"Aspirations of Eden": SFW (Male Anthro Cat TF)
However, no form of youthful invigoration and spirit can keep him from becoming entangled in a massive scientific project that will change him in body, mind, and soul.
Area was, once, heavily wooded, before they built the dam, and along many parts of the lakefloor still stand whole rows of defoliated trees, ghostly, timeless - _dangerous_, snagging unwary swimmers and divers and trapping them, like a sentient predator, entangling
TLOS legend of the black dragon chapter 25 playing with Ember
The entangled rope was very thick but spyro did manage to squeeze it in between. however that was not a very pleasant experience as the sensitive footpads were pushed outwards.
An Unforeseen Fate
He was an outcast amongst his kind because he refused to fly and once he had become entangled in balto's life, he had sealed his fate for the rest of eternity.
Learning To Fall Part 8
Trying to pull the goggles off her head he got them entangled in her hair instead, producing even more pained cries. "give me those!
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VIII Chapter 11
She had to throw out the robe that she got entangled in though, it was too stretched and had small holes at the sleeves.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IV Chapter 14
The touch is dangerous for us sugar" she jerked her head back with an angry and frightened frown "i think you are lying to me creep and now you are beginning to entangle yourself in your own web" she pointed an accusing claw at the creature "first you're
A Vixen's Talent
It's hard to be sure, but... well, when they first attacked us, we'd turned toward the north to circumvent that entanglement of undergrowth, remember?" i did, and nodded.
Team Valiant Arc 9 Chapter 13: Final Stand Part 1
In the heat of the moment, he failed to notice that a cacturne had snuck up on him, and quickly found himself entangled in a grass root, restricting his movements and leaving him open for a counterattack.
Antecedent 7
"you two are emotionally entangled?" celestia asked, breaking the silence. raindrop jerked faintly in surprise, and then blinked once, looking down at her forehooves. "...i guess so, yeah." "i take it there have been problems?"
American Mustelid Alpha - Episode 7, "I Was Taught These Guys Got Feelings" - Part 2
As four of the players are seemingly entangled in a struggle for dominance, andrew is quick to stop the badgers' momentum and give a strong push towards the goal.
American Mustelid Alpha - Episode 3, "I'm Feeling Like The King Of The Burrow" - Part 1
The crossfit instructor is flailing, his own limbs entangled with the otter's, bucking on the ground in a valiant attempt to sap the bigger fur's endurance. minutes pass, but neither fur feels confident enough to make a move for the armband.