Adipose City: The Breakfast Food Affair
The Breakfast Food Affair By Psion An Adipose City Story All Rights Reserved # Italiana Research Facility, SubCity, 11 PM... Night had fallen on Adipose City, corpulent city of the future, once more. In the city above, the local nightlife flocked...
The Dragon and the Steed Part 6
Part 6 'Is it really that nice where you come from?' Fray asked, his eyes bright with excitement about the thought of his new home. The cobbles of the road were too slippery for his hooves after a morning of drizzle; the straps of his harness...
The Crush PART 4
The plates Ryan got from the fridge were wrapped in plastic wrap to keep the food fresh. He took the wrapping of of each plate and started to microwave them, one by one, "It's gonna be an all out night, I guess. Eat whatever you want that is served!"...
The Crush PART 2
His name was Troy. Ryan had a crush on Troy. Troy was a light blue lucario, known for his fast and athletic speeds and all around creativity. The only thing Ryan knew Troy for was a smooth, silky body, skiny fur coat, beautiful green eyes, and then...
Stream Shorts #1
There, he flopped down on his massive rear, quaking the whole area as he panted for breath, feeling the weight gain finally stop. but no way would he be able to stand again without help.
The Captain's Cabin Part 1
Arrion had gained the role of captain of a smaller vessel before charlton had even joined the navy. he was a man of experience, though his time as captain seemed to be catching up with his appearance.
Adipose City: Extra Spicy
Adipose City: Extra Spicy By Psion All Rights Reserved _Tokyo Megatropolis, Japan..._ The air crackled with the sound of sizzling meat as the roast boar cooked on a spit, set inside a new design of rotisserie oven. The bank of stainless steel...
Diverting Gluttony
"and not... gain... a... pound..." by the time the sheet cake was gone kinachi was no longer able to see his feet past the prodigious swell of his stomach. his already round middle had ballooned to be noticeably wider than the width of his shoulders!
Dream of Power - Story Commission
For gaining weight they can't be beat! pie will make you nice and fat. you know it will so count on that! eat until your shirt explodes. then you'll need your own zip code! here, eat up, don't ever stop. eat until your buttons pop!
Typical Fairy Tail Ending
Typical fairy tail ending... "Mark" the rabbit stirred, and opened his eyes. "Mark I'm hungry..." The rabbit grinned a wicked grin at the mass of red and white fur on the bed. 'you are what you eat I suppose' and the fox had looked like it had...
The Definition of Enabling
"i dunno..." the wolf thought hard to justify their weight gain. "i guess... i just like how being fat feels," he cracked a gentle smile as he reached around his waist, fondling his doughy love handles, "it's all soft and warm... it just feels nice."
Brotherly Love
Friday afternoon, the most anticipated time of the week! The school bell rang and the halls were filled with the happy hustle and bustle of children excited for the weekend. "Hurry up, Kaz!" Koar cried out by the classroom door, "We don't have all...