The Lost Tundra

Intricate etchings adorn the slender bone, and as it spins midair, the tracings seem to dance amongst the arctic atmosphere in a mesmerizing sort of waltz.

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Darkness and Starlight 22 - Heart of Anger

You're not like this usually, you never go off a whole night and just waltz back without telling me anything! i was worried sick about you while at work."

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Mushrooms, Turtles and Pipes, Oh My! 16 - Haunting Music

First came the chairs, two of them dancing together like a waltzing couple in the air.

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How do you stand being so tall? TyVulpine Request

Emily had to be taking the news much better than him since she was currently waltzing about leaving him on the ground stuck in her body. this seemed to shake him out of his stupor as emily's voice yelled out.

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Far Future - Comrades

You just waltz in here for no other reason than to conveniently undermine my greatness." anger emerged from the wolf. he slammed his paws against the desk, getting face to face with his comrade. "what greatness? what have you done that is so great?

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The Giggle Gang

Leonard's fingers continued their waltz along the armpits as he began to diversify his tactics. at times all of his fingers would glide along the scales.

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Book of Changes Part 3

So a wizard - correction sorcerer - just happened to be waltzing by while there was a huge to-do outside a prominent temple where these things aren't supposed to happen and everyone was taking it on face value?

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Star Hopper Chapter 10

She began to waltz around the cell laughing, "you know ian. i hope you realize this but, i never liked you. i'm a princess and you're a pirate on death row." she laughed.

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Finding One's Way; Chapter 2 - Luke

He was doing fine until michael waltzed into his life and dug too deeply into luke's heart to be let go. luke, now, doesn't have much choice but to be the one who loves but is never loved. i mean, there's just no chance michael could be gay...

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Bentley's Peace: III

The first dance was a waltz; no new-fangled jazz or ragtime for the sylvesters. bentley bowed to his partner, took her left paw in his right, and placed his other paw just above her hip. "well, you beast?"

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Chapter 18: Unexpect Expedition.

"now what is wrong here and why there is a real digimon waltzing in this area?" "we were scouting around at a different place till we stumble upon an unknown portal, which lead to the land of the beginning in digital world."

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Amber Silverblood: Silverpack, Chapter Thirty Seven

I couldn't very well waltz right into dex's bedroom, so i had to hope that he kept them in the bathroom. once i'd locked the door, i turned the lights on and looked around.

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