The new kid

Just to make it clear lewis is not jakes boyfriend sadly jake has a crush on lewis though and lewis knows it but he's not gay sadly. 5 minutes later the bell rings and jake gets up and goes to his next class.

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Simulation Realities: Problems of a Solar Magnitude

The only survivors are vashna cole, lucas michael, roy beatty, riley bell, and rachel bell who were in ts booths. there is one unknown life signature on board in the radiation protected hold. we have enough food to last 30,000 years.

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Polytechnica Zephilyber: pt2

: my name is snow-bell. i am alone in this abandoned city...can i join you? polybius: well of course you can. be my guest. and by the way, whatever you do, don't look down. you might be traumatized... heh, heh...


sora's love part 2

Sora asked "sure" tails said the bell rang it was time for theire history lesson sora and silver fell asleep half way it was the lunch bell that woke them up as they arrived at the canteen tails was held back by shadow who liked to pick on new students


Strange flavor

The door's bell dinged loudly to announce the presence of a new customer. in enters micah, your everyday doberman come to visit reed, a size challenged hyena and his best friend. he said he needed an extra hand today with a 'special' cake.

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Don't Be Alone

She balled before turning and running with the crowd, all the while the bell tolled, and serena forced her way through the opening in the door and into the building.

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Chapter 4 (Des-Berfo High): In His Eyes

The bell rang, throwing off devon's concentration. as devon left the history classroom, three other furs stuffed notes in his pockets.

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Who's There to Be There : The First Encounter

Just then, the bell rings for at least 2 straight minutes. "you think they'd ever change the damn bell?" connor jerks his thumb behind him, pointing at the bell on the wall. "you mean like a girl moan rather than ringing?"

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Father figure - Chapter 5: The one who knows...

The bell rings just as jim gets to his spot, the whole ringing just spells out "doom and gloom" for the next two hours. he won't even stand a chance to speak to her between periods.

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Uncontrolled Affection

Two hours later the final bell finally sounded meaning the day was finally at an end. for once cato rushed with the flood of other kids who dashed their way out of their makeshift prison.

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Chapter 5 (Jo)

I look at my watch and see we only have 3 minutes before the first bell rings. the school is only right downhill so we only slightly pick up the speed. as we get to the parking lot and the front doors, the bell rings. "oh no."

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A Name, Not A Number (Chapter 1)

They talked while the awaited the terrible electrical bell, which would send them off to their first classes. \*brrring\* there it was.

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