore, I'm sorry. I'll have one of the other maids come check on you later." her voice was shaky and soon after speaking she quickly rushed from the room.
Jake watches her leave, even more confused than ever. He couldn't help but wonder if he had done something wrong, or missed some important thing to cause this to happen. He sits up and drinks his tea in slow sips.
A few hours later a new maid enters the room, smiling cheerfully as she did so. She was some sort of rat-like creature with a sort of canine look to her as well. "I'll be taking care of you now; can I do anything for you?" her voice was chipper and almost a little too upbeat.
"Not unless you can mend a broken heart..." he says sadly, not moving from his bedside, "Could you get me some more tea please?" he asks, sighing sadly.
She ignored his first comment, not really sure what to say to that, going right to his request for tea, "Sure thing, sir. Would you like some tea cakes as well?"
"Why not?" he replies, smiling at her politely.
She nods, smiling. "Alright, I shall return with it, then."
He nods and sits cross legged, meditating quietly. She returns soon after with a small tray with the tea and small plate of tea cakes, setting it on the stand next to the bed. "Here you go, sir. Is there anything else you'd like?"
"Not at the moment, thank you miss." he says, sipping the tea carefully so as not to burn himself.
"Alright, I shall come check on you again soon, sir." she smiles lightly and starts to leave, a soft sash-shay to her steps.
He sits there, watching the maid leave the room. Tempting as it may be, he couldn't ...it wouldn't be...honorable...not when his love is for another.
Night finally approached the and the building grew quiet once again. A soft noise was heard outside the vulpine's door before something was set down with a soft clink in front of it, followed by the sound of someone scattered away. Jake rushes painfully to the door, glancing down the hall to try and catch a glimpse of the fleeing figure. He was unfortunately too late, the figure seeming to have disappeared just before his door opened. He looks down to whatever was set in front of his door, which seemed to be some sort of paper set underneath a shiny black stone, the paper was folded so whatever may have been written on it was hidden.
The vulpine glances about him again, then kneels down so as not to aggravate his healing injury. He lifts the stone and paper, examining the stone itself first. It was nothing special, just a fancy paperweight it seemed. He closed the door after returning to his room, settling back onto the bed. Very carefully, he opens the paper, reading it by the dim light of the moon.
The note said as follows:
Please meet me at the garden behind the estate...I have something I must tell you, it's very important.
Someone you know
He reads the note carefully, wondering who it could be from. Miss Amelia, Lily, the newest maid, or perhaps a trap set by the pompous lizard? He pulls his dark pants on, strapping the sword to his back just incase things went bad. Ever so quietly, he tip toes through the building, making his way to the garden outside.
A figure stood in the garden, slightly hidden by the high bushes in the area. The fox glances about the garden, then sees a shadow cast over the ground. He sniffs the air, trying to get a scent. The scent of all the flowers around the area clouded his sense of smell, making it impossible to tell who it was by smell alone. He seemingly melds with the shadows, his dark fur blending in perfectly as he soundlessly crept towards the figure. The figure didn't move, seemingly unaware of his presence. He gets close, but not too much, just enough to see who the mysterious figure was. It couldn't be Amelia....she would have noticed him by now...so was it a trap as he suspected?
The figure continued to be unmoving, but now that he had gotten closer he could see the white fur shimmering in the moonlight. Jake creeps closer, seeing the white fur practically glowing in the bright moonlit night. He stands upright, walking less stealthily now. "M-miss?"
"I see you decided to show yourself finally, sneaking around like a thief in the night." she responds, smirking as she turned towards him.
"I had to be sure...with that man about...and the way he was speaking, I was worried it could've...ah never mind.." he says, stepping closer, "What might I do for you this night beautiful lady?" Jake asks, bowing gracefully.
"I need you to do something for me..." she responds softly, not looking him in the eyes, but the way she was speaking made it clear it was a serious issue.
Jake tilts his head curiously at Miss Amelia, nodding slowly. "Of course, m'lady; I'd do anything for you..." he replies, voice soft and gentle.
"That man..." she states softly, looking down at the ground as she does so, "I can't marry him. If he becomes the lord of this estate, I don't' know what will happen to this town I've lovingly protected for so long." she finally looks at him, her eyes overshadowed and desperate. "But, I can't disobey my parents either. If I just break off the engagement they'll hate me forever and I know I'd die before I let that happen..."
She looks away, sighing as she continued on, "The only way it can be stopped...is if someone else comes in and stops it..."
The vulpine listens carefully to her words, the weight of what she seems to be suggesting weighing upon his mind. "Amelia...are you asking of me what I think you're asking?" he replies, standing right in front of her now, eyes full of the same desperation and concern.
"I'm not sure..." she says, looking down at the ground once more, "I just know that man is wrong and evil and...." she pulls her hands to her face, letting out a soft sob. She had never felt so weak and unable to do something in her life.
The vulpine gently grasps the kitsune's hands, holding them gently as his green eyes twinkle in the moonlight, "M'lady...if you ask me to...I will 'help' stop this, and NEVER tell anyone we spoke of it." he says with a sad smile. "However, such a deed comes at a heavy price.....you know what you'd have to do when I was caught...right?"
She shakes her head, "There is an easier way...." she responds softly, "If you declare a duel with him, he is from the same stock as I, he will not be able to turn it down....And for the prize you can make it so that I can't marry him...or something along those lines..."
"Tis true, it would be easier in the short run, but think Amelia...even if I win, do you think such a man would be stopped?" he responds sadly. "Even if he DID give up on marrying you, he'd move on to the next woman, and the next...until his evil desires came to fruition. Would you wish such an evil on anyone else?"
She sighs, biting her lip. "No...But..."
"If there was a better way...I would take it, believe me. I fear this is the only solution...." he sighs, closing his eyes as he continues, "To live by an honorable blade, one must be ready to make the greatest sacrifice, so those who cannot protect themselves can be spared." He pulls the pure as snow woman to him, gazing into her eyes with a look of certainty in his face. "This is what I was meant for, to protect others. If I do not, who will? Your people need you." He sighs and smiles at her, a slight breeze blowing his hair gently about his face. "There are two things I ask for this, so that I may go in peace..."
She glances into his eyes, her own downcast and distant, "And those would be?"
"The first....when my time is nigh, I want it to be by your hand and yours alone...." he says, voice surprisingly calm.
She blinks, "I...." she sighs, nodding firmly, "I accept."
With a low sigh he continues, "And to the second...when my time on this plane has come to an end, I want you to keep my father's blade. Carry it with you in the same honor as I always have. As long as you do, my spirit will watch over you and your people until your time on this world reaches its end." The vulpine looks back to his blade briefly, before his gaze comes back to Amelia.
She nods gently, closing her eyes, hating every word that came out of her mouth, even if it had to be said, "I also accept that as well."
He nods as the femme closes her eyes, lifting her chin gently. "Do not shed tears for me, for this is but the beginning of a new journey for me, not an end." he says, holding her hands gently. He gives a weak chuckle as he says. "Still think the young one has yet to learn of honor?"
She opens her eyes, smiling gently as she reaches up and places a hand on the side of his face, "I guess you've proven yourself."
Slowly, and ever gently, Jake pulls Amelia close, tilting his head as his lips met with the softer ones of the kitsune, lighting his senses aflame in the brief, yet timeless display of passionate embrace. She in turn closes her eyes again, allowing herself to be pulled in this time, pressing her lips against his in return, wrapping her arms around his shoulder.
The vulpine's strong arms wrap around the kitsune as well, murring with the heat of the moment as both heads of hair swirl about in the silent wind, appearing to meld the two as one being as he embraces her for his first and last time.
She broke the kiss after a while, looking into his eyes. "I'm sorry..." she looks away, "Because of me..."
"Do not feel sorry...you have asked me nothing that I wouldn't feely give." he replies with a smile, voice low, husky, and soothing. "Even the greatest man can not escape his ultimate destiny. And I feel privileged that mine and yours have crossed paths." he sighs, giving the kitsune on last kiss one her cheek and a soft nuzzle, "You'd better get back before you're missed love...and I have a duty to complete...where is he sleeping?"
"Third room on the left on the second floor." she responds softly, looking at him. "May the gods grant you speed and strength to accomplish your mission." with that she brushes past him, rushing back into the building.
Jakob sighs, standing in the garden for a few minutes more, eyes closing briefly. "Father....I will be with you and mother again soon..." he whispers, turning to head stealthily into the building. Following Amelia's directions, he reaches the reptile's room, listening carefully. There was no sounds coming from inside, the man deeply asleep. After peering in to make sure he was alone, Jake quietly pushed open the door and crept inside sword in hand as he stayed in the darkest shadows until he stood above the man's head. He raises the blade quietly, offering a silent prayer in his mind for the man's soul before driving it down with all his strength, burying it in his chest nearly to the hilt.
The lizard had no chance to respond, waking with a chocked gasp, reaching up with a shaking hand and attempting to let out a soft wordless curse, before completely losing all consciousness and falling into his eternal rest.
"It is done..." the vulpine says quietly, withdrawing his sword from his foe's chest. After slicing his throat open to be sure of his demise, he goes to stand outside the room. "GUARD! GUARD!!! MURDER!!!" he shouts, holding the blood soaked blade in hand.
A couple guards heard this, rushing down the hall towards the noise. Once they catch up to him, they look at him with wide spread eyes. "What has happened?!"
"I...have killed a man..." he replies, holding his blade in the light as it drips with the reptile's blood. He drops it with a loud clatter at their feet, lowering his head and staying quite still.
The guards call some orders to each other before they run up to him, capturing him and starting to drag him off to the basements of the building where there was a sort of holding cell down there. "The lady will decide what to do with you, murderer!" Jake offers no resistance, allowing himself to be carried off to the holding cell. He sits in the corner, on crossed legs and eyes shut as he waits.
A while later Amelia appears with the guards, looking at him. She had a serious look on her face, showing no sign that she was happy that the lizard had been killed. "You come into my home...kill my fiancé...and think you can get away with is, do you?" her acting was perfect; there was no way to even tell it was some sort of farce.
Jake opens his eyes, gazing sadly at the kitsune as she glares 'angrily' at him, "M'lady....I could not allow such a man to bring shame to your home." he stands and comes to the bars, ears lowered as he looks away from her. "It was not my place, I know....but I couldn't ignore the impending problem... Do with me what you will..."
She shakes her head, frowning, continuing to keep up her flawless act even though her insides were aching. "I am afraid that your punishment for murder...shall be execution."
He sighs, eyes closing as he hear the woman's words and grasps the bars tightly, "I...know this madam, do what you must!" he says, turning his back and walking to the dark corners of the cell and gazing off into empty space.
"The execution shall take place at dawn tomorrow. Please take the time till then to make peace with yourself." with that she turns, leaving the room. As she did she could feel a small part of her heart shatter and break, hiding itself in a small area where it would never return from.
Many hours passed and dawn finally approached. Jake's eyes opened slowly, the dim lantern light of the basement greeting him sadly. He sighs, standing as he dusts himself off, leaning against the wall and waiting, a slight shiver in his spine.
A guard comes and looks him over, "Come with me."
"Yes sir..." he replies, following the armored figure wherever he may lead.
He is led outside the building and down the road to a large circled in area that served as the execution area...although it was rarely ever used until this day. The guard pushes him to the center before moving back towards the gate. Once he was there Amelia steps forward, looking at him.
"As you have done injustice to me by killing my fiance, I will take out the execution."
The vulpine lowers his head sadly, ears flat to his skull, "I...understand m'lady...." he replies, kneeling down carefully as he looks up at her sadly, "I lived as a man, and will die as one...with dignity." he says, before lowering his head to the proper position and keeping his gaze from Amelia's so that it wouldn't be any harder than it aready was for her.
She sighs heavily, closing her eyes as she lifted her blade, positioning it above his neck before raising it again. "May the gods have mercy on your soul." with that she slashes down with the blade firmly, closing her eyes as it sinked into his flesh, a part of her feeling the same pain as she was dealing him.
Jake keeps his head in place as he sings that lullaby low in his throat, but loud enough for all in attendance to hear as he waits. He draws one last breath, before his head is separated from his body, the latter collapsing to the ground and soaking the stone below.....
She lowered her blade, her breathing light as she bends down, retrieving his blade and turning, looking at the guards, "Please bury him properly, even if he was a criminal he was still a man and deserves at least that much decency." with that statement she leaves, returning to her mansion and her room, cleaning off her blade and putting it off to the side as she sat on her bed and looked at Jake's father's blade, closing her eyes. "I hope you get to see your family again...." she says softly, sighign heavily.
As she sits on her bed, a frantic knocking is heard at the door, loud and continous. "M'ilady! M'ilady! Open up quickly!"
She blinks and sets down the blade, moving to the door and opening it, "Yes?"
A young wolf stands there, panting heavily. It was quite obvious he had ran from wherever he came from, thrusting a letter into her hands. "From the Captain of the guard Mistress!"
She blinks, looking a little confused, "What's this all about?"
"I don't know, he just said to run a swift as the wind itself!" the young teen gasps, leaning against the doorframe as he hands the letter over.
She blinks a couple times and nods, opening the letter and starting to read it.
Mistress Jadeheart,
You must stay the execution! While clearing the room, we found evidence that your fiancé planned to murder you after you were married, thusly controlling the town.
By slaying your betrothed, the fox hath saved your life. Please have him released and sent to the Main Barracks as soon as possible.
Capt. Jerid
"Please...leave me." she says simply to the messenger, her face dark as she looked at the letter in dismay.
"Y-yes mistress...!" the young wolf says, running back to wherever he came from.
She went back into her room, closing the door gently behind her before dropping the letter, punching the wall hard near the door and sliding down to her knees, her hands up against the wall as she started to sob heavily, tears building up and falling from her eyes as if they would never stop. Suddenly, the sobbing kitsune would feel a slight cold breeze, and a pressure at her shoulder.
She stops, blinking as she looks up in the direction of the feeling, sobbing and hiccupping gently. 'Standing' an inch or so from the ground behind her, was the bluish and transparent form of Jake, a smile on his lips as he puts his hand upon her shoulder. "Why do you weep my love?"
Her eyes widen as she whimpers, "I...you could have lived....If I had waited...the execution would have been canceled...."
Surprisngly enough, the fox's spirit was solid enough the grasp at the kitsune, drawing her to her feet. "We did what had to be done....I have given my life on the mortal plane so that others may live theirs in safety. I can move along in peace..." he says, a cool hand placed gently on her cheek. He leans in, his transparent lips meeting with Amelia's soft, warm ones in their final embrace.
Tears continued to stream down her face, words caught in her throat that she knew she'd never get the chance to say as she kissed him back, wishing so hard that he could somehow still be alive and this was all just one big joke.
Jake presses a little into the kiss, drawing it out as his form slowly fades away. By the time Amelia would open her eyes again, the fox would be gone from view, the cool trace of his kiss lingering briefly before fading away. His voice speaks again, echoing and growing quieter with each word he speaks. "Remember, do not weep for me out of sadness, but out of joy, for I have found eternal peace." he says from all-around her. "Live in honor as I did; I shall be...with you...always....in...Here..." he finishes, a briefly cold spot felt on her chest before it too is gone....
Her hand went up to her chest as she closed her eyes, smiling gently as tears continued to flow down her chest, but not because she was upset, but because she knew he had lived an honor-filled life and that even if he wasn't there physically, she would never forget him. "I'll live for you." she whispers softly, her voice firm. "I will never give up, and always live a life of honor, as you seem to have."