Pawpad Retreat

That was weird. right?" becca asked. "that was very weird." jane nodded as she walked over to the coffee table and picked up one of the cups of tea. she sniffed at it. "smells like normal tea though."

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Entry 35

He's a hacker, which is sort of weird too but well? at least he can get into a database pretty well.

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Astral High - Chapter 28

"dude, you're getting really worked up over this, it's probably just them being weird and lucking out." [me] "no, they're hiding something.

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Why am I different?

weird. picked on. beat up. having my tail pulled. fox jokes. i just want it to end! i'm sick of being weird! i just want to be like everyone else........" dad nodded. "so, it's a fox thing? humans don't get picked on?"

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Inferno High - Chapter 10

[ted] "eh, still kinda weird." [me] "cute weird?" "yeah..." "i hate both of you." [alex] "seriously, though. the twenty ninth was a big deal in ancient egypt, so it's not a bad place to be." [ted] "why?"

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Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 21

She gasped, feeling a weird mix of happiness and queasiness. "stop, stop or i'm going to throw up!"

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The Fox And The Crow

weird looking. she shook her head to clear her mind. fox had walked to the entrance to the cave,sat down and watched the rain fall. crow looked at him weird and then got up and walked towards him.

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Dog Boy - Chapter 4

While the others were away from me, i reached down the back of my shorts, and felt for the bunched up fabric that was making everything feel weird. no... it wasn't bunched up fabric. there was some weird lump right at the tip of my tailbone. "hey matt!"

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030 - Prime pt.13

Like neat but also: don't be weird about it. butters absolutely cannot bare when humans are weird about it, when meeting a squirrel for the first time. let's not let a crate and a half of ale turn them into a hypocrite. -aaahh, this is them now.

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Toni's Diary Entry #2 - The Key to Success

But, weirdly enough, i never got in any trouble for it; not even with the dean. anyways, my last year of high school was very weird. they were trying out different ways to break up the bell schedule.

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The Hardest Life PT.1

'why was there a weird thing near me when i was asleep?' he looks back at the direction that he found this weird capsule. standing up and grabbed the pm box, he then started walking again but following the direction started off at.

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Chapter Ten - The First Step To Victory

"come onnnn you cheated and made me let go with your weird force thingies!" it's not a weird force thingy, it's a move i know. hehe, and dallas is going to learn it sometime..." she said as she looked up at the sky.

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