Broken Bridges Chapter 4

I'm more than certain you're gay too, you just don't have the balls to admit it." i blurted out without thinking. i was shocked that i just said that. even if caleb was gay the last thing any homosexual should do is pull another out of the closet.

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More then just friends lAlcoholics and Gaysl

Hopefully the ocelot isn't a homophobic'' ''you know azrain is gay?'' ''no offense but he isn't at all subtle about it, i always pictured gay people extremely shy though...'' wasn't oklain extremely shy?

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The Aftermath and The Confusion

"wait..." she said, her ditsyness showing through a bit, "marky is gay?" "that's what i've heard," i replied, frowning slightly, "but... i don't get it. if he was gay, why did he get so turned on?" gina was quiet for a second.

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Inferno High - Chapter 6

God, being around so many gays is starting to rub off on me. eh, even so, they all seem to like the pentagrams instead of hate them. "so... i take it you're gay?" [david] x shrugged. "but, we kissed." [david] "what... about girls?"

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Identity: Chapter Six

#7 of identity a serial killer is on the loose in the city of san fernando, long hailed as a haven for gay people.

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Tongue-Tied Lightning

"mm." "wilco?" "mm?" a blink. "you and arabella ... you're on the same shift?" "oh. yeah. one of the snow rabbits agreed to ... transfer to the night shift, and, uh, let arabella come to the day shift."

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Baseball in Winter 3 (redux)

Maybe he didn't know he was gay and that he hated gay people. but he had been fine with him in class! "b...but he just offered to...give me a ride home."

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Secrets of the Tanners (Chapters 1-3)

"um hey danny, what's a fag?" he looked at me like i was crazy, "it's another word for gay, stupid." i was taken back by the way he said that. "see you later, drake" he said angrily.

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Astral High - Chapter 13

"ugh, maybe i'm not gay." [ben] "well, we can always test that." [seth] "how about not." [me] "aw, but other gays-" "but we have each other. come on, let's go get the stuff."

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Fursona High: Chapter 5 Making A Choice

This video proves that this fox is a fag. a dirty, cock sucking, cumhungry fag. and everyone here knows how much i hate fags." he emphasized hate with a threatening step towards the fox.

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Chapter 15: Shirdan's Resolution

Ceroz was...homosexual? no, i can't just think that because he's a homosexual dragon i am one, too! my memories are completely different from him!"

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