030 - Prime pt.13

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#30 of Beastiary Beas Part 1 - A Valentines Story

-VALENTINES (the next) DAY 2011-


After gazing at the horrific sight of their own wallet: Empty, decrepit, a place where no joy can be found, Butters breathes a sigh of relief, hearing that Venus has managed to secure a lift home for everyone. After figuring out who did and didn't live just a small walk away, the Monsters who were leaving say their goodbyes and swap digits, as they walk off into the darkness. The liminal space, illuminated by ambient lighting between two towering block of student flats that probably takes you past the security of a chippy, before leading to you to your bed (do not tell them it will NOT be open at 3 in the morning).

A party made up of Butters, Rosie, Venus, Chloe, Sawyer, Chord and Gris are mulling about by the sidewalk of the first clear bit of road they came across. Surrounded by an atmosphere exclusive to this hidden hour, with a sudden hit of freezing chill, uncanny silence and the visual absurdity of no one's colours being right. Between the night sky and the street lights, everyone carried with them a hue of amber and a muted blue. No matter what your cognitive mind is telling you that you should see, your reality is under the assault of the florescent glow.

Venus finishes up her phone call securing their ride, she tells the gang to expect their ride any minute now.

-Let me guess, is this the headless carpool again? Butters asks mid shiver from the cold chill.

-Yup Gorm, and not just her, her partner's with her too. Venus replies.

-I thought she had her car in for MOT? Inquires Chloe.

-Yeesss Chloe, hence I said 'With her partner'

There's a small lull of the other Monsters nodding their heads. Yes that sentence made sense. Rosie from underneath Butters arm is looking out of whack.

-I don't understand? She asks. Do you mean her partner's the ride? ...That's not like... Speeeeciest to assume was it?

Butters cracks up a little at how cute that was, the emphasis on the pronunciation of "speciest" especially. Like "Look at me, utilising this exclusive strand of concern I just felt today."

-Nah nah, well maybe. But you can hide it behind the fact that you got it right: Her partner is the 'ride'.

-Oii oiiii. Exclaims Chord, pointing her empty beer bottle at the group while raising and lowering her eyebrows.

-Yyyeesss. Clarifies Venus via an extended sigh. They just started dating recently I think? Met her on campus during her degree I reckon.

-Waaaiitt is this the Oboroguruma? Is Gorm fucking the car!? Chloe shouts, slack jawed.

-First of all she's more of a burger van then a car and second: Don't fucking gawk like that when they get here Chloe. She gets enough of that from bloody humans, no offence. Venus says as she gestured towards Rosie.

-None taken, I'm sorry I was so shocked earlier.

Truth be told, Butters was trying to suppress a natural curiosity themselves. They knew of Oboroguruma, but must confess has never had the pleasure of speaking to one themselves. Like neat but also: Don't be weird about it. Butters absolutely cannot bare when Humans are Weird About It, when meeting a Squirrel for the first time. Let's not let a crate and a half of ale turn them into a hypocrite.

-Aaahh, this is them now. Announces Venus.

Butters natrualy turns to the road expecting a vehichle of some kind to rock up to the sidewalk, but after an awkward amount of time and: No New Visual occuring in their eyeballs, they start to think they may be confused about something. Indeed just turning their head slightly to the right and to the sidewalk, they see two Monsters start to walk towards their way.

The smaller one, comparative to her companion anyways, has clearly been dragged out from lounging to keep the other Monster company. Rocking up in pyjama bottoms and an oversized black band hoodie, which Butters can just make out the words "Elenore and the Evermore's" in a skeletal designed font. To Human eyes she would appear to be just like one of them, but Monsters can sense these things, call it... A frequency that Monsters are all broadcasting on. It lets them notice things like the small blue embers coming out of the spiked choker on her neck.

More eye catching is Monster towering by her side. Butters again tries to recall what they know of Oboroguruma. Listen, let's be meta for a second. She's an anthropomorphic van, I know, you know, there's one culturally dominant interpretation of what that looks like, we can't legally say it, but we know and yes: A little bit. But, Oboroguruma's do visualy divert in some significant ways. In between parts of mechanical shell you can clearly see something organic. In their half drunken stare Butters would describe it as: Goo. A light tannish colour of goo, which holds on to all the external pieces of mechanical shells, which can be observed to look like the outer parts of a vehicle.

Yes while it'd be tempting to view Oboroguruma as automatons, mechanical based life, the reality is that they are closer to insects. Imagine the Primordial Goo that exists inside a cocoon while a caterpillar metamorphises, now imagine the goo just kind of like... Grabs the shell, tears it apart and then use it as a power suit, that's kind of what's going on here! The "Car" is the exoskeleton and the Goo is the Monster itself! In fact this Oboroguruma can be seen using the chassis of a food van to form stuff like shoulder pads, feet, hands, wheels on the thighs (classic) and so on.

After exchanging pleasantries Gorn goes to introduce their companion:

-So uuhhh hey everyone. This is Draught! Introduces Gorn.

Draught gives a little wave and a high pitched noise which can be interpreted as a 'hi' based on context. Her body language is quite closed and the metal plates which make up her face seem to be grinding up against each other in ways that didn't seem typical.

-She's shy at first but when she gets going she really flourishes, especially when she's eating me out. Explains Gorn which seemed like a really weird thing to say, until she takes a swig from a wine bottle and the it suddenly made sense why it was said.

On cue, Draught lets out a "Oh my ggoosshh" as the parts of her exoskeleton forms around her head. Looking like she suddenly has a front of a van for a head. Deciding she needed a bit of help Butters walks forward.

-Well it's nice to meet you Draught, I'm Butters. They say, as they awkwardly grab a bit of chassis on her knee in lieu of a handshake.

Draught recedes out from her shell and extends a finger towards Butters to do the 'hand'-shake proper.

-Next time you're introducing me to your friends sober! She declares.

-Hey, I'm Chloe. She says standing by Butters side. Congrats on the Cunnilingus endorsement.

Draught groans and she offers the same 'hand'-shake to Chloe.

-Oh uuhhh Rosie, Girs, Chord, this is Gorn! Venus hasitly introduces, having forgot to do so earlier.

-It's nice to meet you! Rosie says introducing themselves. Well I hope this isn't too to weird to say but, it's nice to see a fellow Human Monster... like... Err

-Fucker. Monster fucker. Butters interjects.

-Okay yeah, but you shouldn't just say it! Protests Rosie.

She then hits Butters on their side, a little embarrassed as they turn to face them.

-I dunno who you're calling a Human. Replies Gorn.

Roise turns to look at her in confusion, only to be met with the image of woman now without her head. The spiked choker still remained with a wisp of blue flame rising from the now empty neck. Rosie screams a little in surprise as she backs up a little, only to feel a knock at the back of her head. She turns around to see the missing head of Gorn, with one of her eyebrows raised. The head now being covered in a Blue aura that even Rosie could perceive now.

-Jesus woman you scared the shit out of me! Exclaims Rosie.

-Well ass of me you or whatever they say. Replies Gorn, as her separated body leans over to poor her wine into the floating heads mouth.

Oh, with no spillage coming from the bottom of the head it has to be said!

After a few minutes of banter between the group, Gorn lets out a huge yawn as she nearly stumbles and falls over.

-Okay, alright, I think it's time we head back now. Draught announces. Everyone stand back I need a wee bit 'a room for 'tis.

She then starts to lean forward, as the gooey parts hiding behind the chassis on their limbs behind to sink into themselves, as the shell moves outward. As the organic parts change from 'Person shape' too 'Potato shape', the bits of metal follow and start to become as foretold; a Burger Van. Butters isn't even sure of the logistics behind this, they lean in to see seating inside and everything. Is this like their rib cage that we all can just sit in? As the Monsters start to get into the van, you can see seats and dashboard undulate a little, where the Goo is clearly adjusting for it's occupants.

Butters then notices that Venus, Chloe and Chord where not getting in the car alongside the others.

-Are you lot not getting a lift? Asks Butters.

Butters had a knack of picking up on micro-shifts in body language, a blessing and a curse. Because perhaps it was better not to notice both Venus and Chord, for just a fraction of a second, shift their gaze to Chloe in almost a prang of concern as Chloe has her back to Butters. The Cat turns to Butters, making a better display of hiding the clear tension in the air.

-Nah you're alright, I think I'm gonna bob about for a while longer. Explains Chloe. In fact Chord just flew in from that window up there.

Chloe points to some random open window in the block of flats, in which Chord just solemnly nods.

-Oh, cool cool. I'd err, I'd join you but, I gotta y'know. Butters clearly lies, as they gestures their thumb behind them to Draught.

-Yeah, yeah of course. Hey, hope you have a good night eye. Chloe also lies, as she gives a wink towards The Squirrel.

Well if you simply ignore all surrounding evidence, that's an endorsement. Great! Butters waves good bye as they get into the back seat next to Rosie. Everyone's sat comfortably in the back, while Sawyer gets the honour of the passenger's seat and Gorn get's in the drivers seat. It took everyone half a second for their cognitive understanding of this scene (the sober car is driving herself) from the visual one (this drunken woman will kill us all).

-Is everyone's ready? Asks Draught, with a voice seemingly echoing from the outside.

Everyone nods but also; ooohh don't like that. The feeling of being in someone's ribcage has only strengthened. But aside from that it's just a nice car ride. Don't pay attention to the driver being asleep at the wheel, she's not driving, don't perceive the visual. Aside from that it's nice. Stop looking. It's fine.

-So I hope this isn't an insensitive question. Begins Rosie as she's about to ask an insensitive question. But why a Burger Van? Or is that something you can't change?

-Well, I mean we do come into an initial exoskeleton of course. Begins Draught, her voice seemingly coming from around the vehicle. But we can change our exoskeleton to anything if we want, well I say that like it's not the price of an actual car to do so. BUT, that's why I'm sticking to the van. We're one economical disaster away from food carts being the main way of distributing food to the public, then I'm gonna make my millions.

-Yeah, you and me on the road babe delivering Fajita's to the needy. Declares Gorn temporarily awakening from her stupor.

Rosie seems to nestled back into Butters' side, as she quietly murmurs under her breath:

-Well that's more planning then I've done for the next year.

Butters puts their arm over Rosie's shoulder, as she nuzzles further into their side, as she makes small talk with the other Monsters. Aaaahhh, Butters just kind of takes in the moment, they didn't know if it was the night sky, the booze, the cold breeze coming from the open windows or the horniness, but it felt good for the species to mingle so effortlessly like this. Even if just a little bit, Butters' world felt larger tonight.