Chapter 18: Unexpect Expedition.
#21 of D.M.O.N.
Right. First off I don't own any chars in Digimon series and ShadowWolf, However I do own Alphonse, Albino aka Al. I apologize first hand if there are any grammar and spelling errors. Sorry it took so long because of my daily life. anything else please enjoy.
Chapter 18: Unexpect Expedition.
Al woke up slowly from his slumber and looked at the time on his table. '11:45. I slept quite a lot and is almost lunch time. I should get something to eat.' He got up and headed to the kitchen. He opened the lower fridge and saw fruits, juice, bread, cabbage, cheese, mayo, mustard, water, milk, eggs, beverages, and some wine Sarah bought from her work; and on the upper fridge had several meats and several ice cream or pop sickle.
Al chose to make some sandwich for his lunch. So he took out the bread, cabbage, cheese, mayo, mustard, and some smoked bacon to make a ham sandwich. It takes time to finish the sandwich and he didn't complain because he made two sandwiches for his lunch. ‘Finally it is done, now for some drink. I think I saw some beverages in the fridge.' He looked again at the fridge and saw several beverages. ‘Great. There are some Pepmi in the fridge.' He took a can of Pepmi and opened the lid slowly. ‘All right, it's chow time.' And Al starts to eat his handmade sandwich.
After devouring all of the sandwiches, he put all the ingredients back to the fridge, washed the plates and throw the can in to the bin. He walked back to his room and looked at the time on the table again and it was 1:00. ‘I think I should go online to monitor the game.' He thought then turned on his computer. He searched for his Digivice then he stumble upon the cards he got as a gift. He immediately looked for his D. Terminal and began to type a message. "Dear, Ms. Rika. I received the gift from Ms. Kari and I was thrilled that half of the deck is rare card. I can't thank you enough for you and others. Yours Truly: Alphonse." He searched for Rika's address and sent the message. He searched again for the Digivice and then plugged it to the slot. He clicked the game and the menu appeared. A minute afterward he has logged in automatically. He put on his goggle set and starts the game.
He arrived at big city like the previous one and it is still packed with thousands of Digimon wandering around. ‘I guess this is what I should expect from online game. It's full of people.' Al browsed all of his status, skills, equipment and items. ‘Maybe I should sell all of these junks that were dropped by the monsters. Now that I think about it, aren't the monster's character were the same as the others? How can I tell them apart?' Al looked at his surroundings and saw that each and every PC had a name on his/her head. ‘If they had names showed on their head then what about the real Digimons?' Al shook his head clearing any bad thoughts from his mind. ‘I'm sure that they had things figured out.' And then he walked toward one of the store.
After selling all the items from his inventory, he felt quite disappointed for his earning. ‘A hundred and twenty bits for all items I sold; what a letdown.'
He browse at the weapon shop and purchased a novice blade which it's cost 80 bits. ‘At least I can afford this weapon. Equipping it will be the same like any RPG's, except this game can be equipped through item inventory.' Al quickly equipped the novice blade. ‘Alright, all set. Now for my first solo exploration, but where should I go first.' Al lost in his own train of thoughts about where should he go first. Then something or someone yelled behind him which gave Al a loud deaf ear and Al can't close his ear because of the goggle set.
Al looked for the culprit behind him and saw a BlackGabumon laughing his/her heart out. Al was completely pissed at this PC but when he saw the name of the PC he began to scowl. "ShadowWolf! Do you always greet people by surprising them from behind, because I don't like that it?"
ShadowWolf is still laughing his heart out and struggle to reply Al's question. "I-I'm Sorry, Albino. It's just that, you were having too much thought in your head and I can't help it from sneaking up."
"Well excuse me, for having too much plan in my head." Al said still with an angry tone.
ShadowWolf's laugh slowly died down and inhaled enough oxygen to recover his strength. "So what is on your mind, anyway?"
"I intend to look around and report to my friends if there are viruses in the area."
"Are you working with the admin or something?" ShadowWolf asked.
"No, but my friends are working there. So where should we go next?"
"How about Chip Forest, we can hunt some insect and other things."
"Alright, let's go then. Ooo... before I forget, you should heed my warning from now on, ShadowWolf." Al warned ShadowWolf before starting to explore to a new world.
Al steps on the portal and type the destination like last time and he was teleported. Al looked at the scenery and quite aware since the name gave it away. The forest weren't too thick for a start and again sees new Digimons wandering around. Three green Digimon looked like a bulb seed with two leaves on its head; one or two yellow Digimon crawling on the tree, they were like yellow caterpillar except it has a purple beak and two long antennas. There are several small light green and brown Digimons. The green one had a small horn on its forehead and the brown one had three horns which make Al think that he saw that description from somewhere.
ShadowWolf walked toward Al's side amazed with the view. "This is the first time I come to the forest, so I don't know any habitat in this place."
Al looked at ShadowWolf and smiled. "Same here."
"So um... any sign of those... virus?" He asked hesitantly.
Al was surprise by that question. "I thought that you forgot about my unknown ability." Al looked thoroughly to his surroundings. "It's okay for now. No virus in sight." He told ShadowWolf and gave him a relief sighs as a reply. Al gave a sigh of understanding and disappointment. "You shouldn't come with me in the first place, if you still scared about yesterday."
ShadowWolf suddenly felt uneasy after remembering yesterday's incident. "I know I shouldn't but after seeing you got infected yesterday, and keep on fighting. It moved my heart that I will protect my friend no matter what."
"I can see that yesterday. You tried to protect me from the herd of Angemons back then and I thank you. However it was also my task to protect you from any harm, especially being infected by the virus."
"That is true; your PC somehow evolved into something new and protected me from them."
"But in the end, I can't protect myself which conclude that I failed to protect you."
"Well there is no surprise that you can't beat the ultimate form with champion form. But lucky for you that your friends came just in time."
"Yeah, lucky for me I have great friends. Let's put things aside and shall we begin leveling up? Oh and before I forgot, here is something for you." Al opened the group menu and selects ShadowWolf to recruit him, after that he selects ShadowWolf and opened a give menu to give the novice blade to him.
ShadowWolf receive the mysterious gift and to his surprise he began to argue. "Where did you get this weapon?"
"I bought it with the money we earned from loot selling."
"Aren't you going to use it?"
"I would but I shouldn't. I should think about my friend first, beside if I know my Digimon knowledge the Gabumon form always low on strength and high on spirit which gave a range attack more effective. Consider it as a friendship gift." Al gave a light smile to ShadowWolf and began to walk forward.
For two hours straight they hunt any Digimon on sight in order to gain experience and also some loot to be sold. They went to a deeper forest where the scenery is darker because less light passed through the trees. In this part there are mushroom Digimon, brown big foot Digimon, a small green ogre with a club Digimon, a strange plant like Digimon with three red petals covering its head, an Ogremon, a Woodmon and another caterpillar Digimon except this one is green and smaller size than the previous one.
After a long hunt, they take some rest at one of the nearby tree. ShadowWolf began the conversation. "How many times have you encountered with that kind of virus?"
Al start to think first about the first time he encountered and it was traumatizes. "Yesterday was my second."
ShadowWolf looked at Al in surprise. "That was your second? When was the first?"
"The first time I got this PC at the game center, and it was the time I won't ever forget."
"Oh and why is that?" ShadowWolf asked getting quite curious about Al's story.
Al told his side story about his first encounter with the virus minus the Digimon existences. After what it seems an hour or less, ShadowWolf was completely amaze. Al beat three champion forms in rookies form with the help of two ultimate forms, and all of them were in virus effect. "That was an amazing story you have there."
"Te... hee... hee... its sure was." A mysterious child voice erupts disturbing their rest. Al and ShadowWolf looked around for the owner of the voice but no one was in sight. "Up here you silly." They looked up and saw a strange little Digimon giggling by their reaction.
‘Was it a PC but there is no name on it; could it be?' Al asked in thoughts then realizes that it wasn't a PC; it was either real Digimon or a virus.
The little Digimon is still giggling by their action and ready to jump. "Ready or not, here I come!" the little one jump free style, which makes Al and ShadowWolf reacted to catch the little one dumbfounded. Al manages to catch the little one or to be precise that this Digimon wanted to land on Al intentionally and the little one laughing gleefully. "That was a nice catch there, Agumon."
Al looked at the Digimon's figure. It looked like an insect either larva or a pupa but its body is covered something brown either dirt or old dead leaves. The face had a similarity like the green caterpillar Digimon except it was more light green and cute too. The only different is that it had an extra antenna or string on its head. It's somehow looked happy from Al's point of view. "Who are you, little one?" Al asked.
The little one replied with a male child voice. "I'm Minomon. It is nice to meet you, Agumon and BlackGabumon."
Al was completely surprise by Minomon's reply because what he is holding is a real Digimon. The reasons that he knew that it was a real Digimon because no name; he called by Al's and ShadowWolf's species name; three that there are no sign of Glitches; and four he talked like all Digimon he met before. ‘Oh... Shoot! I hope ShadowWolf didn't realize that he has no...' Al suddenly heard a clicking weapon at his side realizing that ShadowWolf is ready to lunge because of the anomalies. "name..."
Al looked at ShadowWolf and saw that he is on battle stance, ready to lunge Minomon without knowing that he is a real Digimon. "Al, stay away from that Digimon. It's a virus." ShadowWolf warned.
Al quickly replied the warning with another warning. "Stand down, Shadow. He is not a virus because I didn't see any with my eyes." Al stood and on a defensive stance.
"If he is not a virus, then how can you explain that there is no name and he can talk?"
Al began to panic for it's impossible for him to tell that this little fellow is a real life Digimon. "I-er... I-er... You won't believe me if I tell you the real thing, so trust me on this one because I'm telling you the truth."
ShadowWolf began to hesitate, conflicting whether he believe what Al's said or not. It took some time before things were back to normal but the tense rise when three vines suddenly shoot out from nowhere disarming ShadowWolf. Al looked at the source of the vines and it came from the bushes. Two figures appeared from the bushes where the vines came from. One of them flew high and unleashes its attack "SPIRAL TWISTER!" and it aim toward Al.
"Oh... Crap!" Al quickly held Minomon and dodged the attack. But he didn't realize the second attack has been unleashes "POISON IVY!" three tentacle vines shoot from the second figure and aim toward Al. ShadowWolf saw this and shield Al with his body. Al was quite surprise seeing his reaction and angered at the two intruders.
The flying one is about to attack again but it was halt by the second one. "Biyomon stop! That was Alphonse!" The flying figures suddenly stop attacking and return to next figure.
Slowly the two figures started to register on Al's vision. The flying figure looks like a pink bird with blue tip feather on certain part. Its talon, beak and index finger were dark pink. It had a sea blue eyes and a metallic ring on its left leg. The other one is more a plant-like creature which has light green skin with three purple indexes. It has a pink flower with a yellow center on the head. It also has a small tail and small bumps lining its back and dark green eyes.
Al had a huge clue of where they are from. "Are you two with the Destinies?"
The pink bird nodded and the plant one replied with a feminine voice. "We're sorry; we thought that you are one of the Glitches."
"I thought so too when you two attack me and ShadowWolf." Al responded with angry tone.
"We just want to protect the young one from any threat if possible." The pink bird quickly replied with another feminine voice.
"The young one, did you mean this Minomon?" Al looked at Minomon that somehow he is sleeping without noticed.
"Yes and it's seems he looks fond on you, I forgot to introduce ourselves. I'm Palmon." The plant Digimon introduced, "and this is Biyomon." She pointed to the bird Digimon and she bowed.
"It is a shocking pleasure to meet with you two." Al replied sarcastically. "Would you two explain to me what is going on here?"
"I would like to ask the same thing. And my name is ShadowWolf, thanks for noticing." ShadowWolf support Al's question with more sarcastic tone for being left alone.
Biyomon and Palmon gave each other and Al a discomfort looked, which gave Al a confuse face. Both of them eyed at ShadowWolf who happens to be a total stranger and entrust worthy. Al starting to get a picture about the situation and nodded, "Ooo... I see what you two mean."
Al turned to ShadowWolf knowing that he is one of a human that didn't know Digimon does exist. "ShadowWolf, would you mind to cash in our loot in the city? There is something that we as in me and the girls would like to talk to."
ShadowWolf looked very displease by my request. "So, are you kicking me out of this?"
Al clapped his claw together and begged to ShadowWolf. "Will you do it, please for our sake?" He said with a submissive tone.
ShadowWolf looked at the girls then looked at Al again. "Alright, I will. But you have to tell me something or I will burst you out in the arcade next time." ShadowWolf began to walk away to the nearest portal which nowhere in sight for now.
After ShadowWolf is gone from sight and ear shot, Al turned back to the girls and talked in low voice. "Now what is wrong here and why there is a real Digimon waltzing in this area?"
"We were scouting around at a different place till we stumble upon an unknown portal, which lead to the Land of the Beginning in Digital World." Palmon explain to Al in a low voice.
Al's eyes were wide to hear that report. ‘A hidden portal to Digital World, this I've got to see.' "A hidden portal you say, that sounds very interesting. But how did this Minomon came here?"
"The same way like we did except that he found another portal which lead here." Biyomon answered Al's question about Minomon's appearances.
"Let me get this straight. This Minomon is a naughty one and wondering around from his group and discover a portal then jump in without knowing the danger." Al summarize the events occur to them and they replied with a nod.
"Of course we followed him here and saw that you two are fighting together with Minomon on your lap. Since we don't know the whole story so we jump to conclusion that Minomon has been attacked by the Glitches." Biyomon continued.
"Well if you want to know my side of the story, I'll be glad to tell you girls." Al began to tell his side story before and after Minomon appeared suddenly into his lap, which gave the girls a slight blush for their bold conclusion. Al saw that and quickly calmed them down. "Well at least everything is okay and Minomon isn't hurt. In fact he slept soundly on my arm."
"But still, I hurt your friend back there." Palmon said with uneasy tone.
"Right, about that part; I don't really know him very well, but I think you should apologize to him when you see him again next time. Of course he had a bad temper, but he is a kind person when know him well." Al can see that Palmon slowly relaxed. "Right, shall we off to this Digital World of yours? I'd love to see what it looks like with my own eyes."
"Alright, follow us." Biyomon replied and starts to walked into deeper forest. Little did they know that someone is following them. Al and the girls were walking for minutes until they reached two trees lining at the same row. Al was confused when Palmon said that the portal is here, because what he saw is nothing more than plain trees blocking the path like wall. Biyomon looked at Al and smiled then walked pass between the trees, and in an instant she vanished. Al was completely shocked from her disappearance and then looked at Palmon which gave him a small nodded telling him to relax.
Slowly Palmon reaches Al's free claw and pull him in to the path between the trees. Al can't loosen his tense so he closed his eyes waiting the worst might come. Al keep on waiting for the unexpect event but nothing so far except some giggles which he can guess it was from the girls. "It's alright, Al. You can open your eyes now if you don't want to get tripped." Palmon warned him politely and Al replied her by opening his eyes slowly. The scenery had change from forest into grass-field plain with some bushes at one or two spots; the sky is blue with some cloudy diorama. Al turned at the portal which happened to be one of the bushes.
"That's odd. It doesn't feel anything, as if it was a normal passage way." Al said with a disbelief tone.
"It is, silly. That's why I told you to relax." Palmon said with a slight laughter.
"You didn't say that the first time." Al protested about that which makes Minomon woken from his slumber. When his eyes were open and saw Al at his side, he smiled contently and laughed as if like a new born baby seeing his mother.
"It looks like he is very fond of you. Care to adopt one for yourself?" asked Biyomon with a giggled seeing the situation.
"WHA...?" Al was completely unprepared for that kind of question. "No way, there is no way I'm going to adopt a child."
"You didn't like me, Agumon?" Minomon asked after hearing Al's answer and started to cry.
Al was completely frustrated by this reaction. ", I didn't mean that. It's just that I'm still a teenager and I don't know anything about babies yet raising one." Al explained to Minomon, Biyomon and Palmon falteringly. This gave the girls a humongous laugh by his reaction and Minomon slowly stop his crying. Al blushed and slightly annoyed by their reactions then looked at Minomon. "I'm sorry, Minomon. I didn't mean to dislike you. It's just that what I said is true, I don't know anything about babies yet raising one. Honest."
The girls kept on laughing for a moment. Palmon began to talk once she stops laughing. "Don't worry about that, I'm sure SwanMon can teach you about babysitting. If you want to that is."
"Who is SwanMon?" Al asked in interest.
"She is a caretaker and a nanny who lives in Beginning Village." Biyomon replied.
"And where is this Beginning Village, if I may ask?"
"It's right behind you, way behind you." Palmon answered his question. Al circle ling the bush to see what beyond the bush and to his amazement a huge tree stood tall with multi colored leaves that covers what is beneath it like a parasol. Beneath it lays countless bushes with some fruits on it. Biyomon and Palmon began to walk toward the tree, but Al stopped them and looked for something on the ground.
Biyomon asked the reason to stop them and Al replied, "We need a marker to know the exact place where the portal is. Some stones will do just fine, if you please."
"I think you are right about that. We didn't even know where we came from." Palmon agreed Al opinion. "But as you can see, there is no stone in miles afar."
"What type of Digimon is Minomon from?"
"He is an insect/plant type Digimon. Why do you ask?"
Al looked at Minomon, "Minomon, can you shoot some strings or webs?" Minomon shook his head that he can't. "Shoot, now where can I find something to mark this place."
"You can use feathers if you like, Agumon."
"And ruined your beautiful looks? thanks but no thanks. I better stick to...WHOA!" Al was surprised by another mysterious feminine voice coming from behind.
"Aww... How very nice of you, Agumon. I'm still vacant though." The feminine voice owner spoke. She looks like a white-silver swan with some dark silver at the tip of the feather. She wore metallic armor on her chest, flippers and head.
Al is still in his surprise state. "Who... What the heck is... Wait, what did she just said?" Al began to stammer and fell on his rear.
The swan-like Digimon is giggled by Al's reaction. "He is such a timid Agumon, don't you think?" she asked to the girls.
"Well this is his first time ever been to the Digital World." Biyomon replied also with another laugh by Al's reaction.
"What do you mean? You said it like he isn't from around here."
"That's because he isn't from the Digital World, Swanmon."
The swan Digimon named Swanmon looked surprise by that answer. "You mean that he isn't a Digimon?"
Al regained his feet and introduced himself. "No, I'm not. My name is Alphonse or Albino. I'm a human and you can call me Al, Swanmon."
Swanmon looked confuse by Al's answer. "Human, are you sure about that because you looked like a normal Agumon to me."
"Are you sure of yourself? Tell me how many have you seen an Agumon with ‘White Eyes' and wears an ‘Armband'?" Al asked with specific details about his characteristic.
Swanmon looked carefully at Al's characteristic and realize what he meant. "You are right. Not many Agumon have those, in fact none of them are."
"Thank you for noticing it, although it is too late." Al rubbed his sore rear. ‘Ow... that never happened before. Could be it have the same effects like the Glitches?'
"If you are a human, how come you had a Digimon looks?" Swanmon asked about Al's appearance.
"I was playing a certain kind of game which turned every human into a Digimon. While I played with my human friend, I stumble upon this cute Minomon here. By the way, is this yours?" Al explained the short version and showed Minomon to Swanmon.
"Why... Where have you been? Swanmon is worrying sick of your absent." She scolded the Minomon and he is trembled in fright.
"Don't be too hard on him, Swanmon. I think that this little fellow is an adventure type because of his curiosity about everything." Al told Swanmon to calm down from her anger then looked at Minomon. "And for you, my young mischievous adventurer, make sure you talked to Aunt Swanmon before you start wandering off because I'm sure that you need an adult protection. Do you understand?" Minomon looked at Al and nodded then hug him tight.
Swanmon gasp by Minomon's action. "My Lord, this is the first." Al looked confuse by her reaction. "I'm sorry for that, but this is the first time I saw that Minomon is very fond to someone. He usually didn't." Al didn't know what to say except raised his shoulder telling her ‘You got me...'.
"Well anyway, if you're a human than all I could say is welcome to the Digital World."
That's it for this chapter. I do hope you all enjoy the series so far. I do thank you for those who fave the previous chapter. I also do accept any comments and critics. P.S.: I do hope you like your char and plot, ShadowWolf.