Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Destruction- Chapter 5- Indigo Overgrowth pt. 2
But the move failed to protect him from the sensation of being pricked barely beneath the pelt a thousand times over, like being stung by a swarm of wasps.
Here There Be Mouses
When the wasps murdered our sun. our new home?" a shake of the head. "i was not born there. my species has no history there. millenia of culture ... gone. literature, art, architecture? yes, we had these things, mouse. even us. even predators.
Redemption Songs
Not only beating us in the war, but being the source of our survival, as well ... we were preyed upon by the wasps, and then we were rescued by prey. it was humiliating. it was ... you do not know how that tormented us.
If It Bleeds It Leads
"now, i just have a few things to mention before the police escort all of you off the premises" he said, with microphones shoved in his face like the stingers of angry wasps defending their nest, "first off, you have all impeded that bears medical care.
Crocs of the Leather Stick Together 15 - Krooked Keep
But it was all he could do to dodge wasps and metal hooks, climbing up onto platforms occasionally to gain some ground and navigate more efficiently.
Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 41: Conclusion (We Go Down Together Part VII)
Song shouted drawing her blade as two bipedal wasps stormed their position. "cave needles?!" kiwi gasped as song charged toward the attackers stabbing and slashing. the she cat was trying to force them back without being stung.
A simple story III : Part 6-7
He had a dark blue suit adorned with his prickly wasp over a sky blue shirt, the patent shoes, his ring still shining on his nose and his right wrist dressed in his wide leather strap adorned with construction links.
Turning the Tide
From this distance, all the winking engines of the fighters and interceptors swooping in and out of the fight resembled some big lumbering beast of burden that had kicked a wasp's nest.
Chapter Five Home Base Link Up
The first class of ships being deployed was the lhd (land helicopter deck) wasp class amphibious assault ships. the lhd-8 had a length of 844 feet, displaced 41,772 tons, and had a top speed of 20+ knots.
Seahorse Bay - Dragonfly's Arrival
Your uncle almost emptied the town's medicine stock last time he went prodding a paper-wasp nest under the roof of the town hall." dragonfly winced internally. yep, that was uncle honeywell alright.
Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 11
It makes you think all kinds of strange thoughts, each one like a wasp sting in your head. _i wonder what her name was._ _i wonder if she had any family. a mother, a father, brothers and sisters?_ _what if she had children?
Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 102
It makes you think all kinds of strange thoughts, each one like a wasp sting in your head. _i wonder what her name was._ _i wonder if she had any family. a mother, a father, brothers and sisters?_ _what if she had children?