Tropical - Chapter Ten

Story by WhitePawPrints on SoFurry

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#10 of Tropical

School is back in session, and even though the otters aren't forthcoming about their relationship, they're not too discrete about it either. The lack of discretion leads to Rye being approached by more than just his friends.

Early the next morning Cloud woke up before the sun rose above the horizon, which left the sky a dull grey-blue, proving that it was only dawn. Cloud looked down at Rye, who was sleeping peacefully in his arms and Rye's own arms lightly around Cloud.

Cloud looked beyond Rye to check the clock hanging on the wall.

4:52 A.M.

Cloud sighed, wondering when Rye would usually get up. Looking down at Rye again, Cloud's heart skipped a beat at the sight.

He's so beautiful and peaceful when he's asleep, Cloud thought. I want to remember this moment forever.

Very carefully not to wake Rye, Cloud brought up one paw and used his fingers to gently caress Rye's cheek. Cloud smiled when Rye took in a deep breath and slowly let it out.

So peaceful, so innocent, Cloud continued to think. I'll never disturb him when he's like this.

Cloud listened to the minutes tick by, checking every so often, hoping he wouldn't have to wake Rye up.

6:13 A.M.

Cloud felt his boyfriend's arms tighten around him, and he heard Rye's breathing pick up to a normal pace. He was awake. Cloud stared at Rye's closed eyelids until they opened, then blinked a few times and finally looked into Cloud's eyes.

"Good morning," Cloud said with a grin.

"How long have you been up?" Rye asked sleepily when he didn't hear any tiredness in Cloud's voice.

"Not long," Cloud said, stretching the truth.

Rye hummed, thinking about it for a moment as his brainwaves started to get back to normal speed. "You should have woken me up," he said modestly.

"Never," Cloud said almost laughing. "You're too peaceful when you sleep. I'd never disturb you."

Rye chuckled and then yawned. He stretched, still lying against Cloud's body which allowed Cloud to feel every slight movement Rye's muscles made. Rye stopped stretching and relaxed in Cloud's arms again.

"You're not so fluffy this morning," Rye commented, with some of the sleepy tone fading.

"So I'm not," Cloud agreed with a laugh looking at his fur. "Is that a bad thing?"

"I like your soft fur," Rye admitted.

Cloud chuckled. "Come on sleepy; let's get you into the shower so you can wake up. We have school in half an hour."

Rye groaned but got up with Cloud's help. They stopped at the doorway of the bathroom when Rye spoke up. "I can shower myself Cloud," Rye said with a smile. He was clearly awake now.

"Still too early, huh?"


Cloud laughed and left Rye at the doorway to go get some breakfast from the newly stocked refrigerator. Rye jumped in the shower and hastily dressed in some of his school clothes, while Cloud watched from the bedroom doorway, snacking on some fruit.

"Oh shoot," Cloud exclaimed suddenly.

"What?" Rye asked concerned by Cloud's sudden outburst.

"I need to head back to my place and get clothes," Cloud said, turning toward the door. "Damn it. Sorry. Pick me up please."

"O-okay," Rye tried to say when Cloud ran out the door.

Going slower, Rye finished getting ready and gathering his school supplies just as the clock on the wall clicked to six-thirty. Rye got in his car and drove across the street to Cloud's apartment and parked in Cloud's parking spot.

Rye got out of the car and went to the doorway. He wondered if he should knock or just walk in, but before he could make up his mind, Cloud came through the door and nearly walked into Rye.

"Oh sorry," Cloud apologized, reflexively taking a step back from Rye. "We're going to be late, aren't we?"

"Calm down Cloud," Rye said, worried. "We still have fifteen minutes. Everything's fine."

"Oh, okay," Cloud smiled.

"Jeez, you're going to give me a heart attack if you freak out like that again," Rye said leading Cloud back to his car.

"Sorry," Cloud said sheepishly. "We're not going to get a great parking spot though."

Rye chuckled. "A little exercise never hurt anyone."

As Cloud predicted, Rye had to park his car in the back. Rye got out of the car, and walked over to Cloud. Rye slipped his paw behind Cloud and grabbed the other side of his waist, pulling him closer to Rye so that they were hip-to-hip. Cloud mimicked Rye's motions.

Unaware that some of Rye's best friends stared at the couple in arm-in-arm, they both headed for the school's main doors, until Cloud stopped.

"Hey," Cloud said letting go of Rye and turning toward him. "I need to go talk to one of my teachers about my grade. You should go hang out with your friends."

"I want to go with you," Rye said quickly and stubbornly. Cloud only smiled.

"It's not going to be a pleasant chat with this specific teacher," Cloud admitted. "I don't want you to see me get angry."

Rye frowned. He wanted to go with Cloud, but he also didn't want to disobey Cloud when he was serious like this. "Okay," Rye muttered.

"I'll see you in Government," Cloud said and then kissed Rye lightly on the lips before he went into the hallway.

Before Rye could recover from the kiss, he heard Ariel scream his name.

"Rye! Rye, come here!"

Rye turned to see Ariel in a large crowd waving at him. Rye smiled at how ridiculous Ariel presented herself by waving her arms and jumping up and down. He passed through the crowd and went up to Ariel.

During Monday, Rye and Cloud spent every moment they could together and always holding each other's paw or waist. Rye got a few suspicious and confused looks from his friends that he knew well, but no one ever questioned him for the many hours they were all at school. It wasn't until the next day, Tuesday, when someone decided to confront Rye about Cloud, and their obvious affection for the one another.

Ariel was walking down the hall the same time Rye was, during class time, who went to get a drink. But Ariel had more on her mind to discuss rather than a simple greeting.

"Hey Jess," Rye said walking by and waving a paw.

"Rye," Ariel said, stepping in front of Rye's path. "Do you mind?"

"Not at all," Rye said still smiling and stopped in front of Ariel.

Ariel led Rye to the side of the hallway where they could talk more privately. "I saw you and Cloud yesterday." Rye simply nodded when she paused. "You had your arm around his waist, and he had his arm around your waist." Again Ariel waited for Rye to respond but only his smile widened at the thought. "Are you two going out or something?"

"Yeah, kind of," Rye answered now blushing and shyly avoiding eye contact. Ariel's expression didn't change much but a smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. "We haven't really gone out on an official date yet."

"Oh okay," Ariel allowed her smile to widen. "Wow Rye. I wouldn't have thought that you were gay. I wonder how the students are going to react."

"I just don't like to flaunt it," Rye explained his blush remaining bright on his cheeks. "But I really do like Cloud, he's . . . wonderful."

"Well," Ariel said wrapping up the conversation. Clearly, they both still needed to be in class. "I'm happy for the both of you. Many of the girls in our school are going to be devastated. I guess I should get back to class. See you around."

"Thanks Jess," Rye waved goodbye to her. "See you later."

The rest of the morning, Rye was flowing with glee and excitement. No one else really asked Rye as directly as Ariel did but more and more people started to notice Rye's happiness and quickly related it to his new relationship. That afternoon, someone decided to ask Rye about his new relationship with a little more aggressiveness.

"You told me you weren't gay," Ben, the lizard, yelled at Rye. Ben walked up to Rye and stood less than an inch away from his nose. Rye noticed other people turn their attention to the confrontation. "Diane has had a crush on you for all this time and you go out with the next piece of otter meat that comes into town?!"

"I never said I wasn't gay," Rye said attempting to control his anger that licked at his mind like fire. He was thankful that neither Cloud nor Diane was present at the moment.

"Diane deserves better than you," Ben continued to argue with his voice raised. "She doesn't know yet but when she finds out that you are going out with that albino otter meat--"

"He's not albino," Rye cut him off with his voice starting to rise. "Don't you dare talk about him like that! Why do you care so much about Diane anyway? I was going to tell her and let her down softly."

"I don't care--" Ben tried to lie but it quickly backfired.

"So you just don't like me, a guy, going out with Cloud, who is also a male?"

Curious faces around the two of them turned into scowls and were directed at Ben.

"I don't care if you're dating Cloud," Ben tried to recover, his voice lowering dramatically. "Diane has been a friend to me a lot longer than she has been your friend and it just hurts to see her hopes being crushed."

"I'm sorry Ben but it would have been worse if I led her on her false hopes," Rye explained controlling his anger once again. "I'll tell her tomorrow morning in Government."

"Okay," Ben said with his shame quickly building. He turned and left the study-hall room.

Rye went back to reading his book and the place quieted down, but just before it fell silent again, Rye's sensitive ears heard the word "fag" being muttered: a word that hasn't been heard for years because gay couples haven't been looked down on for hundreds of years. Rye looked around and saw most people in their books or writing something down but he noticed a chunky rat fellow turn his head reflexively back to his own textbook when Rye looked at him.

Rye ignored the rude comment that he assumed came from the rat, who he knew to be a hateful person; Rye always forgot his name. Fortunately the rest of the hour went by smooth and Rye was finally able to meet up with Cloud again, without knowing how quickly people learned the new knowledge of their relationship.

As usual, Cloud and Rye met at the entrance of the cafeteria.

"Hi," Cloud said as he approached Rye who was waiting near the entrance.

"Hey cutie," Rye greeted Cloud and they both walked in the cafeteria.

"People have been coming up to me today saying how happy for me they are," Cloud said looking at Rye suspiciously. "And they boasted about how great you were and how lucky I was."

"Ariel asked me about it this morning," Rye explained. "Did you not want people to know?"

"No, it's fine," Cloud said smiling. "I just wanted to know if you wanted people to know, and whether or not I should stop any rumors that might be going around the school."

"Thanks," Rye said and put his arm around Cloud's waist. Cloud did the same and they walked toward the line for the cafeteria food. When they arrived at the line, they settled for holding hands while they spoke. "Is there anything you want to do today?"

"Let's go see a movie," Cloud suggested.

Rye laughed. "Alright, you pick."

Before Cloud could respond, and to Rye's horror, he saw Diane quickly advancing on the both of them. "Hi Diane," Rye was about to greet the mare, but before he could finish, Diane's paw came across Rye's cheek swiftly and hard.

Shocked, Rye didn't know how to respond to being slapped so hard. He never thought Diane would go that far. The chatter in the cafeteria fell silent, and Rye could only hear Cloud growling deep in his throat and feel Cloud's paw tightening around Rye's. Recovering from the assault, Rye glared at Diane.

"Outside," Rye said firmly.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" Diane screamed, and raised her paw again. However, before her paw slapped Rye again, the otter snatched her wrist and held it tightly in his paw and gave it a light twist. "You can't hit a girl."

"Outside, now!"

Before Diane could reply, Rye let go of Cloud's paw and pulled the mare with him out of the cafeteria. Going around the corner, Rye finally let go of Diane's wrist.

"What is the matter with you?" Rye demanded.

"You hurt me, I'm going to have you arrested and thrown in jail," Diane screamed at the otter.

"I was defending myself Diane! And I have a cafeteria full of witnesses. This isn't the age that you seem to think you're in; you can't hide behind your gender!"

"You deserved it!"

"I beg to differ." Rye folded his arms, still glaring at the mare.

"You know I've wanted to go out with you for all this time, and yet you date the next otter that comes into town. And he's a guy!"

"So? Have a problem with that? And did you really think I'd date you the way you've been acting, mare? Whenever I'm with my friends, you sulk in the corner wondering why I don't devote every breath to you. No one enjoys being controlled like that."

"At least I know what I want," Diane yelled even louder. Rye searched for any sign of sorrow in the mare's eyes but could find only anger. She never truly loved him.

"And I don't? I know what I don't want! I don't want to date an annoying mare, who will break my friendships with my male and female friends! I don't want to have to answer you every time you call. I don't want to console your pity concerns! And I don't want to be tied down!"

"If you truly loved someone, then you'd understand."

"What you speak of is not love, Diane. It's your own selfish desire, and caring nothing for the one you're with."

"You're a faggot so what do you know about love?"

Rye was again taken back by shock, and even the few students who were gathered around gasped at the insult.

"So your true colors show, mare," Rye simply muttered. "May you see one day how selfish you are and what it has brought you."

"Selfish?" Diane spat. "Stop speaking as if you're so righteous otter! If you weren't selfish yourself, then you would have at least tried going out with me. If you cared about me at all, you would have done what I wanted."

Rye didn't respond. He intended to let her own words soak in.

"You're dead to me Rye," she said realizing that Rye wouldn't respond. "You were always a jerk to me and I hope you hang for it."

"It was my mistake to be friendly to you when you came to this school."

"Damn right it is. It was my mistake to believe people can be nice. Manipulator! Liar! Backstabber!" Diane continued streaming out insults for the better part of the next minute, until she was abruptly forced to stop, because Ariel came up to her out of nowhere and slapped the mare backpawed.

Diane fell to one knee and wiped her cheek and the corner of her mouth, checking for blood. There was none but an instant later, she pounced toward the feline. Rye stepped in the middle and held the two girls apart.

"Bring it, mare!" Ariel screamed.

"I'll tear you hair out!"

"Ariel, enough," Rye said, still holding the girls apart. The feline obediently listened and stood upright, while Diane continued to try to attack Ariel. Rye shoved Diane back a few steps. "Enough Diane! Patrick won't let you touch Ariel, and neither will I. You have friends too so unless you intend to turn this school into a battleground, back off."

"You'll all pay for this," Diane vowed. "I will make you all pay." Diane turned and left toward the back of the school.

Rye let out a heavy sigh and turned to Ariel. He stared at her for a moment, and then found her amusing for some reason and he laughed.

"What?" Ariel started to giggle also.

"Thanks Jess," Rye said. "You really hit her hard."

"Too bad I didn't cause her to bleed," Ariel responded with another giggle. "I knew she was dangerous from the moment I met her. I must admit, I'm glad to have finally been able to give her what she deserves."

"That was ugly," Rye muttered. "And I don't think it's over yet. She's so drastic in everything she does, she might keep her vow."

"She can try," Ariel answered. "Let's go back inside. Cloud is still waiting for you."

The feline and otter walked back into the cafeteria, along with those who gathered around the fight, and they were greeted by dozens of students who were demanding to know what happened. Rye and Ariel ignored most of them, while the otter went to Cloud, and the feline went to Patrick on the end of the table.

"Sorry about that Cloud," Rye said, sitting down next to him at their table.

"Are you alright?" Cloud asked, concerned.

"I'm fine, my cheek still stings a bit but I think Diane got it worst," Rye chuckled.

"Aw," Cloud muttered and kissed Rye's cheek. "There, that should make it feel better."

Rye giggled. "Thanks. So where's your lunch?"

"I lost my appetite. So what happened? All I know is that some of Ariel friends overheard the argument who went to tell her something, then she went out and slapped Diane. The whole cafeteria saw it; you guys were right outside that window."

"Diane is just being dramatic again," Rye answered. "We'll just watch out for her in the future. Let us forget it though and eat some food."

"Okay." Both otters went back to the cafeteria, and grabbed some food. Rye ignored those who requested for more information on the confrontation but was protected by his friends once he got back to the table, except for one who slipped by.

"So you do like Cloud?"

Rye looked up to see Nate setting himself down in the seat across from the otters.

"Hi Nate," Rye greeted him.

"Hey Nate," Cloud also greeted him but otherwise pretended to ignore the conversation while he ate his lunch.

"Hi Cloud. You could have told me," Nate said, smirking. "I wouldn't have told anyone."

"Then what would have done with that knowledge?" Rye asked.

"Nothing, but it is something worth knowing, don't you think?" the wolf answered, still keeping his crooked smile on his face.

"Well, you know now."

Nate laughed. "Yes, but it was a pretty dramatic way of finding out."

"We were pretty affectionate towards each other yesterday too," said Cloud. "Are you saying that you didn't see us?"

"Some guys are weird and like to play mind games so I just needed a confirmation."

"Fair enough," Cloud said, with a chuckle. Nate also allowed himself a quick laugh.

"So is this thing with Diane over?"

"I doubt it," Rye answered. "You know how dramatic she can be."

"Yeah, but don't either of you worry. She, or her friends, won't dare touch any one of you without risking my wrath."

The three of them laughed.

"Thanks Nate," Rye said.

"No problem," Nate said, controlling his laughter again. "Anyway, I'm starving so I'll catch up with you two later."

"See you later wolf," Rye said.

"Bye Nate," Cloud also chimed in.

The wolf left and went back to his own seat but it was soon taken by Mark and Jake, one sitting in the other's lap.

"So the rumors are true," Jake said, holding Mark in his lap. "There's another gay couple in the school. That's an unusual tactic to come out though Rye."

"Hi guys," Rye rolled his eyes. "It wasn't intentional."

"We're just playing," said Mark. "But seriously, the school is going to hear about this fight and those who don't know about you two will want to know the reason. I hope you're both comfortable allowing others to know that you're gay."

"We're fine with it," Cloud said. Rye nodded in agreement.

"Okay, but if you need our help, just let us know and we'll do what we can," Jake said.

"Thanks," commented Rye. The gay couple nodded and went back to their own chair.

"Well, I guess the whole school will know that we're going out by tomorrow," Rye said to Cloud.

"Probably," Cloud laughed. "They'll all probably want to confirm it since you're quite the popular figure here."

"Maybe," Rye tried to say modestly.

Tropical - Chapter Eleven

Right on with Cloud's prediction, many more people came up to the couple and asked about, or gave their comments on, the new relationship during the next several days. Diane, and her friends, didn't approach Rye and his friends but there was tension...

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Cosmic Stars - Chapter Eight

Sunlight nearly blinded the ermine when he stepped out from the tunnel in the side of the mountain. Once his eyes adjusted to the sunlight, he was able to see the small structure built among the trees. The two leaders of the planet's survivors were...

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Tropical - Chapter Nine

A bird tweeting outside the open window caused Rye to wake. With the haze of the dreams still covering Rye, he felt despair, thinking that last night was all a dream. It only took him a couple seconds to realize that his face was buried in white fur...

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