A few days after Zach moved in with Drake, they were invited by a neighbor to a party. Drake agreed to go and Zach decided he would join in too. The party was going to start at ten o' clock that night, so at nine, Drake and Zach started to get prepared to leave.
"Hey," said Zach. "what if there's alcohol at the party?" Zach had never drank before and didn't plan on starting.
Drake gave his brother a kind look. He was thinking about how much he wanted Zach to be safe. "If there's beer and crud, we'll leave," He said. Zach looked at Drake.
"I don't want to be a pain" he said in an embarrassed voice.
"you aren't" said Drake.
At ten, Zach and Drake got on Drake's cycle, it is black and has red flames on it, and gunned it at over 70 mph over to a house a block over. When they got to the house, Drake put his cycle in the garage and walked with Zach to the front door. Drake rang the doorbell and started thinking "Why did I bring Zach along? He's not ready to handle his own in a situation." Just then the door swung open, and in the doorway stood a tall, beautiful, brown mare. She was of medium build, mostly muscle, stood 6' 2", had large breasts and a long, braided tail.
She had a large smile and said "come in." to Drake, not knowing that Zach was behind him.
After Drake had walked in, the mare turned her attention to Zach. "and who is this cutie?" she asked Drake.
"Oops." said Drake. "Allow me to introduce you two. Zach, this is Rachel. Rachel, this is my little brother, Zach."
"Hello." said Zach nervously. He whished he could turn invisible. He had always been shy around women.
"Hello sweetie. Please, don't be shy, come right on in." said Rachel in a sweet voice. She put her hand on Zach's shoulder and led him inside.
She then looked at Drake and asked "How come you never told me you have a little a little brother?"
Zach was about to ask why he was never mentioned when Drake said "He never came around here much. He just moved in with me a little bit ago."
"Really!?!" Rachel asked excitedly. She had visited Drake quite a few times. She had the hots for Drake for a long time. But since he liked the cheetah twins, she thought that maybe she would have a chance with Zach.
"Let me introduce you to everyone ." Rachel said to Zach.
"Ok" said Zach. "oh heck, why did I come here?" he thought to himself.
When Rachel put her hand on Zach's shoulder, which was on the opposite side of her, he started to feel very nervous. Drake walked to the kitchen while Rachel led Zach down a long hall. On the way, Zach could swear that something was touching his tail. Rachel had pulled Zach very close to her body. At one point, a fox walked by Rachel. When she turned her head to say hi, Zach took a quick glance back. What he saw made him start sweating. Rachel had wrapped her long, braided tail around his own. "Whoa geez!" he thought. He had just started thinking if he should tell Rachel that their tails were intertwined, but they exited the hall and now were walking into a room full of couches and furs. There were about ten couches and each one held about two to three furs.
Rachel led Zach to the center of the room and with a loud voice, though still quite sweet, said "May I have your attention, everyone?"
All of the furs on the couch stopped their conversations and quite a few more came out of the kitchen. After everyone was staring at Rachel and Zach, Rachel said "Everyone, this is Drake's little brother, Zach."
Zach heard lots of hey's and what's ups. His paws were sweaty and his legs were shaking. He managed to choke out in a very nervous voice, "Hello."
Rachel looked at Zach, then looked back to the furs and said "I would appreciate it if everyone would try to make our new guest as comfortable as possible."
After saying this, Rachel released Zach's shoulders, untangled their tails, and walked into the kitchen. Not too long after she left, two girls walked up to Zach. The were identical twin cheetahs. Zach looked at them. At first he thought that he was seeing double. The girls were identical in every way. They both had a ruby earring in their right ear, Had deep, emerald green eyes, slender arms and legs, long, beautiful tails with three gold rings on them, medium sized breasts, and both wore a green shirt that rose above their bellybutton and tight blue jeans.
"Hello." they sad at the same time.
"H-h-hi." Zach said with his jaw hanging open. He had never seen girls more hot than the two who stood before. With his eyes he traced their beautiful curves.
"How are you?" they asked at once.
"F-f-fi-fi." Zach started stammering.
Drake looked over to where Zach was and saw what was happening. "Oh shoot! I better go help him, quick!" he thought. Drake ran over, stood beside his brother, and said "Hey girls."
The cheetahs then their attention to him and, in flirty voices, said "Hi Drakey."
Hearing his brothers voice snapped out of his daze. "Hey Drake, I'm gonna go get a soda." he said quickly.
"Okay bro." said Drake while clapping his brother on the back. He knew that Zach just wanted an excuse to get a grip. Zach turned and walked into the kitchen, feeling very relieved, and in his thoughts, thanking his brother for the quick save. Drake watched his little tiger brother walk away and then turned his attention back to the hot twins.
"We didn't know you had a little brother." they said. They wondered why he never mentioned Zach before.
"Yeah, he just moved in with me not too long ago." Drake said. "Man alive!" he thought "Why is this such a big deal?"
"Oh." the twins said in downcast tones. "Does this mean we cant come and visit you anymore?" Their eyes were watering. Small tears were building up in the corners of their eyes and started running down their yellow-gold, spotted fur. They were both in love with Drake ever since they met him.
"Of course not!" he exclaimed. He reached over, and with his enormous paws, wiped the tears from the side of their faces. Drake was deeply in love with these girls. "You two hotties need to come over more often."
Vivian and Vixie stepped over and placed themselves against Drake's large body and started purring. "Oh Drakey!" they said. All they could think about is the large, warm, wolf that they were attached to.
Zach had been leaning against a counter in Rachel's kitchen, watching events unfold. "Dang," he thought "how does Drake do that so easily?" He just stood there, starring at Drake and the twins start walking towards the couch. Rachel, who had been talking to the red furred fox that had passed her in the hall, noticed that Zach was all alone. "He must be shy." she thought. She walked over and stood beside him.
"Hello hon." she said sweetly.
"Huh? Oh, hello Rachel." Zach said in a bored voice. He was in deep thought about his brother.
"Something wrong?" Asked Rachel in a concerned voice. She was wondering if something had happened.
"I'm fine. Its just I... well I.." Zach's heart started beating faster and his mouth dried up.
Rachel reached her long arm up and put her index finger on Zach's lips. "Lets talk upstairs." she said. She then grabbed his striped arm and led him up a flight of stairs. At the top, Rachel led Zach into a large bedroom and then closed the door. She then released Zach's arm, walked over, and sat on a large bed. "So what was it you were trying to tell me? She asked in a soothing voice.
Zach's heart raced. "I was trying to say that it is very hard for me to talk to girls." he said without pausing to take a breath.
"Oh." giggled Rachel. "So he is shy." she thought.
Zach looked around the room and then gave Rachel a puzzled look. "Why did we come up here?" he asked.
Rachel stood up and started walking towards him. His heart raced. When she got to Zach, Rachel hugged him and started to rub his back. "I was hoping we could get to know each other a bit better." she said in a loving voice.
During this time, Drake was sitting on a couch, squeezed between the cheetah twins.
"Drakey," they said in their flirty voices "can we come over tonight?"
"Sure." he said happily. "So did you drive tonight Vixie?" he asked the one on the left. "Or did you Vivian?" he asked looking to the right.
"Vixie drove us." said Vivian.
Drake had a mischievous smile. "I'll get Zach and then we'll leave." he said. When he stood up, the twins were attached to his arms.
"We'll go with you." they said.
Drake smiled and started walking. He had caught a glimpse of Rachel leading Zach upstairs. He, Vivian, and Vixie walked up the stairs and stopped in front of the door of the bedroom Zach and Rachel were in. "Should I really do this?" Drake thought. He was unsure if it was a good idea to barge in on his brother. Finally he decided that Zach wouldn't mind as long as his plan went well. Drake opened the door and was surprised at what he saw. Rachel and Zach were locked in a long, passionate kiss. But the real surprise was that Zach had his paws on Rachel's butt. While moving his head around, Zach opened his eyes and saw Drake standing in the doorway, he had a large grin on his face.
"Whowy whick!!" Zach said in surprise.
At first Drake was confused at why his brother had said something so strange. But when Zack pulled his head back, Drake was able to see why. Zach's tongue was wrapped around Rachel's. Since Zach started to frantically pull his tongue, Rachel opened her eyes to see what was wrong. When she saw Drake, she instantly unraveled her tongue and looked at the floor.
"Oh my gosh!" she thought. "This is so embarrassing."
Zach ran a paw through the fur on top of his head and asked "What are you doing here Drake?"
"Wanted to tell you that we are leaving. Drake responded. "Please let this go well." he thought.
"Oh." said Zach in a disappointed tone. His ears laid against his head and his long tail nearly touched the floor. This was the first time he had ever been this close to a girl, and he was sorry that it had to end. "Goodbye Rachel." he said and gave her a small wave.
"Goodbye." she replied in a sad voice. Small tears fell from her eyes.
After Zach left, Drake detached himself from the twins and walked over to the mare. He put his arm on her shoulder and whispered "Get everyone to leave." Rachel's sadness instantly turned to anger. "First he ruins my moment with Zach, and now he wants me to end the party! Who the heck does he think he is!?" she thought in exasperation.
"Hold on one minute!" she shouted at Drake.
Before she could continue, Drake put two fingers on her lips and whispered " I want you to come over." Rachel gave him a confused look. "it's a surprise for Zach." he said and gave her a sly wink.
"Oh." she replied. Her heart beat faster at hearing this. "I'll be there." She said and walked out the door.
"This is going perfect." he chuckled to himself. He started thinking how much this would mean to Zach. After Vivian and Vixie got into their car, Zach and Drake got on the cycle and they all drove to Drake's house. After getting inside, Zach vented his anger at his older brother.
"Why the heck did you do that!?" he shouted. "That was the best moment of my life! And now you've ruined it!"
Drake looked out his window and saw Rachel's car pulling into his driveway. He then knew that things would turn out alright. "I'm sorry Zach." he said in a hurt voice. Zach didn't notice his brothers lips curling into a grin. "Allow me to apologize."
As if she knew it was time, Rachel rang the doorbell.
"Here is my way of saying sorry." Drake said with an impish grin.
Zach gave him an odd look and walked over and opened the door. There on the step stood Rachel. She was wearing a sleeveless, strapless red shirt that was only on because it was being supported by Rachel's large breasts. The shirt was so tight that Zach could easily see the outline of her nipples. She also wore a red mini-skirt. It was almost to short for her. Her mane had been brushed. It was flowing beautifully in the wind.
"Hi Zach." Rachel said in a sexy voice.
"Hi." he replied with a smile. He was thinking how bad he felt for getting angry at Drake.
Zach turned to look at Drake, who was now sitting on the couch between Vivian and Vixie, and asked "Did you plan this?".
Drake just gave him a wink.
"Come in." Zach said, turning his attention back to Rachel. His tail swished she started walking in. After she got in, Zach shut the door behind her.
To Be Continued.