The Lord Tiranis, An Origin, Book 5 (part 2 of 13)

Tiranis is a world of humans and furries, of super science and super powers, of ordinary people and extraordinary ones.

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chapter 15 - there like us

Annabel are you listening to me" i nodded for speaking up " they not dangerous roo like us and the others and they speak, and one of them is like a super smart or super rude but doesn't matter there's more of us now" as i said it i hope could hardly believe

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Vengeance Set 3 (11-15)

Hey, nathan here's your first card, 'super sonic.' nathan: nice! "super sonic execute!" nathan scanned in the card and renamon claws glowed black. renamon: just like old times! super sonic claw!

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Shadow Of A Doubt - Ch. 23 - A Blast From The Past

That also meant that serenity was now obligated to do research for the military as well, which included this super soldier program. they weren't dumb enough to just make any regular super soldiers, though."

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Raven Wolf - Book 01 - Chapter 15

"he's super soldier." kit gasps in amazement, a title like that was just too cool. "oh wow really! a super soldier!? no wonder he was so hard for you to fight!!!"

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Raven Wolf - Book 03 - Chapter 09

"these are the super soldier documentation files."

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You’re my superdog

Soon enough he was barking into the wind, maybe not super barking...but in bolt's mind it was something much different. bolt sooned joined him in his barking.

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Vexen's Own Story! Part 4

Using his super nerd strength, my newly aquired friend violently molested the pandas, giving me time to think over what he might have done to me if i had gotten a better set of pokemon cards than he had.

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Reptilia Squad main characters

Because of his super-strength - as well as super-speed, extraordinary endurance and other attributes -, that komodo dragon is feared even without any weapon. trivia: lenin's clothes are particularly ornate.

Jon Mahon Thanksgiving

This made josh super excited and he shouted "doritos!" and jumped on his desk and farted while dancing. that was illegal.

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The Lord Tiranis, An Origin, Book 5 (part 4 of 13)

Tiranis is a world of humans and furries, of super science and super powers, of ordinary people and extraordinary ones.

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Friends of the moon, chapter one: The beast of the forrest

They first met in the super market, duke lost his mother while shopping in the market. first duke was scared and fasinated from the man-liked boy. speedy was big, muscled and super friendly.

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