More that he Bargained For Pt. 1
If the rumors tell true the great duncan fiercestride should be able to crush a troll's skull with only one hand, yet here you are, brought in by my guards no less." "you men merely caught me unaware," grumbled duncan as he looked away.
Alabaster and the Ring of Winter - Prologue
Some of the hardiest and most ferocious creatures of the world called it home, ranging from destructive glacial worms that created the vast, subterranean caverns beneath the tundra, to the wandering and nomadic yetis, clans of wicked ice trolls, and even a
The Saga of Fidonhaal - Daughters of the East - Bestiary (Appendix Sample 1)
**_maglakon_** - their name translating to "cursed giant," a maglakon is also known as an ogre or troll. they have the form of a large, tall fidon with no fur, along with large eyes and extremely sharp claws and teeth.
Chimerical 122
So, i traveled to anvil to help my guild brothers and sisters slay a troll that found its way into the nearby fields. after the deed was done, i went to a tavern to celebrate and overheard an old man talking with the barkeep.
Degeneracy Pressure (Chapter 1)
\>you're really starting to have some doubts about the geeky-asian-chick-trolling-you theory.
Good Enough Chapter 12
"just trolling around," kris said. "wasting time," chris remarked.
Beer Brawl
"how dare you compare me to that selfish, evil little troll with a rat's tail!" "woah, seems like josee & ryan aren't having such a fun trip, huh?" pepper asks.
Born For Loyalty Chapter 9
That's just trolling the poor mare, jeeze. give her a stressed day she didn't need to go through. totally not cool._ _a few days after that we had a stampede of cows that were scared by a snake of all things.
Witch Blood - 04
It was an odd thing to see dwarf runes, troll etchings, and witch wards next to the holy symbols of_the one_ but they formed an efficient barrier of containment around the place.
A Dragons Tale-Chapter 28-Factory Spec
I could see large numbers of guard's trolling around. the light from the factory's many lights shone into my eyes and stung them. taking her g3 from her back,mnerloth began to scan the area.
purple's camping trip
Leave him alone, do not report this or i will report you for trolling!
The Cracked Mesa Irregulars: part 5
I was just wondering since, well, orcs look so brutal when they do it. and trolls aren't much better. but i'd better set these things down. rohu's fond of tripping anyone with a big load."