Ander - Chapter 5, Subchapter 67
Snow in the dark was grey like ash. bitter cold. would something real and something _not real_ together make grey ash like this, too? ash was dead wood. burnt. used up. the wind catches it and tosses it into the sky. finally, it drifts down like snow.
Kingdom of the Old Demons: Chapter 1
"(well, at least we can catalogue the lives of the ash hounds for now)." "(why can't you just bring the book here so i can try)?" "(we can't.
Spyro's Old Flame: Chapter 12 - Flame's Plan
ashes and ember took position behind the rocks by the entrance, each one each side like planned, just in case they'd try to escape.
Kingdom of the Old Demons: Chapter 26
Now that the soul within the ashes were gone, the two ash mages could not draw upon their magic to mass teleport the group. they could still control the ashes mixed with their own ashes, which still had souls within them.
Scales and Honor- Night Rising: Chapter 15
"i lov-" axton exploded into ash before her very eyes. coating her claws and scales with a thin layer of black dust. "axton!" she screamed out.
Ander - Part 5: Subchapter 68
Snow in the dark was grey like ash. bitter cold. would something real and something _not real_ together make grey ash like this, too? ash was dead wood. burnt. used up. the wind catches it and tosses it into the sky. finally, it drifts down like snow.
(Old & Last) Chapt 8. To the next goal
A sea of ashes washed along the floor, under the door, and under the bandits. it camouflaged itself by changing its natural black color to the white and brown stone colors of the floor.
Ragnarok - V
But even as we watched, each double-corpse began to shrivel swiftly, like a coal that burns too long and deeply, and is turned to self-consuming ash.
Dark Destiny - Prologue
When i looked up, the ash was hands anymore...
Ranoria: As Fates Collide
All that was left was an ash-barren landscape. when mira arrived, her mind went numb and she fell to the ground as her claws pushed deep into the dust and ash. tears began to flow like a river as she saw everything she cherished gone.
Kingdom of the Old Demons: Chapter 16
They also tried their best not to visit any more ash hound villages unless if the infernal texts were found in one, to reduce the risk of the peaceful ash hounds being used as leverage, and also to protect them.
The Guide for the Lost
"ashe will understand, doctor. not all dragons need to fly. right, ashe?" "only he took more than one weapon.