Off The Line

By contrast, the cruisers do the opposite to their cars; they spice them up with chrome, expensive wax, soft seat covers, and furry dice.

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x-mas ratchet and clank style

Clank sighed in relief and followed them, pausing momentarily to watch talwyn crawl out from under the table, who was cautiously holding a smoking mess of wax. talwyn tossed the destroyed candle onto the table and joined clank.

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The Puzzle: Chapter 1- The Beginning

It always felt as if my eardrums were on the edge of just bursting in a slew of blood, wax, and whatever fluid comes from your ear.

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Ch. 12: The Evergloom Woods

I'm sure you won't recognize the wax seal, but it's from the highlord himself." bart snatched the letter away. "the seal's already broken anyways. how would i be able to tell what it looks like?"

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Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 46

Hideous faces contorted by shimmering waves of heat, screaming and snarling, melting like bees wax before his eyes, becoming something different, something that only he could see.

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The life of a cub (Part 1)

With that you either grew ice-cold because she disliked what she saw or she'd turn you into wax 'cause she liked what she saw.

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Sons of winter chapter 6: The Veiled Path

Aleks's knees melted like wax exposed to a flame before such relentless carnage. smoke filtered into his house through the nonexistent door, half part charred wood, half part seared flesh.

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Ragnarok - XIII

Walls, like water through the rotten log fallen across the stream, came cut off screams, the tread of heavy boots, wailing of children who knew not their fate even as its iron jaws around them closed, the rustling roar of flames, the ring of steel, all waxing

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 146

Colours dissolved like melted wax. "dorin!" was that ivio? his voice sounded so far away. dorin felt himself pitch forward. felt the rush of freezing air against his face. _where did the knife go? is it still in my hands?

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The Fattest Doll of All

Even his collar grew tight, and he felt his face droop and swell like melting wax. mystic looked down, stunned, and jiggled his new fat potbelly with both pudgy hands. he must have gained at least 50 pounds.

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Ander - Chapter 4, Subchapter 18

. \* luke stared at the knife in his one hand, and the flickering candle in the other, at the wax slowly dripping down the side, going from clear to hazy white as it cooled.

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Ander - Part 4: Subchapter 18

. \* luke stared at the knife in his one hand, and the flickering candle in the other, at the wax slowly dripping down the side, going from clear to hazy white as it cooled.

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