Spiral Nebula - Chapter 11
She knew the vibrant clouds were swirling around the center of gravity at incredible speeds, but from this distance they looked stationary. dull lightning flashed from within those clouds, angry at their hopeless attempt to escape the gravity well.
Mr. Snack
Fareed vatsal ananya whimpered and gasped when he was suddenly enveloped in darkness, gravity shifting as his world was now nothing but the inside of a hungry dragon.. being caught by his tail, he squirmed and wriggled about, the faint glow of his stripes
To Wish Upon a Star ~ CH 2
"g is equal to gravity, so if we did the experiment right, g should equal gravity, which is negative nine point eight meters per second squared."
I Applied for a Delivery Job and Got Turned Into a Flying Reindeer?! Chapter Eleven
Imagine yourself breaking free of gravity! where you would normally stop, you'll just keep going higher!" justin snorted in confusion. how could he break gravity's hold just by thinking about it?
Black-Winged Angels Chapter 11: Battle of Nia Baleth
At that moment, avet realized that _he_ was the one using a darkness ability, with gravity type in it. he never thought it would happen.
the bigger they are the harder they fall
Ray said as he loaded his shotgun with and gravity bullet and shot it at red and hit him right in his chest making him nearly crumble down as he got tripled in weight but pulled backward ''use a gravity reverse!''
Thirteen Tales From Another World: Eleventh Tale
Kit dug his claws into the floor as he disabled the life support and the artificial gravity and diverted their power to the break as well. with the artificial gravity off he could feel the ship rumbling and feared he might lose his grip.
The Engineer's Curse
He tossed a couple to the chief and explained that they had been in the oven when the gravity failed and had come out as little balls of toasted batter.
The Meeting (PB)
Tycho doesn't even have artificial gravity like our newer stations." "tycho is nearly ten years old." wyatt defended, "without it we wouldn't have been able to build any of the newer stations.
Nether Encyclopaedia: the Celestials
Civil frames: they prefer to wear long clothing like long pants and cloaks or even long scarves, any of those can be equipped with a small gravity altering mechanism. traditions:- for events see architects.
The eighteenth whisker on the left is brown
On longer work-filled days, your whiskers wilt, exhaustion softening your features, sleep exerting subtle gravities to lead you to oneiric seas and dreamlike sands. i know this after countless nights awake.
993 On Deck
Around the perimeters of the chamber, previously unseen hatches open, and then suddenly the artificial gravity inside the volume fails, presumably to reduce any interference with kilseths final play.