Flash fiction pieces (2013-2016)

Each year, confuzzled holds a flash fiction contest, with entries limited to five sentences. here're some entries of mine from 2013 to 2016, all bundled up together. (tags therefore a bit random...) tricky fox is quickly running.

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Written for a contest in highschool...

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The Other Side Ch 3

Then the conversation did a complete turn around and focused on contests. contests lead to the idea of collections and pets which lead nowhere else, even though there was one final reason for a person to have a pokémon at his side.

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orphan book 1 chapter 3

He gave a node and he then grabbed the girls shoulder and forcefully tore her away from the staring contest, forcing her gaze to fall upon me.

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Rebirth ch12

A contest coordinator where i could enter a pokemon and dress them up (suicune blushed at that notion but it was lost to her deep blue fur and how dark it was outside), but then again i don't know the first thing about contests.

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FlounderingAway: Cover Zero

It was almost like a contest. but only she was the contestant. when she lifted herself up, she hovered next to shinron. waters were dripping out from her scales all the way down to her tail. it felt like raindrops were falling down.

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Many Tiny Sparks: Chapter 1 Part 1

That was to be expected considering since it'd been a contest of strength between a mage and a being who was literally made to be a physical brawler.

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Jayden, Chapter 3

Now the contest was getting interesting, and a small crowd gathered to watch the two pokemon battle.

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Announcer: the following contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing the challenger from atlanta georgia weighing in at 266 lbs.


6 fat fur twitteratures

His fellow contestants had some bigger or smaller guts. the budgerigar had the largest feathery one. he asked the bird if he could rub it. yes.

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Masseustela (Pundamental #2)

Ok, so i can't claim to have written this pun, but when i saw it yesterday in a comment on a get fuzzy comic strip i couldn't resist writing a 2nd really quick story for the back to pundamentals contest.

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