Aries and Vivian Part 3

Story by Gez on SoFurry

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#3 of Aries and Vivian

Aries and Vivian Part 3

Aries walked down the hall way. Him and his buddies were talking about football practice but evenutally they all split up into differnet classes. He had class on the other side of the building and was in a hurry to get there. You see Vivian was that class. He was going to talk to her about maybe coming to football practice after school later.

Walking into the class room right when the bell rang was a bad thing. The teacher already didn't like him much. With out even looking he spoke. "Mr. Dearmand, I trust you have a tardy slip?" He said grading a paper that was infront of him. "No I don't Mr. Spitler." Aries said. Mr. Spitler looked up. "Do you want detention?" He asked. "No sir! I have Football practice tonight." He said almost begging.

"Mr. Dearmand, you know that the school hand book clearly states that ANY student or child that is not in their assigned seat when the bell rings to start the period is late..." He sighed. "Go get a tardy slip." He said. Rubbing his eyes as if he were really stressed.

Aries walked backwards out of his class and over to the office. A cheerleader was working as the office assisant today. "Sweet." He though. "I'll get an excused." Taking the slip that she had marker excused he winked at her and she waved back.

Giving it to Mr. Spitler he took his spot next to Vivian, and Mr. Spitler started class. Aries tore off a piece of paper form his pad and wrote on it. He then back tossed it on the ground hear Vivians foot. She looked down and knocked her pencil off so she could pick it up.

"Will you come to my football practice tonight at 5?" Signed A.D. Vivian looked over to Aries and slightly shook her head yes and started taking notes. After class they met up. "So your coming right?" Aries asked her to make sure. Vivian looked at him. "Of course I'm coming." She said. "Will you need a ride?" He asked her. She smiled at him. "Really?" She said. "I can run from my house and back in less than 5 minutes. I don't need a ride."

He looked at her and shrugged. "Well could I walk you to your next class?" He asked. "Yes and may I walk you to your class?" She asked with a funny face. "What do you mean?" He said. "We're both in the same class." She said laughing. "Oh that's right." He said and blushed.

Aries and Vivian walked to their class room and sat in their seats. But sadly for them they were on oppisite sides of the room. They tried to communicate by making hand signs but that didn't work.