krystal's story, chapter 1
I quickly dispatched the guards, but when i detached her from the machine, she was already dying. she told me about you, well your egg at least, and where they were keeping you.
Executive decisions Chapter 16
He stood in his driveway back in the mortal realm, facing his large four-bed detached house that was bought and paid for, with its lovely clipped hedge and bay kitchen window.
Frontal Lobe Damage
I felt the utmost respect for her; how could she be so detached from it all? i couldn't comprehend how anyone could do anything but flail uselessly at it all. grey was similar, but his optimism was evidently a façade.
The Saldean War: Prelude
Then he felt a sudden pain bloom in his chest, a split-second afterwards he felt a detached feeling in his head. the king is dead, the gods preserve us, he's dead! the magical bond he had to the king enabled him to localize the remains of the king.
After zach left, drake detached himself from the twins and walked over to the mare. he put his arm on her shoulder and whispered "get everyone to leave." rachel's sadness instantly turned to anger.
Characters Tailor-made For the Plot
**detaching the writer from their characters.** goodness gracious, you have this great idea, but now you need people to play it out. if you can't use yourself as a character--whom **_can_** you use? answer: everybody else.
Second Chances & New Beginnings: Chapter Thirteen
I already had decided to use my professional and rather detached businesslike manner for this meeting, we didn't really have the time for extended explanations, besides i was already beginning to feel a bit tired and strung out.
The Hand of God
And while the dreamy confusion was mirrored on her face, there was also curiosity, also a detached fondness, an understanding, however inexact, of oneself. and these, too, were inexact, for she did not understand, did not feel fond.
Rose- The Duel Part 2
And i watch it all going down from a sort of detached disinterest. i'm pretty sure someone could just walk right up to me and slit my throat and i wouldn't even notice until after i was dead.
Heart in Me
He realized he should have been afraid, but all he felt was a hollow detachment. what did it matter? the shadow thing was right. he was nothing. here he was, all alone at the mercy of this... thing. where were his friends? where was his lover?
Echoes Chapter 12
Doctor levin grinned as the shuttle landed and his two guards escorted him out onto the pad where admiral whitcomb stood with his detachment of guards. doctor levin extended a hand out to the man and said, "sir, it's good to see you."
Walk of Fox
It is simply much better to remain detached from them and help them without having to see nor remember. i slip through a particular portal and step into the corridor of white.