Stream Shorts #1
#2 of Livestream
First volume of shorts done in my stream of "Who, what, how".
Victni is
Matt is
Kingdeadwolf is
VonZapper totally not
Pop-up Growth
Victni yawned as he sat down in front of his computer, letting it boot up, setting his drink down on the desk. Today was his day off, and he was going to spend it working on catching up on artwork. Once he was at this desktop, he quickly started up the drawing program, opening up his last sketch he saved of himself doing a dynamic pose.
Once that was done, he went over to his browser and typed in the address to his favorite music station. Unfortunately, he misspelled it by one character, taking him to a totally different site.
"WANT TO GET HUGE?" An annoying pop up screen prompted, causing the weasel to groan and try to X it out. But the pop-up only showed up again, this time without an X, and only the "Okay" option.
"Stupid scam" He growled, trying to click back, but it only reloaded the site once more. Instead, Victni tried to just close the browser instead and re-open it, but wasn't fast enough, and his browser loaded the last page he was on. Sighing in defeat, and not wanting to turn the computer off and on again, he just clicked "Okay" expecting to be taken to the scam site. Instead, his virus protector quickly popped up, alerting him he had just gotten infected.
"Argh! Come on!" He groaned and slammed his head onto his desk, causing his drink to spill over his keyboard and computer.
"Crap!" He tried to stand up as fast as he could, but sparks shot from his case, and a jolt of electricity struck his chest. He yelped and rubbed his chest where he was hit, but not feeling any pain. Sighing in relief, he leaned against the wall and groaned, putting his hand on his forehead. He couldn't believe he just ruined his computer.
That's when he felt something strange. Blinking, he looked around and felt like he had a sudden case of vertigo. Looking down at himself, he then realized his back was slowly starting to slide up along the wall.
"Wait...what the...? I'm growing?!" He screamed, watching as everything seemed to be "shrinking" around him.
Quickly he ran from his room and down the hallway, still growing the whole time. He couldn't believe this was actually happening to him, from a simple jolt of electricity! Was it that virus and the website?
He couldn't think long on it, as he had to duck into his living room in order to fit, trying to make a break for the door, but failing as his head smacked into the wall just above the doorway, knocking him back onto his rear. He groaned and rubbed his head, taking in a hiss of a breath as the pain stung.
"Stupid...growth...low...gah!" He grunted as he seemed to just boomph bigger, his head hitting the ceiling even while on his rear. He quickly got on all fours and tried to crawl through, but pulsed bigger yet again, sealing himself inside his living room.
"No no no! I just refurnished!" He whined as he felt himself growing over his couch, the furniture snapping and cracking under his ever increasing weight. The grandfather clock in the corner chimed its final chine before his tail hit it, cracking the glass and knocking the weights off. His lamp being squeezed against the wall by his rear, the bulb giving a final pop as the rest of it was crushed. The only thing that seemed to be surviving so far was his sombrero cactus, but despite how he was squeezed in, he eventually felt that get crushed too.
"Stop stop stop...pleeease!" He whined as his paws pushed against the window, cracks forming on all the walls around him. But the growth virus had different plans and pushed the poor weasel's body further, three consecutive pulses pushing him bigger and bigger and bigger.
Victni gave a final "no" as he felt his home crumble around him, whining as he just sat up now, watching as the neighborhood slowly dwindle around him. Some neighbors came out to see what all the commotion was, only to be greeted by the giant brown weasel who tried to hug himself to at least try and look smaller.
Eventually he did stop, estimating himself to be at least 60 or so feat large, his form taking up a whole city block. He sighed in relief and let his legs spread out, leaning back at least. It was then he felt his feet break through the power lines, jolts of electricity going through him once again, and that all too familiar feeling start up. "Oh no...not again!"
Shrink Turf
Matt couldn't believe what he was getting himself into. How was he talked into this?
The pikachu-morph grumbled as he marched with the rest of the gang, a whole bunch of pikachus who had claimed this area of the city as their turf. A rival gang of raichus had decided to try and move in, claiming it for themselves. Now the two were on a head on collision to fight it out who's turf it was.
The only reason Matt was even ask to do this was because his friend was involved with the gang, and asked for his help. He knew he was a good fighter, but didn't think he would be good enough to help in this situation!
As the rounded the corner, they came face to face with the rival raichu morph gang, some pounding their fists together menacingly, others letting electricity fly from the yellow spots on their faces. The pikachu morphs in the front began to do the same, giving some sort of warcry and yell at the opposing gang.
Matt tipped his hat down and slowly started to withdraw. This definitely wasn't something he wanted to get involved with. But he bumped back into another pikachu, who yelled at him and pushed him back forward, causing him to fall. He yelled out in surprise as he accidentally shot out a thunderbolt, hitting a Raichu. And that was the spark that started the fight. Lighting began to fly, some charged forward with swift, others trying to use iron tail, a real street brawl breaking out.
Matt yelped as he tried to get back up and not be trampled on. But even as he did stand, a Raichu was already over him, a megapunch headed his way. Clutching his eyes shut, he bunched up and released the strongest thundershock he could. The bolt struck the Raichu in the chest, knocking back so hard he flew through the window of the building right beside the ground. There was an eruption of electricity and then suddenly explosions coming from within, causing both groups to stop and turn.
A purple gas quickly began to flow out from the window, engulfing the two groups, causing them to cough and gag. Matt quickly tried to cover his mouth, but already inhaled a good chunk of the gas as he began to run, fearing he was poisoned.
His eyes burned, and he couldn't see too well, but he could tell something wasn't right. His clothing wasn't fitting well anymore, and he was tugging up his pants as he ran. His cap began to bounce on his head, no longer fitting as snug anymore as his shirt became more and more baggy. He felt like he had gotten far enough away and stopped to take a breath, only to realize he had just reached the corner they had turned before meeting the rival group.
He stood back up and gasped as he looked at himself, seeing his clothing slowly starting to pool around him, getting bigger and bigger.
"What's happening to me? Am I...shrinking?!" He yelled, feeling his pants completely fall off this time, taking off his cap as it started to cover his eyes. He gulped and let it drop too, getting way to heavy as everything began to expand around him, the nearby telephone pole starting to look like a skyscraper.
He quickly tried to jumped out of his pants, but tripped on the waistband, falling forward and rolling out of his shirt, sitting on his rear as he watch the sidewalk expand before him. It wasn't long before he was barely an inch tall, shuttering at the size of everything as he earsplayed up.
"How am I gonna explain this to mom now...?"
How to Slow a Super Hero
Heroically Kingdead the super hero wolf placed a paw on top of a smaller build's roof, sending cracks throughout it. The 100ft macro was out on patrol tonight, as word on the street was a big heist was going to take place. He put a paw up to his forehead and peered about, not paying much attention to the owner of the building as he yelled up at the giant hero.
His ears quickly perked as the alarm of a nearby bank began to go off, quickly setting his paw down with a resounding crunch, destroying the complaining civilian's car.
"Hark! There is evil afoot!" He quickly charged down the street, not paying much attention to what was going on below as cars crunched under his paws, his caped flapping in the air and pulling off satellites off of the sides of buildings.
He quickly rounded the corner where the bank was, seeing a dastardly fox with goggles and some electrical pack loading the last of the money into his getaway van.
"So its YOU VonZapper! You won't escape me so easily this time!" The wolf charged, the ground shaking with each step.
"Curses! That bumbling giant super wolf again! That collie better be right that the new upgrade to my zapper will slow him down!" VonZapper aimed. It wouldn't be hard to miss such a large target, such was one of Kingdead's weaknesses. He fired his ray and quickly ran to the driver's seat, stepping on the gas.
The beam of light struck the canid square in the chest, but he charged on regardless, unphased.
"Darn the collie! I said I wanted a modification that slowed my pursuers! Not do nothing!" VonZapper growled, aiming out the window and firing a few more shots, each one hitting the wolf.
"Its no use VonZapper! Give up and maybe I'll go easy on you!" The massive wolf barked, starting to huff. Usually a chase like this was pretty easy, so why was he so out of breath? He grunted as he sped up once again, huffing more so before he realized his shirt was starting to ride up over his gut. Perking a brow, he tugged it back down, only to find it wouldn't go over his stomach.
"What's...happening?" He groaned and stopped in his tracks, the van getting further and further away as the massive wolf hunched over, gasping for breath. He couldn't stay that way for long though as his gut slowly pushed him up more, spilling over his waistband.
"What that ray?" he yelped as he felt his butt pushing outwards as well now, a rip going right down the streams as he quickly tried to cover it with his chubby paws. It wasn't slowing though, only getting faster, as he had to spread his legs wider to let his gut spill out more, his thighs starting to break through his pants as well as they fattened up, his shirt looking more and more like a bra as the sleeves struggled to contain his sausage like arms.
"I'm starting to look bigger than Bouncing Bear!" He gasped as his shirt finally ripped from the back, flinging forward over his moobs. The wolf tried to look down, butt couldn't even see past his stomach now, his puffy cheeks limiting his movement as well as his two chins. He began to waddle down the street, trying to get to a more open area as the fattening didn't seem to be letting up, his stomach getting closer and closer to the ground, despite the tubby hero lifting it up.
It wasn't long though before walking was getting harder and harder, the wolf panting just to take a simple step, his gut trailing on the road despite himself trying to holding up, but even that was a chore as his arms just wanted to spring to his sides outright. Then, the worse happened as his rear became wedged between the two buildings, the wolf's butt just as wide as the street!
Kingdead flushed red under his mask, the only part of his uniform not destroyed as he wiggled, causing the homes to groan and crumble before finally getting free, barely making it to the park. There, he flopped down on his massive rear, quaking the whole area as he panted for breath, feeling the weight gain finally stop. But no way would he be able to stand again without help.
And there he sat till the next morning, when a tiny raccoon scaled and landed on his nose, glaring at him as he put a hand on his forehead.
"King, how am I going to explain this one?" The raccoon groaned.
"Sorry Quinn. But, could you at least get me something to eat?"
Squirrel Bites
Kitsunekit whistled as he walked down the path in the park. It was late fall, and with most of the leaves already falling off the trees, it was easy to see the squirrels running about, preparing for the winter. The orange fox smiled though, zipping up his jacket a bit more as he just wanted to enjoy the peace and quiet, and the fresh air.
It was when a squirrel darted in his path did he stop, watching as it started grabbing a few of the acorns scattered along the path. Kit smiled and squatted down, grabbing an acorn and holding it out for the little critter.
"Here you go little guy." He waved it a bit to get the gray squirrel's attention. It approached slowly, seeming to make sure it wasn't a trick. Once it was close enough to grab it though, it quickly lunged forward, sinking its teeth into his thumb.
"Ow! What was that for!" Kit yelled and pulled his hand back and standing up, the squirrel quickly grabbing the acorn and running for it. Kit looked at the bite mark, slightly bleeding from the wound as he waved it back and forth, feeling the sting.
"Well, that was mean." He grumbled, his mood soured a bit as he turned, figuring he better head home and get the wound washed out, in case that squirrel was caring some kind of disease. But has he walked, he felt a sudden heat flash rush through his body, causing him to unzip his jacket a bit.
"Crap, it must've had something. No wonder it bit me." He panted a bit, tugging at his shirt, feeling it become a bit looser. He decided he better just head to a walk-in clinic now, not wanting to collapse on his way home. But that seemed to be getting harder the longer he continued on, his paws tripping over his pants's legs each time, having to tug them up every so often. His jacket sleeves were starting to cover his hands too, rolling them back more each time, till he couldn't anymore.
He finally looked down and gulped, realizing how much closer the ground was now and how it seemed to be fast approaching. The fox was use to size changing, having his own size changing zapper himself. But how he was shrinking now was a mystery.
Thinking quickly, he began to run to the edge of the sidewalk, not wanting to risk getting stepped on in case he didn't stop shrinking any time soon. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his cellphone, trying to dial his BF Kuma's number to come and get him, but the shrinking was making it harder to slide to unlock the phone, as his finger would stay put long enough to focus on the lock part. What's worse, the phone was getting to heavy to hold on to as his clothing began to pool around his form, before falling down along with the rest of his things.
He eventually crawled on top of them and looked around, a squirrel running by and looking at him eye to eye, before scurrying off. Kit sighed and sat back onto his shirt, figuring this had to wear off. Not like it could get any worse, right?
"Look Quinn! A squirrel!" A loud, and yet heroic voice boomed, causing the fox to perk up quickly, and earsplay, as a pair of massive gray wolf paws came thundering towards him...